Find love


We want to find love - start with yourself

Again on the subject of self-love.

The other day I heard from a friend: "Well, is not it, Prince, where do I get it? I am looking to meet, and it's not that all or busy, or "mine", not "the Prince." Well, what are the reasons? "

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Modern poetry about life and love I can be strong and free

 Snow love

New modern author poems about life and love

The poems on the theme of love winter snow love

I can be strong and free

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Your happiness - in your hands


The road by walking.

Everyone understands it in his own way, of course. And, of course, it can be different at different times, even for the same person. Here are some dictionary definitions of happiness: "Happiness - a state in the desired satisfaction."

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Express-method for solving problems


If you have learned not to worry about small things, you've taken the first step on the way to a happy life. However, it must also respond appropriately to unexpected problems. How to learn it?

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Become a money magnet-3!


Part 3

We continue our conversation about bringing more money in their own lives. Let's start the third part of the article with the exercises.

Exercises "Breathing money"

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Negative emotions cause human disease

 Emotions and diseases: negative emotions cause disease
Emotions and diseases: negative emotions cause disease

Scientists have proved that the destructive, destructive, negative human emotions that cause suffering, cause various diseases.

Ever since ancient times healers and witch doctors were in charge of that people with a certain disposition, with a special constitution very often suffer from certain diseases.

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How to speed up metabolism?


Metabolism or metabolism, everyday sense - is the speed with which the body processes nutrients contained in food, and converts them into power. People with rapid metabolism typically have fewer problems with obesity.

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The suit is goat year.
Serious and goat boduchy.
All of us, he will bring happiness.
Horse it smaller, but it is better!

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What to cook for New Goats 2015, New Year dishes


Already come autumn, and we inevitably thoughts of the coming winter, more precisely on the winter holidays! In the first place about the most important festival, New Year's celebration! What promises us oriental horoscope for 2015? The coming year is completely dedicated to the Green Wood Kose.

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 With old New Year greetings


What is the Old New Year?

It means - happiness comes to us again!

Once again, congratulations to the mass

And the wishes of happiness and luck ...

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I congratulate you on the Christmas holidays!
Let the Milky Way and stars on it
It settles on your clothes strazikami!
You shone like a king in!

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Congratulations happy student friends in 2014 verses

 Happy student


Friends, students, congratulations

With a cheerful holiday all of you.

Let your guard Tatiana

Blessing every hour.

 Congratulations to the baptism


I want you to heartily congratulate Baptism

And only the best words to you all send!

Let Now the holy ablutions

Add to you good luck and fortune ...

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