My story is about a beautiful love


The history of my beautiful love, but with a sad ending. It began as a film about love, I worked as a waitress, he would drop us to drink tea. His name was Elijah. Long did not dare to talk to me, but it strongly favors rendered, smiling, left chocolates tip.

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A story of love Shell on the beach

 A story of love Shell on the beach

Love, whether we know in fact, what is this feeling? Who of us can truthfully say that it was love? The fact that a person experiences love and not something else, in fact, knows neither he nor anyone else. It is said that love crazy, some scratching himself because of her life ...

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Hygiene skills and knowledge of physiotherapy

 Hygiene skills and knowledge of physiotherapy

Acquired in hospitals hygiene knowledge and skills of physiotherapy will be transferred to patients and household situation.

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Exercise can speed healing and restore movement

 Exercise can speed healing and restore movement

Influence of biological functional stimulus

Influence of biological function of the stimulus - movement, exercise - to accelerate healing, restore movement in the morphological structure of the tissue support work

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Therapeutic exercise part of an integrated treatment of various patients


Therapeutic exercise - an integral part of medicine. Theory and practice of modern medicine confirms that the best success of the treatment takes place in a complex impact on the patient's medical means.

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Exercise for a sick person

 Exercise for a sick person

Fundamentals of physiological and therapeutic action

For a proper understanding of the therapeutic value of the method of physical therapy is essential for the study of the action of exercise on the body healthy and the sick person.

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Exercise therapeutic exercises

 Physical exercise

Reduced physical activity

The final section of the procedure therapeutic exercises physical activity reduced through the use of lightweight and simplistic assumptions exercises.

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Contraindications to the use of physical therapy

 Contraindications to the use of physical therapy

Contraindications to the use of physiotherapy in surgery and trauma, and (with the inclusion of dentistry I) are:

general grave condition of the patient;

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Games table tennis, volleyball and tennis

 a game of table tennis

This game of table tennis in recent years has been applied much wider. The presence of certain dimensions of the table and set to play: net and rackets with balls, do not cause organizational difficulties.

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Your first financial goal


I remember that I once said to Mr. Shoaffu:

"If I had more money, my plan would have been better."

He quickly replied:

"I believe that if your plan was better, then you would have more money."

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How to get a pay rise


Good to profit from real estate, interest from bank deposits, dividends from shares and government securities, to marry the president of a major campaign to win a few million in a lottery. But what if you have only their own operational capacity,

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Money Law


Indeed, like money bill.

  But, in addition, they want to be ruled by intelligent people who know how to properly make, store, save, spend. Especially if the money - family ... Edit finances need to learn from the first days of family life.

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Marry rich. Part 2


Among women, it is widely believed that the marriage   - it is a way to solve many problems: loneliness, children, money ... I'm ashamed to say, I think so too. But a psychologist and a lawyer, a family mediator a consultation Labkovsky Mikhail claims it is a profound mistake.

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