How to become rich, it's time to start

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How to become rich, it's time to start
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Why do so many of us still have not begun any action on the creation of their future. Often among the reasons is elementary laziness. The man, hearing that in order to achieve wealth and prosperity should be every day, every day to do a little step to build their

the future, for 5, 10 or 15 and 20 years, begins to talk about the impossibility of achieving. But no wonder they say that water wears away the stone. Not once, not for a day or even a year, but the clock is ticking, and the stone gradually give in persistence and pressure of water.

People often overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.

Believe me, if you took the path that will lead you to the financial well-being, and take small steps, but they do, then you are sure to come to their goal .   And please be true to his word.

And then every day will be for you a small opening, a small ring of your future chain mail that protects you from the gloom, dullness and loneliness. And this will be the chainmail financial freedom. Someone is afraid to start. After all, it is so risky. But sitting on the ground, we risk much more - we risk our future.

And not only ours, but also the future of our children. After all, they grow up looking at you, learning from you. Thank you for them - the real and living example. Do not you want your children to a better future? Do you want to? So create it by his own example.

When I took the first steps in the world of investments, my bill was so small that I doubted the success of the enterprise. Now that I have a goal and the score does not seem so ridiculous as before, no failure and shock will not be able to shield it from me.

And looking back, I smile and realize how empty was my fears and doubts. As one man said: "The most difficult thing - it's the first million, and then it will be easier." Before him, I have not yet reached, but! - Path by walking. Especially if it Path Investor :)

How to become rich

Many, having accumulated a certain amount, do not stand and are tempted to buy some new and beautiful thing. And then, when the heat goes, they understand that they are themselves shoved, pushed for a year or two, or some other number of units of time in the past. And they will have to start from scratch, whereas in the same moment they would be happy to see how they grow and grows stronger future, the future of joy and pleasure.

Now, for those who start saving 10% of their income. How to increase the amount allocated for investment? All simple.

:) And is rounded in a big way. And you get that with any amount up to 1000 you put 100 units, but with the amount above 1000 - is rounded to hundreds. C 1500 - 200 (150 to 200), 4300 - 500, and so on. And do it not with regret, but with joy, as you strive to create their own future. After all, the best way to prepare for the future - to create it yourself.

Another problem - this time eater.

Subscribe to newsletters, a waste of time for the absorption of useless information. Here, for example, how many newsletters you subscribe? If more than 10, then think about it, you need the information of all the signed lists, or you actually apply and use only 20 or 30% of the resulting? The rest simply be read and forgotten.

But this time! Your time! And it can be spent on more useful pastime. Sam also spent cleaning flow. It turned out the Pareto rule works here. 20% of the information obtained for 80% of use. Moreover, like a nasty accident, namely the loss of the mail file itself led me to this.

And in this situation, I remembered an incident that occurred with Thomas Edison, the great inventor and innovator. One day, a terrible fire destroyed his laboratory. Looking at the fire, Edison began to chuckle. Surrounding thought that the fire was a terrible blow to him, and he went crazy. And the wife asked him, "Why do you laugh, when burned all your work? ". And he replied: "My dear, this fire burned ALL of our mistakes."

Do not be just a reader. Reading alone will not give you anything. And the knowledge that such a promising area of ​​investment will be in the next year or rule, leading to financial well-being - just words as long as you do not start to practice them.

Of 3 of my friends only 1 really started to use their knowledge, two others are still skeptical. However, while they doubt our money to work and make a good gain in our capital.

Also, for all I want to lead the interview with Heinrich Erdmann, man, thanks to whom I made a big and positive step in the investment world. I think many people read it for themselves will find answers to many questions.

Let's talk about that, about this ...

I have often heard adults and quite successful people said of him: "After the meeting, my life has changed! "Or" I looked different (a) in the world! " etc. I do not know, whether the radically changed my world, after meeting with our current "guest", but one thing is for sure: Heinrich Erdmann - incredibly charming, radiating positive energy megatons of people.

