Celebration on February 23 as a note on February 23 February 23 competitions

In the final month of winter is celebrated February 23 holiday real men.

The Defender of the Fatherland Day is customary to give gifts to all representatives of the stronger sex. It is not important whether the person has served in the army or not.

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Ivan Kupala verses to the holidays, greetings, wishes

 Feast of St. John the Baptist


Go hunting for witches ancient,

In the forest fairies, princes miracles

And the voice of those first progenitors,

Vzmetnetsya leaves, overflowing timber.

Jubilee 50 years mother greetings, wishes

 Congratulations on the anniversary of my mother in 50 years


My dear mother - you fifty,

But do not fall into sadness.

Now reverse the years will fly

And it all - we need only to want.

 Horoscope for January


That finally came to the New Year, a long-awaited holiday for children and adults. But first and foremost, the new year - a new beginning, change events. To start the new year well and know what awaits you and how you prepare for these events bring to your attention - Horoscope for the month of January 2014 for all zodiac signs.

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Signs to attract money


Please note signs to attract money, follow simple rules and buy a bigger wallet.

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Recipes of traditional medicine in the treatment of diseases: Walnut, hazelnut nutmeg, oats, sow thistle, ammonia ...


Walnut oil.

To 300 g of oil to add 4-5 fresh eggs yolks, stir. Apply the ointment on marlechku, applied to burns 2-3 times a day.

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How to interpret dreams


Before interpret dreams, we obviously need to be sure that it is a worthy occupation. It is no secret that many consider a dream delirium than - something meaningless and useless: the dream is a cesspool of our mind, the scum of the day, rational thinking.

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It is easy to wake up in the morning


If you are a "night owl" and your life you are completely satisfied with the schedule, it is possible that our advice you to anything. However, it so happens that the most convinced "owl" lifestyle change

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To dream about a beautiful smooth forehead - promise you the strengthening of reputation, which will contribute to your good judgment and a commitment to justice.

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See newly furnished bedroom - happy change for someone who sees the dream.

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The application and the correct location of the mirrors in the apartment

 The use of mirrors and location of mirrors in the apartment
Use of mirrors

Feng Shui mirror - is a special subject that should be used with caution. The application and the correct location of the mirrors in the apartment. Not always and everywhere a good mirror.

Let's look for the start of its properties:

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Aromatherapy: harmony in life


Aromatherapy - an integral part of the art of Feng Shui, especially popular today. Essential oils - natural components is converted into a liquid state. These drops flowers have life force of plants from which they are derived.

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Solar eclipse the importance and influence

 Solar eclipse the importance and influence, the theme of the report of the eclipse of the sun, photos

The solar eclipse on earthlings affects even bigger than the moon.

It occurs when the Moon and the Earth, moving in their orbits are arranged in a line with the sun, with the moon in the middle.

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