How to get rich, the basic laws of wealth


The real wealth is measured not only by the size of the bank account, but rather the presence of a sufficient amount of money to enable good and free to live life on earth. How to get rich and how to become rich? It turns out that in order to get rich, you need to learn to act according to certain laws of wealth.

Only eight percent of men and two percent of women can be considered financially independent, and less than one percent of the world's population - rich people. The greater part of mankind ekes out a miserable existence. As we know "such things" minority? Maybe it smarter, more educated, hard-working or is it just minions of fortune?

No, these people know that they manage their lives independently. It is from the moment when we take responsibility for their lives over and start purposefully change it, we will have strength to carry out the dream. But you need to know the laws of wealth, allowing to acquire wealth.

How to get rich, the basic laws of wealth

1. The power of the subconscious beliefs

People reach what they believe, can achieve. All our life circumstances - a reflection of our subconscious beliefs. Therefore, people tend to earn as much as the ability to earn. It all begins with faith. First of all, you need to create a positive opinion about the abundance. The winner is the only one who believes that he can win.

2. The strength of the all-consuming desire

Nothing worth you can not achieve anything in life, if you will not be all-consuming desire to achieve. You should make every effort (excluding damage to self-esteem, health and relationships). Think of the suffering associated with a lack of funds, imagine the pain experienced during a difficult financial position.

3. The strength of the clarity of intentions

You can have everything in life is what you want, provided that you know exactly what you want and why. Pinpoint goals, motives and time to achieve. Not to say I want to become rich, you need to determine the exact amount of money you want to have. Always articulate goals as positive affirmations in the present tense. Mentally visualize implement them.

4. How to get rich strength of a comprehensive plan of action

It is necessary to develop a strategy and draw up an action plan conceived by listing it at least 10 possible ways to achieve the goal. Some one, surely, would be true. And do not forget about the organization, if you want to succeed. By agreeing to do some work, ask yourself: 1) Deliver Do I enjoy this kind of work? 2) Is it my abilities? 3) Approx she me to achieve financial goals?

5. The strength of expertise

None of those who managed to amass great wealth, did not do so, not having special knowledge ... tax law, the program of investment and savings, its scope of business, as well as the desires and needs of customers. You do not have to know everything, but you need to know where and how to find all that is known about what you need.

How to become a rich tenacity 6. Power

Be persistent. After any action, which did not lead to the desired result, ask yourself the question: "Up to what point I acted correctly? "If you learn from the experience, which gives you each your attempt, your efforts are always successful. So do your analysis of each failure. The difference between those who achieve success and those who do not succeed, usually is not talent, but perseverance.

7. Power control costs

The wealth is not determined by how much money you earn, but the fact how well you can live on the money earned. Controlling costs helps to lead a happy life within the available income and helps to increase the income.

How to get rich

8. The strength of integrity

"What is a man profited, if he gain the whole world but lose his own hurt" - it is written in the Bible. Trying to create wealth through deception and fraud - is like to build a house on sand. For a long time he would not stand for. Choosing a course of action in business or personal life, first think: Is it legal? It is moral? Will I be able to sleep peacefully? I'd like to know about it are my children, relatives?

9. The power of faith

Always "act as if you have already achieved the goal," and you are sure to succeed. This trust your gut feeling - Listen to your intuition.

10. The strength of charity

Do you want to receive - it gives. Whatever you give, comes back to you multiplied form, so do good, be merciful, because by helping others, you help yourself. If possible, give part of their income to the needy. By helping others, you are imprinted in his mind the image of abundance is fully and quickly implemented in your life.

Follow these basic laws of wealth, in order to get rich!

Become a money magnet-3!


Part 3

We continue our conversation about bringing more money in their own lives. Let's start the third part of the article with the exercises.

Exercises "Breathing money"

This technique does not hide the fact that complicated. But those who are engaged in ever yoga, it may seem easy and convenient.

"Breath of money" you can do whenever you want, and everywhere, but it is very effective in areas of maximum accumulation of money: especially in a bank or investment company.

Besides the fact that this method works on the attraction of money, it also helps to rejuvenate, refresh and heal the body, in particular - when running on a street near the trees in good weather, spring or summer, when all nature thrives.

