Become a money magnet 2!


Part 2

We continue our conversation about the different ways of influence on your subconscious mind to attract in their own lives more unexpected money-wage increases, obtaining various bonuses, cash gift, other financial surprises.

We begin today with the famous book by Sun Light formula money. It goes as follows: "The cosmic abundance manifests flow of money in my life." Your task is to write for a week this phrase 54 times.

This must be done at least once a day. That is to say, without interruption, to write on a piece of paper by hand, but you can type on a computer. Most importantly - do not copy phrases, namely, print them, each. And preferably, pondering the meaning of what you are typing or writing pen on paper.

The perfect execution of this technique requires you to double the work, is to write the formula of money Sun Light "cosmic abundance of cash flow seen in my life" 54 times in the morning and 54 times in the evening. In other words, twice a day.

Another point of this technology to attract money into your life: money utter the phrase during relaxation, meditation, before going to bed, to myself in public transport, and in general, when there is nothing to occupy your mind.

You can also send money to the formula postcards to friends and acquaintances, send it by e-mail or use it in the mail as a second signature. All this needs to be done to create an information-energy matrix in the virtual space.

It will turn out that this money formula that circulated around the world, you uttered before bedtime and printed on 108 times a day, multiplied many times through you. This formula and its vibrations are playing the role of a magnet for the universe.

When you write, I repeat it, distribute it, creating a psycho-energetic antenna trapping vibration of abundance and prosperity. Replaces the art will be able to attract money "Formula Sun Light" will be the next exercise.

Call it a "code word". "Codeword" is based on the principle of coding psychological internal state corresponding to formula money. So, let us code of this formula is the word "flow" (but you can choose any other word that exists in the phrase "cosmic abundance manifests flow of money in my life," for example, abundance).

How to work with the technique of "Codeword"?

1. Say 3 times the word "flow";

2. Slowly count from 1 to 9;

3. Then say the formula money 9 times while in its most perfect state, the so-called reference, where you feel great, are in the most favorite place and where the waves of divine and human love envelop you;

4. Visualize the flow of cosmic abundance fills your aura, like a gentle rays of the sun. This is best done in a beautiful sunny day when you are overwhelmed with positive emotions. You enjoy the perfection of nature, endless blue sky. All the flowers, fruits, celebrating life. And you are a part of the whole. And feel as such (per se);

5. Remember, the world is created for you, as for every being. All for all. All in all. Feel it. And this fullness of abundance, it is the unity of the manifold flows into you and getting the flow of success, happiness, prosperity and, of course, harmony, and you reiterated: "The cosmic abundance manifests flow of money in my life." Fix this state;

6. Say the word code for "flow";

7. Count from 1 to 9.

8. Again, say the word "flow". When pronouncing the word "flow" 2 times join thumb and forefinger of his right hand. This gesture, called acupuncture wise, plays an important role in many esoteric and mystical techniques;

9. Follow this technique every day for a week, until the condition becomes stable;

10. At any time, when you say the word "flow" and 2 times to connect the fingers in the mudra in your subconscious mind will first be laid, and then unwind the monetary program success and prosperity. That is all it would be identical to that if you repeated the formula of Sun Light hundreds or thousands of times.

The fourth technique, you will be anchored to the vibration of prosperity, which will be discussed in this article - a "check of abundance."

It is believed that a check of abundance - is a tool that we can use to create more abundance: money, some other injections, including spiritual and other others that you need at the moment, whether it's love, for example , in our life. The technology "Check plenty" not necessarily believe it.

You can even do not believe in these esoteric psychological things just do once "Check plenty" and marvel at the results that you get it. Of course, not all people have the account, moreover, in Russia are not commonly used check books for a variety of calculations.

But by making a sheet of paper an analogue of the check, you can write on it what most want at the moment. And the result will be the same as if you entered the amount in at a check.

The most important condition of this technology - fill "Check plenty 'need for twenty-four hours after the full moon.

