How to get rich, the basic laws of wealth


The real wealth is measured not only by the size of the bank account, but rather the presence of a sufficient amount of money to enable good and free to live life on earth. How to get rich and how to become rich? It turns out that in order to get rich, you need to learn to act according to certain laws of wealth.

Only eight percent of men and two percent of women can be considered financially independent, and less than one percent of the world's population - rich people. The greater part of mankind ekes out a miserable existence. As we know "such things" minority? Maybe it smarter, more educated, hard-working or is it just minions of fortune?

No, these people know that they manage their lives independently. It is from the moment when we take responsibility for their lives over and start purposefully change it, we will have strength to carry out the dream. But you need to know the laws of wealth, allowing to acquire wealth.

How to get rich, the basic laws of wealth

1. The power of the subconscious beliefs

People reach what they believe, can achieve. All our life circumstances - a reflection of our subconscious beliefs. Therefore, people tend to earn as much as the ability to earn. It all begins with faith. First of all, you need to create a positive opinion about the abundance. The winner is the only one who believes that he can win.

2. The strength of the all-consuming desire

Nothing worth you can not achieve anything in life, if you will not be all-consuming desire to achieve. You should make every effort (excluding damage to self-esteem, health and relationships). Think of the suffering associated with a lack of funds, imagine the pain experienced during a difficult financial position.

3. The strength of the clarity of intentions

You can have everything in life is what you want, provided that you know exactly what you want and why. Pinpoint goals, motives and time to achieve. Not to say I want to become rich, you need to determine the exact amount of money you want to have. Always articulate goals as positive affirmations in the present tense. Mentally visualize implement them.

4. How to get rich strength of a comprehensive plan of action

It is necessary to develop a strategy and draw up an action plan conceived by listing it at least 10 possible ways to achieve the goal. Some one, surely, would be true. And do not forget about the organization, if you want to succeed. By agreeing to do some work, ask yourself: 1) Deliver Do I enjoy this kind of work? 2) Is it my abilities? 3) Approx she me to achieve financial goals?

5. The strength of expertise

None of those who managed to amass great wealth, did not do so, not having special knowledge ... tax law, the program of investment and savings, its scope of business, as well as the desires and needs of customers. You do not have to know everything, but you need to know where and how to find all that is known about what you need.

How to become a rich tenacity 6. Power

Be persistent. After any action, which did not lead to the desired result, ask yourself the question: "Up to what point I acted correctly? "If you learn from the experience, which gives you each your attempt, your efforts are always successful. So do your analysis of each failure. The difference between those who achieve success and those who do not succeed, usually is not talent, but perseverance.

7. Power control costs

The wealth is not determined by how much money you earn, but the fact how well you can live on the money earned. Controlling costs helps to lead a happy life within the available income and helps to increase the income.

How to get rich

8. The strength of integrity

"What is a man profited, if he gain the whole world but lose his own hurt" - it is written in the Bible. Trying to create wealth through deception and fraud - is like to build a house on sand. For a long time he would not stand for. Choosing a course of action in business or personal life, first think: Is it legal? It is moral? Will I be able to sleep peacefully? I'd like to know about it are my children, relatives?

9. The power of faith

Always "act as if you have already achieved the goal," and you are sure to succeed. This trust your gut feeling - Listen to your intuition.

10. The strength of charity

Do you want to receive - it gives. Whatever you give, comes back to you multiplied form, so do good, be merciful, because by helping others, you help yourself. If possible, give part of their income to the needy. By helping others, you are imprinted in his mind the image of abundance is fully and quickly implemented in your life.

Follow these basic laws of wealth, in order to get rich!

How to become rich


Certainly, the question of "How to Get Rich" asked myself all of us, when you do not have enough money to buy the necessary or desired. But not all of us have found an answer to this seemingly rhetorical question. First we need to contour outline an idea of ​​what it means to you to be "rich."

Why is it important to start with a definition, because of the clarity of your understanding of the richness depends on the strategic position. Some want to increase their monthly income by $ 300, while others dream of being mentioned in the ranking of the richest people in the world next to Bill Gates. And the question of how to become rich - is relevant for some, and for others.

Terms of help to get rich

You have to realize that being smart, determined and hardworking person is often not enough to earn a lot of money. Besides all this, you still have to be very lucky, active, serious, focused, obsessed and ambitious. It is also useful to you ability to take risks, to try, to act, to be an adventurer in the best sense of the word. The desire to become and remain rich can not even be discussed, consciousness is saturated with this idea.

The idea - a point of reference

The thought in our life becomes the foundation from which we start to further develop and improve their financial well-being. If you - the author of his thought, his idea to get rich, the effectiveness of the implementation is not equal to zero. Firstly, you must be aware that you can create something new or upgrade existing ones, and this can increase your income.

However, one must not only think of "how" to analyze how the idea for relevance and its "success." Often you can hear that, doing "their" business, you can build a very successful career, get rich.

This is true, but it is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because to find the "most his" thing for many people is also not an easy task. It is recommended to treat severe, and even to question the desire to open a business, which is kind of like your closest.

Questioning - is to listen to yourself, honestly analyze your life almost since childhood, try to devote a lot of time understanding your success. If what you want to do and what you do get connected to each other - this should convince you of the need to try his hand in this matter.

Of course, you will be able to reach their potential in the activities that have chosen for themselves the soul. And if you're still at the same time endowed with good skills, knowledge and understanding of the fact, at times you will be easier to realize themselves, and eventually reach the desired goal - to become rich.


Communicating with successful people

Spend more time talking with those who, in your opinion, has a talent for acquiring wealth. It can be both colleagues and their friends or someone from your friends and relatives. If, in your opinion, these people have achieved something themselves and have experience of financial success, the observational contact with such people will give you confidence and inspiration.

Moreover, under the fellowship in this case, does not imply notes the steps the success of another person, you can never speak on the subject of business.

Human contact, the possibility of companionship, the opportunity to ask a question or request for such a person will be more useful for a single meeting "extort" the idea of ​​getting rich. Communicating with successful people and going through reading relevant literature.

Nowadays, there are a number of authors who "teach" as the ability to manage your time as well as a practical way without the initial capital to start a business. Many ideas can be technically used in relation to his work, not inventing the wheel each time.

Strive to difficulties

If you stand before a choice, always choose a more complex solution. This will teach is located in the inner strength, the ability to self-organization, the ability to arrange for himself and do the right accents. When we have two paths we choose are often simple because of laziness and later throws up his hands on the tangible "results" of life.

Even in everyday life between the courses of driving machines and weekly fishing, choose courses. Enrich yourself a variety of skills. However, for the rest, too, find the time, but do not replace one another.

His handwriting actions

Being rich, own money, to have a successful business - all this is the result of a certain manner of acting. Were the actions of targeted and verified or proved to be random, but lucky - it does not matter to multiply capital. One thing is clear, the one who does not work - it does not matter, no matter how capable and industrious he may be - does not become a rich man.

Moreover, the ability to act in a certain way is not due solely to the presence of talent, some exclusive abilities. Many very talented people remain poor, while the rich become less talented.

Reaching Wealth - the result of a certain way, a certain behavioral handwriting. It is important to find out your writing activities that will help you achieve this goal and to realize the dream.

We wish all the people who want to get rich, to realize their ideas, and we hope that it will make them happy.

And remember, wealth is not the result of saving, or thrift. Frugal people are more likely to remain poor, while many, not including spending money, referred to in the rankings of the rich, if not next to Bill Gates.