I want to warn you when performing this technique can worsen chronic diseases, emotional and psychological problems. All of them are an obstacle to achieving prosperity.

Therefore, as soon as you feel an obstacle in the flow of energy through your body for money, the so-called blocks, to work with them already known to you methods of healing, be it therapy, such as Reiki energy impact, cleaning the aura candle, etc.

1. So, focus on your left hand and try to breathe through it. Feel that your hand into a hollow tube, which is shortened breath and exhale longer.

2. Get a clear sense of changing the length of the hands on the inhale and exhale.

3. Repeat the above with your right hand.

4. Now certainly Preform with two hands.

5. Go to the breath left leg.

6. Now move on to breathing right foot. As a rule, through the feet to breathe harder. This suggests two things: that you are less aware of the lower body part of your body, and that your connection with the energies of the ground is weak.

7. Breathe two legs simultaneously. Capture the feeling of shortening the legs on inspiration and lengthening on expiration.

8. Keep breathing down, and adding a breath of hands.

9. Perform simultaneous breathing and kicking two or three minutes.

10. Now add the breath of the entire surface of the body. Keep the feeling that the air penetrates into your body through every centimeter of your physical shell and just goes.

11. complicate the task. Feel that with each breath you are the entire surface of the body suck money out of the surrounding space: the money is still a tie, they can be yours.

12. Make sure - do not leave any money on the exhale your body. Remember to exhale, the money supply should not leave the body and accumulate in the lowest part of the abdomen.

13. And now feel the body through the pores in the first inspiratory cycle in you include the money, and on the exhale part of them sent to the realization of your plans (whether buying new shoes, pay a trip abroad, the monthly payment for the loan, and more, what your soul wishes).

14. Proceed to the second cycle of breath. Now, some of the money that passes through your body settles in the area Svadhishthana chakras (lower abdomen). 15. Again, follow the first cycle.

16. Recognize that you - and through you channel flows a certain amount of material and spiritual wealth, money, but some part of them settle, but some - moves on.

Next method of attracting money associated with biorhythms, Moon.

This technique is called "Moon Goddess Mantra." And you need a certain reserve of patience and inner strength to carry out the following ways to improve their financial condition.

Be aware that the moon appear through all the female energy - the energy of all the Goddesses of all religions of the world. In our physical layer of existence, only two physical energy: the energy of the mother and the energy of the demonic worlds.

The first - very favorable, it is associated with such concepts as many colors, bountiful harvest, happy family, healthy children, prosperity, good luck.

The second - which carries the film of your life: poverty, disease, collapse of plans, aging, deficiencies, chronic failure.

Have frequent setbacks in a person's life, including in financial terms, due to the presence of demonic energy not only in humans but also in the things that surround the man or woman. And to change this state of affairs can only be of demonic expulsion energy and energy involving the mother worlds.

So, for the ritual:

1. It is necessary to choose the time of the full moon.

2. Go outside.

3. Your feet should rest on the ground, hands - to be extended, palms to the moon.

4. After you have made the position of the body, as described in the preceding paragraph, say for twelve minutes following mantra: Aum Sri Gaya Adi Chandra Ayia Namah.

5. Feel the end of the twelfth minute of your body is literally buzzing like a swarm of bees.

6. Repeat the ritual for twelve full moons. Do not be lazy, because the blue moon you come down the flow of money, heal the body, and good luck will be accompanied in all cases. For "lazy" to report that steady growth in income will you have after the third full moon.

7. After twelve full moons continue to perform the technique of "Moon Goddess Mantra" every full moon. Remember, if you miss one, will have to start all over again. Of course, twelve full moons difficult to sustain.

Especially in this period, you may begin nightmares or just not very pleasant dream, always will be the reluctance to carry out the ritual. But you know, all of this - you have adverse effect on the forces that do not want to leave you alone.

I advise you to go from the beginning to the end, if you really want good financial results.

The next way to luring money also associated with the moon.

This "ceremony at the new moon."

1. On the day after the new moon go outside (it is possible on the balcony).

2. Place the right hand the greatest of your existing bills.

3. Show the bill of the new moon.

4. Ask your own words to attract money into your life.

5. Finally, repeat three times: "As the month comes and grows, and the money I have (further - your name) grows arrive. Verily! "

To be continued…
