Allow yourself to be rich
Many people do not reach the wealth only because they find it impossible, or do not put such purpose. The strength and effectiveness of setting goals you already know, so I can only say one thing: "Accidentally rich become impossible for it to be clear and distinct purpose."
Remember Ostap Bender and Shura Balaganov: each of them had a clear and distinct financial goal and, most interestingly, each of them realized their goal.
How to become rich
If we decide that wealth - is a good thing and that it's time to think about getting rich, the question arises: "How to become rich? "Of course, the easiest way - this legacy, a treasure or a lottery.
But, as experience shows, the money comes, so they depart. If the money came quickly, they are also quick and leave. Why is that?
The fact is that in order to get the money you need to have some qualities in order to keep them - the other, and to multiply them - third.
The mere fact of receiving money we automatically brings these qualities. The book Bodo Schaeffer has these words: "70% of the families have received a rich inheritance, losing its two generations." Why is that?
Most likely, because the money received by the parent, the children did not get the ability to handle the money. In addition, when there are millions successor, it seems that it is now no reason to bother working on a - the most difficult work.
And he's getting huge dividends, happily wallowing in luxury as long as the money does not begin to thaw. And only 30% of millionaires pass on to their children, along with the capital of its ability to preserve and enhance.
The most important factor in saving money is the ability to save them, you have to accumulate.
Save - this means not spending.
And it is quite difficult. Man is filled with large and small desires, and when he has the money, it is very difficult to give up the implementation of these momentary desires. And we are not talking about the rejection of their desires, and their timely implementation.
Should wait until funds become available for the implementation of this particular desire and other desires will not be infringed.
One multimillionaire asked: "What is the secret of your wealth? "He replied:" I buy Panama in October! "
Unfortunately, in everyday life there are other examples. The woman took the money and went to the market to buy their own shoes, but on the way I saw a beautiful vase that she liked the money and just enough. She bought it, and.
What we see in this situation? First, the heroine herself loves and desires does not deny. It's good! Second, she was planning to buy shoes, and bought a vase. Apparently, it's not a very determined person, to spend the money for other purposes. This is bad, because the shoes are not bought and the money spent.
What Would a person who knows how to save money?
He would have money set aside for the purchase of shoes, she spent on shoes, and if appropriate shoe is not, then the money would be postponed until the next trip. And today to start saving money to buy you liked the vase. And I would buy it only when it has accumulated enough money for this purchase, are not taking money from other purposes.
In fact, we'll see another example of self-restraint, which operates in all areas of human activity. In some religious institutes for energy storage disciples recommend a vow of silence, and it is nothing like self-restraint in order to achieve more.
You've probably seen divers who hold their breath for 5 - 7 minutes and dive without scuba gear on the 100-meter depth. How did they achieve this? They practice self-restraint in their breathing to achieve control over it, in order to achieve more. Self-restraint in the diet (fasting, starvation diets) - to improve health.
Business people engaged in self-limiting loss of his time, begins to operate more efficiently and as a result is able to quality rest. Not the TV, and the Canary Islands.
Yoga practice of restricting the flow of thoughts - meditation practices to control the mind and achieve enlightenment.
Apparently, these same qualities - self-restraint and discipline (financial discipline) - and the need to achieve a state of wealth. It is to learn to control your money, limit aimless, impulsive spending.
The answer to the question "How to become rich? "Is simple:
You should have a clear and precise view of what for you is the wealth of the financial sector.
You should for his big goal to change the existing attitude to money.
You need to bring up a new character qualities that contribute to the achievement of wealth (thrift with respect to money, competent management of their finances, daily records of money and financial discipline).