Honey and longevity


Secrets medoterapii

Honey drink - live long

The value of the use of honey for human longevity

Thinkers and physicians of antiquity attached great importance to honey, considering that the use of it in food helps extend human life.

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An infectious disease is an infectious disease, the recommendation

Botkin's disease

An infectious disease that affects the liver tissue. If diagnosed promptly and treatment is carried out in the hospital, after treating liver little or not to bother.

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Reasons for the use of structured water

 Structured water

Structured water normalizes the function of all organs and systems (including energy transfer, self-regulation and the flow of all biological reactions), promotes bowel cleansing (removal of toxins) and the whole organism.

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Fighting insomnia folk methods


What is sleeplessness, many of us do not have to explain. This disease so exhausting that it no longer is a question of some sort of health or a positive frame of mind. That is why it is important to find a proper way to treat insomnia, which is not harmful to health and help to cope with the loss of strength.

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Alcohol and the heart: to drink or not to drink


Recently in the press are increasing reports with reference to the foreign experts about the fact that drinking alcohol in moderation has beneficial effects on the heart, and so those who do not drink, you need to quit addiction to sobriety. True or not? If so, what to do?

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  10 tips on how to quit smoking


Avoid smoking on the day and time that you have chosen for themselves. Not before, and not later. If you usually smoke, say, 40 cigarettes a day, ready to 40 daily cravings. If they do not appear, it means that you suppress their true desires.

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It's time to lose weight! Choose clothes for fitness


Physical education - is the key to health, a slim figure, inflated biceps and ultimately to the good mood.

Do not wait for spring or any other pulse in order to go to the gym - sports lessons a better deal on a regular basis.

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Lymph at home: efficiency, methods, indications

 Lymph at home

Lymphatic drainage - a normalization of lymph tissue, which promotes the resorption of subcutaneous fat formations, the excretion of toxins, muscle relaxation. Popular hardware procedures performed in salons, today there is an alternative - lymphatic drainage in the home, which can be carried out with the help of special devices, improvised and even-handed. In other words - it is self-massage, which normalizes the lymphatic system.

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Methods of physical therapy


In modern medicine, physiotherapy   It applied to medical and medical - prophylactic purposes.

Methods of physical therapy   developed on the principles of health are closely linked to the public and the scientific development of physical culture.

Physiotherapy   - A relatively new method. But the main means of physiotherapy - exercises - has long been known in medical practice.

In an effort to alleviate the suffering in various diseases, even in the distant past, people were looking for appropriate remedies in the flora and fauna in the physical phenomena of nature, using for this purpose the water, light, motion.

In different periods of human development, traditional medicine is used in its arsenal of therapeutic agents also physiotherapy exercises - Exercise .

In this regard, we must admit that a retrospective look at the path, on the one hand, will help us to highlight the main stages in the development of this method, and the other - to identify and assess the misperceptions in the use of physical exercise for therapeutic purposes .

Method of exercise to the overall strengthening and treatment of people employed at the various peoples of the ancient world, especially in the East.

So, the first remarkable historical work, which set out the foundations of ancient Chinese medicine, was the book "Huangdi Neytszin" (about nature and life), consisting of 18 volumes.

This work, representing an encyclopedia of medical knowledge at the time, served as an important guide for many generations of Chinese doctors. In some matters he has not lost its importance to the present.

In this book the first time reflected the experience of traditional medicine in ancient China on the use of exercise and, in particular, the breathing exercises.

One of the founders of the Chinese medical gymnastics was a doctor Huato (II century BC. E.), Which described exercise technique, used for therapeutic purposes .

In ancient China used physiotherapy in the treatment of spinal curvature, fractures and dislocations. Chinese doctors disseminate practical information on the use of the gym and massage.

What you need to know when preparing for pregnancy


Conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby - a natural process which contributes to nature itself. But not always the appearance of a new man given easily to his parents.

Let's see, what to do ...

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