Secrets of the world's richest people


1. Learn to look to the future.

Before you start a business, imagine the end result. And a clear picture. Clearly imagine that you want to receive. How will your community, your world will change in yourself,

how much money, connections and opportunities it will bring. Develop a desire to achieve their dreams. In this vote, and the negative consequences of your decision. Think about the negative consequences and risks the future holds, and how these risks can be used to your advantage, by managing them.

2. Develop your own personal financial plan.

Business - it is primarily financial knowledge. Learn to distinguish active from passive, active from passive income, precious metals from the glitz. Set a goal, which provide a clear exit strategy. Basic levels of this Plan: ensuring the provision (in the case of force majeure), the security plan (expenses exceed your earnings), the plan of comfort and wealth plan. Write down the path, you will reach them in a simple way, so that they could understand, even a child of five.

3. Create a start-up capital.

Options for the creation of capital: get credit, sell your idea; Make money on the purchase and sale of liquid products (for example, real estate or securities); Find a patron; attract a strategic investor; create a business; team up with the same as you. Then invest it in something that brings a passive income.

4. Why reinvent the wheel if you can buy it and ride.

Seek professional advice. You can not know everything about everything, so you do is important the team the very best specialists. Use expertise and time of others. Especially important are experts in accounting and law, which will allow you to obtain the necessary funds, to minimize costs and provide a risk.

5. Study the experience of other people.

Ordinary people spend a lot of time investment. Rich people learn to invest wisely. Learn what to invest richest people and how they have achieved success. Observe that allows others to achieve success and get you the most important thing. Get information. In this age of information rules the world. Find a mentor. You can work on it for free, even as the great masters worked as an apprentice at the other masters. Remember that learning experience, you get a piece of skill that person.

6. Business - is a strong emotion and strong nerves.

Evaluate investment not in terms of its beauty, luster and desires that it causes, but in terms of profitability. Have the courage to make decisions quickly. Have a strong desire to invest in the business, so that it will increase its value. If the investment brings loss, have the inner strength to reject it.

7. Success: 10% - good luck, 90% - patience.

Many do not make a profit because they do not believe in themselves and go the distance before reaching the target of 1 step. If you have a plan, stick to it. Change it if you find the best solution, but always keep the goal. Remember, persistence, concentration, performance - an important component for success when you are working on the creation and improvement of systems.

8. Do business only, which eventually turn into money.

If you take a rule to this principle, you will always have free time and a positive cash flow. Before you decide on the action, calculated profit from it. Focus on:

1) receipt of passive income from assets

2) to improve systems.

9. Bluff to the finish.

One of the main skills of successful business is communication skills. If you need to attract the best talent, draw them a picture of your dream as if it has become a reality. Live as though you've almost reached your dreams. When people believe you, you're already required to achieve their dreams.

10. Prepare your business for sale from the first day.

Remember that money is working for you. The faster you wrap the money, the more intense it becomes your cash flow. If you created a business, then prepare it for sale at the outset, if you purchased an existing business, be prepared to sell it. Work on the creation of business systems and teams to the business functioned without your direct involvement.

11. Note that in the game, as well as in business, everything is permitted that is not forbidden.

The real money is not where the trodden paths, and where no one has gone. So look for promising markets and trends. Experts believe that the most effective are the areas that are important to all residents of the planet: health, wealth, investment, education, security. Invent new schemes, new ways of sales and marketing.

12. Make money work for them.

Poor people work for money. Rich - make money work for them, acquiring assets: real estate, securities and various enterprises and companies. Spend time on the acquisition and asset management. Remember that wealth - is the ability to live without working.

13. You are surrounded by a lot of opportunities.

Always and everywhere. The rich invent money, finding ever new ways of creating assets. Accept that in our world of money just lying under their feet. You just need to start noticing the opportunities that will bring you money. Keep your eyes and ears open as you navigate the streets, talk with people and reading the newspaper, saying "Yes" to new opportunities. When you see the first opportunity, you learn to see the rest. Give the market opportunities that he needs, and it will bring you great profits.

14. Get rid of unwanted habits: fear, laziness, arrogance and lack of faith in their own strength.

Many people do not do anything, because they are afraid that something will turn out. Scare you then, when you reach financial freedom, and now, just check your financial plan, self-study and loans. Make a list of your fears and learn it. Remember that for fear of hiding the true resource. Proceed.

15. Go to new horizons. Always.

Not to be outdone, have to constantly evolve. Grow yourself, develop your experience and your people. Remember that you always have to improve the following skills: communication, leadership, managing your time, your emotions, team building, knowledge of tax law, and the legislation of the companies in the field of securities. Keep your mind open to new knowledge.

16. The life - the best teacher.

Learn to accept the lessons that life gives you. If a failure occurs, you can lay your hands, and you can take it as a lesson and an opportunity to experience and to extract profit. Be an optimist.

