The book as a way to wealth


The book does not read and to study. "The book is a book, and his mind move", "small book, and gave the mind" - what we have proverbs know about books? I like just such, though not saying, but it's wise phrase: not a millionaire makes the book, and the book - a millionaire.

Well, in the sense that very rich people rarely write books, and if they write these books are rarely applied to ordinary mortals benefits knocking up state. That is, the book does not wealthy readers, and writers.

A reader has become a millionaire just from experience. Although the book is the book of hatred and thoughts of others from it may well become an assistant in the difficult task of creating and developing businesses. The main thing - to separate the wheat from the chaff, and a blank book by very useful.

So we have improved their skills in the area of ​​money, millionaire-mentor, Professor Emeritus, founder of training company "Global System for Training" Robert Fletcher has published his first book - "Secrets of Millionaires. Time. Money. Contacts. Skills and abilities. Credibility ".

About preparing to release a book, Robert told us in confidence in the past year, and that - happened! Robert Fletcher Ukraine revealed the secrets of millionaires. The book is not easy, even unique. It is a significant addition to the training program of GST, although it will be interesting not only for the students training, but just to readers.

The book contains the necessary information on how to set goals and achieve them, to generate and implement business ideas, finding the right partners, invest wisely and much more interesting and, most importantly, useful!

Usually books on issues of personal growth, increase income, build their businesses, written by people who have not reached the peaks of well-being, but only seeking to him. Besides these books are generally very theoreticity.

In contrast, the book by Robert Fletcher's "Secrets of Millionaires" essentially characterized by its practicality - following the advice of a millionaire, you can achieve prosperity. After all, this book - part of the experience of the millionaire-mentor that will help you succeed in any biznespoprische.

Robert Fletcher himself says that he spent writing her a lot longer than 6 months, who had gone to prepare publication of the book, and a lot more money than its actual publication. Millionaire Mentor came to this book for many years, earning his first and all subsequent millions acquiring invaluable experience millionaire.

Now this experience is described in the paper as a guide to action, and its readers are immune from many mistakes that not only beginners but also experienced businessmen. "Use! "- Says the millionaire-mentor. But what is a book? It is known, will not make you richer.

Your success depends on you and no one else, and without your desire, without persistent and hard work, change the way of thinking of the first million you do not see, like, sorry, their ears.

Curiously, one of the trainings Robert Fletcher, where I was able to visit himself a millionaire mentor discouraged people to buy your book. "It's too long, and the richer you will not do it" - said the millionaire. - "It is better to invest that money! "

But the trainers and trainees, in spite of such an amazing advice of his mentor, buy books. They understood that the "Secrets of Millionaires" - not a book to read and to study. So says the author, it is strongly recommended to read this book more than once, so as not to lose a single idea, not one's own thoughts, which appeared after reading this book.

The book includes blocks for individual work - after each chapter one or two pages are reserved to secure the reading material and writing their own ideas. For those purposes, the company released a special GST textbook details of which - in the next issue.

Thus, the millionaire mentor invites you to the authorship of their own business ideas and their own success.

Science of Getting Rich


There is a thinking stuff from which all things were created; and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills all space in the universe. The thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and "capturing" the thought in formless substance,

It can cause the creation of what he was thinking. To do this, man must pass from competing for the creative mind. Otherwise he would not be able to come into harmony with the mind of formless matter, which by its essence is always creative and never - competitive.

A person can come to full harmony with the formless substance, maintaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the benefits that it gives him. Thanks unites the human mind with the mind of matter, so that the formless takes his thoughts.

A person can remain on the creative plane only by uniting with the formless intelligence through a deep and abiding sense of gratitude.

Man must form a clear and definite mental image of what he wants to be, or do, or what it wants to be, and he should keep that image in your mind, deeply grateful to the supreme reason for the fact that all he wants, granted him.

The man who wants to be rich must spend his leisure hours in contemplating the vision of a sincere thanksgiving that the reality grants him (is being given to him).

It is impossible to overstate the importance of frequent contemplation of the mental image, combined with unwavering faith and devout gratitude. This is the process by which the impression is transferred formless and actuated creative energies.

The creative energy works through the established channels of natural (natural) growth, and the industrial and social order. All this is included in his mental image will surely be brought (brought) a person who follows the instructions given above, and whose faith does not waver. What he wants will come to him the ways established trade and commerce.

To get what belongs to him (his own), when it is ready to come to him, a person must act within a way that makes it more than just occupy its present location.

He should keep in mind the goal of becoming wealthy in the process of implementation of its mental image.

And he has every day to do everything that can be done that day, taking care that each action was successful.

He must give to every person a useful value in excess of the monetary value that gets him to, so every business has contributed more life, and he must stick to the idea that the impression of increase will be communicated to all with whom he is in contact.

Those who practice the above instructions will undoubtedly become wealthy, and wealth, which they will receive will be directly proportional to the certainty of their vision, the sustainability of their objectives, the constancy of their faith and the depth of their gratitude.

How to become rich, it's time to start

Table of contents
How to become rich, it's time to start
Page 2

RC :   So you began investing after realized what was happening?

Heinrich Erdmann: Well ... probably, I have not had the opportunity to do it in Germany. There was a certain stable source of income. And then hard enough to be a citizen of another country and to invest in the funds. I have not tried it, I knew it was quite difficult to do. And in Russia, I set myself the task to explore the area. In the period from 2000 to 2004, I was engaged in that attended all the conferences, which were held on this topic.

