How to get rid of bad thoughts


Before answering this question it should be recalled that the bad thoughts are considered to be those that predict failure and unhappiness. Of course, such thoughts are negative and very damaging. How can I get rid of bad thoughts, read the article.

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Ode to a favorite


Print off and hang it on the wall.

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How do I get my laziness to work for themselves


All of us in varying degrees, are lazy. If you suffer from laziness, it is being said around the famous advertising, then we go to you.

You can and should make their laziness to work for themselves.

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How to change your life. Four agreements


Four agreements in order to change their lives.

Your word must be perfect

Speak openly and honestly. Speak only what is really meant.

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Find enough time for yourself


Sometimes it seems that your life is no longer belong to you - work, family and other responsibilities so absorb it, that looking back at the last day, we do not understand where the time has disappeared! It is no wonder that many of us feel as if life is passing, and there is nothing they can do about it.

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Bad habits and what to do with them


We, the girls, there is a big bunch of bad habits, from which we did not want to get rid of just because it is our true feminine charm.

But, as it turns out, not all of our antics and habits can be as harmless as we think.

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Attention Girls: I have dealt with marriage!


Ah, gone are the golden days, when the statistics of ten girls had nine children.

Now one man is necessary as many as five or six "female souls"! Moreover, considerable demand for divorced men: they are "equipped with" experience - and life, and family.

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To marry a foreigner - a fairy tale it?


Each of us is a child believes or wants to believe in a fairy tale, a prince on a white horse, then, that our lives turn into a fabulous story. Therefore, knowing that the Russian woman enjoying success abroad, we begin to plan, to dream of a better life, a foreign husband is about the prince on a white horse,

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How to Marry, a trap for a nice bachelor


Do not sinned against the well-known truth, if we say that every woman wants to get married.

Only here the man now in no hurry to get married. Celibacy may concern the immediate future, and maybe a lifetime. So, you got an inveterate bachelor.

What to do? Why did not he marry?

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Raptors with expressive eyes, the types of men

 Raptors with expressive eyes, the types of men

How well were the ladies in the eighteenth century, all of them have decided to mama: To build eyes, and with whom to be strict, let someone handle to kiss and who to give on ... cheeky face fan. And then all the "catchers" inexperienced ladies fit into a strict classification.

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How to stay friends after the divorce

 After divorce

On the Internet there is a huge amount of useful and useless tips on how you can remain friends after the divorce. But let's not build castles in the air, and let's not deceive ourselves and others, and to be honest and frank - not always after any divorce, you can stay with the former in good or even tolerance. And yet there are a few recommendations for women Read more in the article.

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Secrets about men that every woman should know!

 Secrets about men that every woman should know!
Secrets about men

I Did you ever have "instructions to the men?" If you buy a toaster or an answering machine, with it you always get a nice little booklet that helps you understand the purchase of machinery, explains its features and warns you how not to hurt yourself by using it.

But what about the men and the secrets of men?

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