17. Allow yourself to be rich.

Create a legend about himself. Study your family tree, get in it evidence that your relatives have a chance to be successful people. Find a hero. Remember, if they succeeded, then you can of it. Find the facts of his biography, pointing to your experience in the creation of assets and the receipt of money by using money and other people's time. Believe that you are worthy to become the richest man in the world.

18. The way you think - your main resource.

If your mind and use the right language, "effective" word, he may be the most important resource. Never say "No" and "I can not", say "Yes" to everything new and unknown, as well as "How can I achieve this", "How can I afford it." Then you will find the way to achieve this.

19. Before you get - learn to give.

Give, and you will be rewarded. Be generous, even if it does not immediately give an immediate profit. Kindness, openness, generosity always pays off. Devote time and attention to friends, relatives and friends, your health and hobbies. It - powerful resources for your activities, which give you support on your way.

20. Find the thing that excites you true passion.

They say passion - it is a combination of love and hate. As long as people will not have a passion for something, it will be difficult to achieve. Passion - is the energy of your life. Why do you love what you want and why you hate yourself for what you can not achieve this.

Secrets Bogachev

How to become rich, ten ways to get rich recommendations


Recommendations Donald Trump - a man earns billions, lost and again earn. This businessman, which are treated differently, made a fortune in the 1980s, only to lose everything. Today, Donald Trump is again on top of his fortune is estimated at 3 billion pounds

and in his new book, he shares the secrets of the business.

In his book "Trump. How to become rich" tycoon engaged in real estate, gives would-be entrepreneurs advice on how to make the first billion.

How to become rich

1. Always dress according to their cultural level.

Once I was proud that I buy cheap suits and other clothing. It did not make sense to pay thousands of dollars when you can buy things for $ 100. Who knows? But over the years I realized that I was wrong.

Now I buy very high quality shoes, and she seems to be eternal, while cheap, remember, quickly wore out and looked exactly as much as I paid for it. Clothing says a lot about us even before we open the mouth.

2. Deliberately harming their reputation.

Give the carefully selected nuggets of information Speak thoughtful provocative opinions, to see what will be the reaction. Saying something unexpected, you can get a revealing response. I could make an outrageous remark in a meeting to see whether there are other members of assent or resist. This is a good way to evaluate those who are sitting at the table.

3. Be your own financial advisor.

Many people hire financial advisers, but I just saw the consultants brought people to ruin. Choosing a counselor, rely on their own judgment, made on the basis of reading business pages of respected publications. Reading them, you begin to feel what is happening in the market, including what the consultants better. Stay winners.

4. Let's surrender.

If you are under pressure, meet the same. If you insult, attack with all possible force and energy. An eye for an eye. Be wary. I know that in this case does not look too good, but even the best one can encroach on your wife or your money.

5. Do not neglect the art of hairdressing.

I have often been criticized for the way I comb. The New York Times called my hair "complex structure, which is better to give to the court an architectural criticism." I think it looks good, but I have never claimed that the hair is very strong by my side. But it surprises me how often people ask me, I do not wear a wig. Answer: Absolutely not. I do not wear a wig.

6. Try to avoid shaking hands.

Some administrators believe in the handshake. I believe the lack of handshakes. Often faced with the fact that a person who obviously has a cold, comes up to me and says, "Mr. Trump, I want to shake your hand." It is known that in this way are transmitted microbes.

There was a case when a man came out of the closet, shaking the water from the still wet hands. He came to my table and said, "Mr. Trump, you're a great man. Can I shake your hand?" In this case I decided to shake hands, because in a hurry, and knew that if I shake his hand, then finish the meal does not become .

7. How to become rich, obey your instincts.

Entrepreneurship - this is not a group activity. You have to trust yourself. You may have a solid academic diplomas, but without instincts you will be hard to go upstairs and stay there. This is one of those gray areas that remain a mystery, even for those with sophisticated business instincts. There are subtle signs that may signal that should or should not enter into a particular transaction, enter into contact with certain people.

8. Keep optimism, but be prepared for setbacks.

There are ups and downs, but you can experience them yourself if you are ready for them. Ability to expect problems saved me from unreasonable waste of energy and save you from unpleasant surprises. The ups and downs are inevitable. I am very cautious person, but this does not mean that I am a pessimist. Call it positive thinking with an eye to reality.

9. Pay attention to details.

If you do not know all the aspects of what you are doing, you doom yourself to unpleasant surprises. I once read about a respected neurosurgeon, fanatically obsessed with details and organization.

He was preparing for the forthcoming operation, making a jog. He mentally imagined every detail, remembered everything he knew, all the difficulties and complications with which it may encounter. But to pay attention to detail, do not need to be a neurosurgeon.

10. The pre-nuptial contract.

If I had not signed a marriage contract, he wrote this book to someone who lost a lot. Yvonne to bring lawyers to court, needed a bus, but fortunately, I had a marriage contract.

A friend, who was going to get married for the fifth time, told me: "I love that I do not need a marriage contract." A year later, his marriage broke up, and he had to go through hell. He was like a frightened puppy. I have not had the courage to utter the words, wheeled in the language: you lost!

How to become rich