For it is impossible not to go, it is almost impossible not to listen, he is incredibly strong charisma. I am sure we, and, of course, you are very lucky that Henry - our "guide" in the world of finance and investing. Such a bright beacon will not let go astray under any circumstances! We just drank tea and talked in the office ... Henry spoke slowly and softly, smiling slyly.

RICH Consulting: Henry, tell me, please, why did your fascinating journey into the world of investing?

Heinrich Erdmann: After the crisis of '98 people do not know what to do. Actually, I did not know. But one company with which I have worked, began to develop in Europe project. And it so happened that I went to Prague and lived there for nine months. That's brought me there. Basically, I do not plan their lives in this country and in this city, but it happened. Then I went for a few months in Germany. I have friends there and family. So I combine business with pleasure: the world worked and looked. I lived near Frankfurt at my brother. There is a city of Darmstadt.

It was winter: one day the neighbor's car - it was a slope - ripped and she crashed into the car of his brother. And this neighbor, due to the fact that he brought trouble and trouble, my brother invited to the bar - drink beer, eat sausage. Prior to that, they do not communicate much. Uncle turned cool. All his life he worked as a dustman. He had no education, and he went to such work.

By the way, it was one of the most highly paid professions in Europe. It is now - the Turks, newcomers ... And in the '80s, few people wanted to do. In general, once he had read the book some other "Fritz," I do not remember what, which says that anyone in his life, if it is properly disposed of finance, can accumulate capital that will enable him to say, or open a business, or save for retirement, or to educate children, etc. etc.

Uncle 10 years after reading this book, wrote his. The story there was that for 10 years he has set aside more of their income and has managed to accumulate a million marks. Then, still had the brand. In the 90s the German market grew very well, and he just grabbed the end of the 80's early 90's. For 10 years he has created capital.

He told me and my brother tried to translate, because I German I do not understand. But I do not care to imagine it not tried on, and say that it's all you have in Germany is possible, and we - no, although he always claimed that it was not true, it is possible, he knows that. I answered him that we had a crisis, now there are no stocks and bonds. Although I do not know they exist or not, but I have created this impression.

By the way, the neighbor became the prototype of the hero in my little book, though the image of it, of course, a collective. This is due to the fact that such an impact on me had a few people. In general, the first thing I said, "That's impossible! In Russia, people have no money. And secondly - they have no chance. " But he said that the possibility of this is. To this I replied that the money from the people is still there, especially after the crisis.

And he seems to be arguing with me, he said that everyone has the money, and if a person earns roughly a few hundred dollars a month, then it certainly is possible to defer 10%. I told him that such a possibility is there, but what do these coppers? And then he said, "You count: if you mark the day of investing that will in 32 years? ".

The next night I spent in the calculations, I myself was wondering, because he claimed that I appreciate the end result. I went out in the order of 250-350 thousand. Somewhere in that range, I do not remember. When we meet next time - it was a few weeks - I said, "Yeah, great! I was struck by the amount of 350 thousand! I did not even know! Indeed, it is possible. But again, this is Russia, this is the unknown and all that. "

He said that over Russia and uncertainty is what I myself can understand, but the amount I thought wrong. There must be a million. And I do not believe it! I said, "I thought! ". And he told me: "Yes, all that believe they do not take into account compound interest." I could not understand what it is, because everything is in German, translated. Brother do not understand what a "compound interest" in German. In general, in the end, he showed how to take it, and I thought. Indeed, a million left. And I was shocked. Honestly, I did not expect that this is possible. This simple arithmetic!

When I'm somewhere in the six months fell back to Russia, I became interested in what we have investment opportunities, etc. It turned out that even among my friends there were people who knew what a mutual fund. That is, I know what a mutual fund, but did not know that they exist among us in Russia. The first fund to which I have come, is very well known for the past 10 years, he has given quite a large income. That was in 2000, when I began to consciously invest.

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