How to become a millionaire? Secrets of Millionaires

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How to become a millionaire? Secrets of Millionaires
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Not all millionaires are created equally, and to the question - How to become a millionaire? - There is no single answer. But there are peculiarities that led them to good results. Of course, this abundance of optimism, the ability to keep secrets, and the ability to find the right people.

If you want to become a millionaire, we will help you with this, a little curtain parted club of millionaires. The site has a special information.

"There is no one right way to become a millionaire, but personal qualities can positively influence your money management - says Kathleen Gurney, author of" Your money personality: what it is and how you can profit from it ", which has long been required reading millionaire - We watched the demeanor of people and found that among them there are some that are much more consistent in the accumulation of wealth. "

Such people have a number of characteristic qualities. Millionaires see both sides of the coin. But the millionaires are accented only the positive side. And in a situation of failure or delay they see an opportunity.

When the millionaire (or future millionaire) fails, he does not perceive it as a failure, he rushes forward, choosing a bright future. "They bring a positive individual rate in its business and is not particularly critical of themselves when they make mistakes.

Nothing really not knocking them back, "- said on the subject James Gottfecht, linguist, trainer, speaker, who is a senior consultant in the Los Angeles team of psychologists money.

Millionaires use all day. They take a mistake and pay it in a convenient way. Or take another opportunity and strengthen its capacity, improve its form and content. Author of the book "365 Ways to Become a Millionaire 'Brian Kozlov said that a millionaire when they become - is the one who always takes action.

And most of the people, he said, will paralyze the thought of what you need to take action and to be active. The essence of a millionaire - psychological discomfort from inactivity: he can not sit still, he was uncomfortable or inconvenient to sit around. Therefore, if you want to become a millionaire is to radically rethink their views of the world.

The number of millionaires the world is growing every day, and Russian millionaires in its component represent a considerable share. It so happened that in the Russian city of millionaires - Moscow. It recently held an exhibition of millionaires in 2006, which introduced a kind of express millionaires.

The exhibition of millionaires in Moscow could see the whole list of Russian millionaires and millionaires in the world and photo millionaire. We will tell you what to do, what would become a millionaire in a minute. Of course, it is possible to marry a millionaire.

Getting to know a millionaire - that chance drops a million women who dream to meet a millionaire. But after reading the question "How to Marry a Millionaire? "Remains open. Of course, the city of millionaires Russian offer more chances to marry a millionaire.

In most cities, the exhibition of millionaires millionaires, often provide an opportunity to answer the question "how to become the wife of a millionaire? ". But for those who do not have such a possibility, it is necessary to do otherwise, and it is to think like a millionaire. We have a master plan millionaire. There is a plan and Russian millionaires.

And the list of millionaires Russia is known to all. But not all the details of the future can be planned in advance, but these people have an idea of ​​what will be their next steps. "These people have a vision of what they are going to do in this life, - says James Gottfecht. - Wherever they are, they are calculated, and after the plan. "

Millionaires believe in the right to own wallet. Well you speak of money? Do you see it is not enough just to walk around their money? Do you feel guilty if you have more money than others?

If you believe that millionaires are constantly in a hurry at the expense of others "to eat a bigger piece of the pie" that you do not talk like them.

"If people treat money as something negative and dirty and do not feel their rights to them, then they have a lot of what I call the" thoughts of the poor, "and this kind of thinking will destroy the positive character traits that would help them achieve Success - says D. Gottfecht. - Millionaires who have created their wealth themselves, feel worthy of their money and justify their use. "

Any millionaire who had created their capital, listening to the possibilities. Ask a millionaire when to start a new project, and he will answer immediately. It is these qualities are needed to understand how to become a millionaire.

The average entrepreneur pays attention to the erroneous opinions or reasons why something did not work out.

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How to make a million

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How to make a million
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Bearded anecdote: the American millionaire asked how he managed to get rich.

"Well, I came to New York - New York, looked around, bought for a dime ten rotten apples. In the next quarter, sold them for a dollar. Then he bought rotten apples ...

So I dealt with this garbage, and still if Aunt Polly did not leave me his millions ... "

Of course, a loving aunt's legacy - the surest way to improve their financial situation. However, there are still irresponsible aunt, who can offer a loving nephews unless yellowed stack of love letters and enema tube.

After securing the ownership of these touching proof of kinship feelings, the heir can only shed tears of emotion and say goodbye with a career rich slacker. But do not panic on such a grim prospect.

The most stupid thing in this situation - a curse fate for the fact that you are a descendant of the side branch of the Rockefeller family. Well, think for yourself, what joy in the possession of material goods, if they belong to you by right of birth, and you have not had the opportunity acute and unbearable desire?

Where the use of a golf remarkable abilities and talent? Besides, if you believe the fiction and Hollywood cinema, with the rich heirs constantly happens something bad: they are kidnapped in infancy, childhood tramples them mad pony in adolescence they do attempt suicide, trying to swallow a handful of burning large diamonds.

Eventually, they begin to sniff cocaine and die young from the fact that they have nothing more to want. Rejoice, arrogant and poor: in front of us is not worth any of these terrible problems. Well, who would ever think to kidnap the son of a locksmith and nurses? Is that crazy Tamara from the fifth door, to soften the shop in the wine department.

But Tamara quickly will find the district - it does not go beyond the store. Rabid horse you, fortunately, is not threatened. And with a stop overage heir honest, but poor parents would just once: it is necessary to think how to feed his wife and small spinogryzov. Thankful - it does not leave you a choice will have to be a millionaire, whether you like it or not!


In any case the most difficult - is to begin. In order to impress the world with great achievements, you have to at least get up from the couch. As history shows, this part of the plan is given the Russian people particularly hard. In memory immediately comes obliging folk wisdom: "a well-lived, and there is nothing to start."

I remember the great Russian hero Ilya Muromets, nalezhavshy on the stove so the muscles that, had he lived in our time, could easily lead the whole Tambov Tale ...

Stop! Do not let insidious folklore inspire themselves in the world of dreams. The cruel reality unfortunately is that the sofa can be nalezhat unappetizing except that a couple of folds at the waist and a deep distaste for life.

Of course, the couch is very comfortable to play in front of his wife play "unrecognized genius." However, the monotony of the repertoire can bore even the most docile spectators. If you do not want to bring the poor woman under the article for causing grievous bodily harm to you, it is better not to test her patience.

Especially that the prospects are very seductive. The future master of life is an interesting challenge: to shake the money out of the world, with which it, the world, it is not going to give up on such a trifling occasion, as the appearance of a beggar and another toothed insolent.


First the dangers on the road to prosperity - is leadership with numerous vigorous headlines "33 ways to become rich," or "How to make the first million."

Open secret is that these benefits, with rare exceptions, writers create nepreuspevshie in worn boots, having no idea of ​​what a fake memo or roast grouse.

Here are their crowning piece of advice: you should be patient, learn to indulge in all the years of hardship because only make you prosperous and respected member of society. Assessing the quality and style of the Russian language, which is written this unbearable trivial, gently send "33 ways" in the trash.

In this case, the damage done to you gentlemen writers, will be assessed at 10 rubles, that you spent on the purchase of ordinary-looking booklets. If you decided to really go for buckwheat soup and dandelion, you should know that the worst way to achieve anything - is to teach yourself to be content with little.

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