The argument will start from fellow :) Kiyosaki and his books, that is, compare the thought of different people in different situations.
First - this is, of course, work.
What should be to have money?
Good learning and find a stable job. Although 80% of graduates of diploma put on a shelf and do not work in their specialty, and those who work get s / n, but still remain poor.
Since childhood, brought millions of people to work for money, that is,. To do the work, you get the money.
This concept is originally a deadlock on the path to success and wealth.
For that you would have spent the money, getting $ 500,000?
80% of respondents:
* Home
* car
* recreation
* Help friends
* Charity
* Activities
* clothes
* Boat or yacht
* Garazhik :)
* gifts
* Would go abroad
Traveled *
* Bought relatives from prison
* And other costs
* Entrepreneurship opened 4%, but, still would have failed
* 1 smart answer would have found a specialist who would advise what to do
Rich also earned money turns into passive income.
If wealth was $ 500,000, he would have built the financial system, which would allow him to live comfortably each month until the end of life. And every year, he would become richer in 1.5- 2 times.
As a result, the rich have a lot of time and money that hard work, never in my life did not earn.
About education: Higher education is still necessary, as developing your communication skills, without which you can not get a job.
The rich think differently - I would rather attend specialized seminars, which teach people who have achieved success and millionaires. Better to let them teach me communication, success and financial literacy.
I do not want a lot of money for me is a burden.
How do you know? You've never been successful and wealthy. And if you have been and done such a conclusion, so just need to learn how to manage them properly and enjoy that money would have been for the good and not for evil.
Money spoils people.
Although, as a look. According to statistics, among the wealthy patrons and people involved in charity work, more at times than in the rest of the people.
We do not live lavishly ...
Wealth is an opportunity for spiritual development and not only. With the money, I can realize their wildest dreams and projects. Being poor, I would just sigh and envy the rich.
Well, you're young, you want to work and do not receive money (a dream parasite) t. E. A vice.
Did you work not for the fact that to have free time and money. The poor work for money, and the rich work of his money. It's better to devote your time yourself and loved ones than "native" plants, factories, etc.
Everyone tells me that I will not be rich.
There is no prophet in his own country. Apparently, it's time to make new friends and surroundings, which helps to believe in themselves and will not be convinced of the impossibility of this.
Do you want to be a millionaire ha ha ha!
Why not. You've never been there.
Man has become a successful and wealthy because he was lucky in life, he is one in a million, I do not get lucky.
As a rule, success and wealth is a conscious and planned right actions aimed to the target at a certain time.
It is too difficult and unrealistic that I became successful and wealthy.
Not harder than to learn any profession.
Of course, there are difficulties, but overcome obstacles, get the award, which will exceed all your expectations.
It is better to lose the battle than the entire war.
Well, if all of the assets will be built, then who will be working?
All will not build assets, the majority will remain poor, but knowledgeable and able.
Where do you want to be?
Today everything. Absolutely everything :)
All the success and prosperity.
Alex Russinovich.