How to make an angel costume for the new year 2015 with his own hands for girl

 angel costume for the new year

Do you want your child to look for the new year and his original costume was different from the others? Make him a suit with his hands. Angel costume is not too difficult to manufacture, does not require large material costs, but it can look really impressive and perfect for girls.

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How to make a Christmas candle holder for candles with their hands


There are two mandatory tradition to celebrate the New Year - a glass of champagne and a Christmas candle. Some also salad, but without it you can still do, but without a candle - in any way. We suggest you make an original fancy candle for Christmas candles with their hands.

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Fashion makeup, how to create a unique image of the New Year 2015

 Make-up for the new year

Every woman wants to look stunning in a New Year's Eve and with just the right make-up can achieve the desired result. What should make the main night of 2015? How to look to celebrate the New Year?

All this and not only, please read the article.

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New Year how to lose weight without dieting to 7 kg, a plan of action

 Lose weight for the new year

Approaching the long-awaited New Year holidays, and you do not fit into your favorite dress? Do not worry - this time just enough in order to get in shape, to become slim and beautiful. The main outline for yourself the right action plan how to lose weight for the new year.

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Birthday Santa Claus date

 Birthday Santa Claus

Ded Moroz - fabulous favorite character familiar to all, adults and children, a mandatory New Year's Eve party, a kind grandfather, gave gifts. In November, celebrate the birthday of Santa Claus in Russia, more about the traditions and history, read the article.

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 Funny humorous poems Old New Year 2011, congratulations to the Old New Year


Hello again, sour cucumber,

With caviar and vodka, fresh sandwich,

When it comes to the end of the New

By knocking at our house Old New Year!

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 Congratulations friend at Christmas


A friend of mine, will please diligently,

After all, it's Christmas all of a sudden!

Let glimmer of hope in the heart!

Take all the congratulations, friend!

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 Grandmother Greetings


Old New Year comes, grandmother,

Congratulations on your soul.

Let the special feeling of a holiday

At that moment I will please you.

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 Old New Year SMS

SMS to friends Old New Year


Let them not be evil and misfortune,

Well, love comes to all,

Let the fun a light -

Comes Old New Year!

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 Christmas greetings


Every year, all over again

I love this day ever stronger.

Merry Christmas congratulations

And I wish you, not pain,

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 Christmas Greetings

Dec. 25 Christmas holiday in the western Christians


Quiet walks on our streets

Referring everywhere everyone and everything,

Making the world a little more beautiful,

Comes to us, Catholics, Christmas again!

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 Husband Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas, my dear and beloved,

The most gentle and most native.

Stay you happiest -

My strong support, the wall.

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