No matter - they were beginners or professionals, opened a conference in the management company or paid master classes and workshops. I visited all that was associated with the topic. But the first steps I made inspired by the fact that it was possible to another person. RC: In your opinion, the most important quality that must possess ... Heinrich Erdmann: To invest?

RC :   Exactly!

Genrikh Erdman: I think that we must endure. At what plan? That is, you need to have restraint and patience. Why is that? Because there are people who light up like a match, and after a while go out. That is, they like it, but as a way of accumulation of capital - it is not one year, but say at least 5-7 years, many people burn out after six months.

They do not see quick results and off. We must look at the goal, rather than any current results. In addition, we do not come across in a good way ... But those who invested after the crisis of '98, in 2000, in the spring of 2004 and 2006, experienced a small correction of 25-35%. It has a certain patience! There were people who frustrated and left. That is, in what way?

The person begins to invest directly in front of the crisis, and then does not see the results. By the process should be treated fairly philosophically. You always have to understand that this investment. And the investment - is a certain risk. So when we ourselves or foreign people start to intimidate us and say that we can lose money that the crisis comes suddenly, and so, we must understand that we can actually lose money.

Any investment process, no matter how stable it may seem, as it is now in Russia, he is always at risk, it can happen anything! But the worst thing that can happen - this is when we turn 30, 40, 50 years, and we still did not get, because even tried. And even if, say, there will be a situation that I or someone from the people who accumulate capital investment, will lose it, it's nothing to worry about. We have made every effort to do it.

RC:   It is better to regret what has been than what not ...

Heinrich Erdmann:   Yes. As they say, among the people who want to get rich, have become millionaires unit, but has never been a man who became a millionaire without even trying to do so. If you want to change something, you have to try to squeeze the most of the opportunities that gives life. And how to do it right ... This is what we are constantly talking about in RICH Consulting.

RC: Let's go back to the top of the "creative way". Do you remember the day when I started to invest?

Heinrich Erdmann:   The day I can not say ... But I remember that I was dragged into the Criminal Code. RC: Yeah, you have your hand led? Heinrich Erdmann: Yes, led by the hand! There was an enthusiast, I was even in one of his books he wrote in the preface to thank. This fellow I just dragged there.

RC:   That is the human need to push?

Heinrich Erdmann:   Each differently. But the example of the other person's motivation. I found dozens of reasons not to get to the Criminal Code for the first time. Because at first I thought it was terrible. And when you have plunged, he jumped into the pool, then swim. The main thing - to make the first step!

RC:   And you yourself would have gone if you had not dragged?

Heinrich Erdmann:   I went to just later. RC: That person you recommend something? Heinrich Erdmann: Yes! Then I do not have much choice, so he advised that he knew. We opened the magazine, which published data on the return on mutual funds. He showed me one fund and said, "I'll give you all the membership numbers of the magazine and you'll see that he always had a stable income. He always kept in the top five. " For us it was a very important factor then.

RC:   What moved the shares?

Heinrich Erdmann:   Shares - it was already in 2001. When I began to study it closely.

RC: And how was it? Before that you are invested in mutual funds, where nothing much to do.

Heinrich Erdmann:   Well, not that it is not necessary. It is necessary to choose a control, we should still have a strategy, plan and structure of the portfolio. This is also a difficult process. Invest in anyhow, and where anyone anyhow - it means losing all the money and get into an emotional hole. If you do not know what to do when the market is rising or fall if you do not know what form the portfolio of various funds, sooner or later, will you go into an emotional hole.

Events make you suffer. Always. Unqualified investors, wherever he invested can pay for it. For example, 98, all were sure to invest in a business - it's wonderful! But we paid for it very much. Because 100% of the assets were concentrated in business. Same with the second-tier stocks. There were people who before September 96 have made them a lot of money.

RC:   Clear. Then tell me, please, then, rather, at what point should move to action?

Heinrich Erdmann:   Yes, it is not necessary "before" and "when." Anyone who would like to not only invest, but also to do it yourself, come to such instruments as stocks. The shares of all the more difficult because, in contrast to the portfolio of various funds should be specifically in this portfolio to determine the action.

When investing in mutual funds, stocks for you to select a different person. Here within the portfolio to determine all necessary. Not even need to know when they buy or sell, and what is your strategy within the portfolio. All this is an order of magnitude more complex tools. So I always say that, for example, yaselki - it is when people begin simply to save money. And who does not lay money even in those yaselki not yet taken!

RC   (terrified): What, in the womb ???

Heinrich Erdmann   (laughs): No-oo! They are already born! But in any case, the level of financial development have zero. They did none in this area. Accordingly, the following categories of people - those who come from yaselek kindergarten. At least they are beginning to invest in bank deposits. The next category of people - those who go to primary school. Here, people are investing in mutual funds. The action - a high school.

Futures and options - it is the highest level. Most people are not necessarily in the financial education to be docks and reach the level of futures and options. Although, if only because they do not want, they just have a normal basic education, which gives the elementary school. They rather invest through managers. As I said, we must learn to choose the right control comprising the portfolio and strategy.

If people do not know how to do, we need to use intelligence and knowledge of others. With stocks more difficult because, inter alia, the need to constantly monitor the market. Of course, everything depends on the strategy, but I still need to understand this. Climb yaselek from high school - it means to pay for a quick transition. Do you want to go directly to high school? Please! Just pay the money.

This means that a person who immediately begins to invest in stocks is likely to lose money. Well, not all, but part accurately. And if a person does not begin to invest and trade stocks, is likely to lose everything. Here. So first, still need to wait to get experience in the ability to handle money, and then invest. First through other people, and then their own.

Vaulina Daria

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