10 myths about the work of the


My article "10 reasons why you do not have to work" quickly became very popular, so I found that it would be nice to write something about the realities of working for themselves. There are so many myths about the work itself (especially between the lifelong employees), that for the beginning it would be good to dispel some of them.

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Bad habits and career


Cigarettes and alcohol - our friends or our enemies? In the new century, it is fashionable to be healthy. There are vegetarian business lunch, pedaling in the health club, relax in nature. However, this does not prevent the majority of people smoke or drink alcohol frequently. As a child, it was considered a bad habit to point the finger and nail biting.

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How to cook hodgepodge, recipes for yogurt, kvass, water

 How to cook hodgepodge

One of the most popular dishes of Russian cuisine is a hash. In this article you will learn how you can better prepare a delicious cold soup, which are necessary ingredients, different detailed recipes with kefir, classic grandmother hash on kvass, water and mayonnaise.

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Cook the eggplant for winter with mayonnaise

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How to close for winter tomatoes without sterilization

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Domestic billet conservation for the winter, experienced gardeners advice

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Sore throat, febrile diseases, flu folk remedies for treatment


When angina - giving teas:

(it should be remembered diphtheria)

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Folk remedies, recipes to cleanse and strengthen the body

Cleansing the blood is carried out by the following method, it requires:

1) Take 2 kg of grapefruit +1 kg orange +1 kg lemon.

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Acute and chronic colitis


Colitis is one of the most common diseases of the large intestine, are difficult to treat.

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 Congratulations on the anniversary of 20 years loved the guy in verse

Favorite guy


Happy Anniversary you, my beloved!

I congratulate you on your birthday!

Twenty years - it is incomprehensible.

Maybe, on average - then without a doubt.

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Congratulations on the anniversary of 25 years of beautiful poetry

 Congratulations on the anniversary of 25 years

Congratulations to the guy with the 25 anniversary


Birthday - always a special holiday,

And the anniversary - a special hundred times!

And now my friend and colleague

Over the years, I have become a little bit rich!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 30 years old girl

 Congratulations to the 30 anniversary


The thirtieth anniversary of your beautiful

I hasten to congratulate you most!

And wish happiness and kindness,

That your life is a joy flowed!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 35 years friend

 on the anniversary of 35 years friend


Your anniversary, girlfriend, holiday daunting!

Today will be a lot of congratulations!

And thirty-five you will meet with a dream! -

The fate of you, believe me, will not forget!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 40 years old woman

 Congratulations on the anniversary

Beloved Woman


Everyone knows: in forty years

Life is just beginning.

Let love and kindness

It lights up your way!