So, within 24 hours after a New Moon, take a check from your checkbook (or made-to-analog you on a piece of paper);

Under "Recipient Name" write your full name (surname, name);

In the column "Amount", where you have previously written the amount to be paid, write "Paid in full";

Sign the check in the following way: "The law of abundance." Additions to the technique of "Check plenty" Do not add any lines (straight or wavy) on your receipt;

Do not put the date of payment of your check;

Do not write a specific dollar amount on the check. The words "fully paid" means that everything that you need to be you. Whether it's money or beloved man (after all, happiness is not only money, right?);

Place "Check abundance" in a safe place and forget about it.

Universe "take" from your secret place check and "read". And after the "read", will give you what you need!

Try this method as described above, only one time, and I'm sure you'll fill each month "Check abundance." Forward!

Author: Alice Milovitskaya

It is easy to get rich can any of us

Table of contents
It is easy to get rich can any of us
Page 2


Interview with Robert Kiyosaki

Most people do not think much about how to dramatically improve your financial situation and get rich, but it is in their hands, and even if you think, then, as a rule, further reflection is not going.

Sometimes it seems that the rich and wealthy people - are residents of any other planet, and become one of them is absolutely unreal, unthinkable. And it is easy to get rich may be any one of us, says Robert Kiyosaki, author of the acclaimed bestseller "Rich Dad, Poor Dad".

What can parents teach their children the rich and the poor are not taught, and it does not need to rob a bank or otherwise violate the law. It is enough to show financial acumen and in time you can become independent, "People complain about financial difficulties largely because over the years in school, they still did not know about the money.

As a result, people are starting to work for money, but do not know how to make money work for them. "Kiyosaki advocates the systematic accumulation of assets - reserves that generate recurring income, such as real estate and reducing liabilities that bind capital or lead to unnecessary costs.

It calls for financial autonomy, that is, from the employee to turn into an independent investor. And it is not as difficult as it seems, many people simply overestimate the difficulties awaiting them on the road to riches.

All that is needed - the courage, the willingness to take calculated risks and learn new perception of money and its role, the financial savvy.   And most importantly, action. After all, the word entrepreneur comes from the word "take".

Author of the bestseller "Poor Dad, Rich Dad" and its sequel "CASHFLOW Quadrant" in his own words, "neuspokaivayuschayasya person", a man who does not throw words to the wind.

No wonder Kiyosaki called "motivational speaker" - after reading his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," many readers begin to think about the important, but unjustly underrated part of his life as finance.

It's not that his advice differ radically from that recommended other well-known financial advisors: Enter your own business, protect your capital, create a smart investment base. Here is how he puts it.

The poor and the rich, says Kiyosaki, radically different understanding of the financial value, they pass on to their children. The poor and the middle class is taught outlook belonging to the Industrial Age, not the Information Age.

Here is an example from personal experience:

my classmate was very excited when I read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" couple of years ago, he did take notes some of its chapters. Today, he is not an employee: connecting comrade, he opened his own business, which is developing rapidly, my friend is quite happy with life.

In his remarks, those of his friends who appreciated the book, as a rule, in life prospered financially, but just did not like it for those who do not know how to manage money. Robert Kiyosaki, his wife Kim and Sharon Lechter founded the company, which manufactures a variety of products for boosting its central concept.

In particular, the three board games according to the "Monopoly" (the Russian equivalent is called the "Manager"): "Cashflow 101", "Cashflow 202" and "Cashflow for Kids" with virtual counterparts. They are familiar with basic financial strategies. This training seminars. This audio books and lectures.

It is also 18 books, which have been sold more than 26 million copies. They are written Kiyosaki personally or in collaboration with Sharon Lechter and even Donald Trump. By the way, three of them - "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," "CASHFLOW Quadrant" and "Investment Guide Rich Dad" - both included in the top ten in the book rankings such leading publications as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and the New York Times.

However, Kiyosaki has been repeatedly criticized. There is no evidence that he was a successful investor base to its current company Cashflow Industries Ltd. It is possible fixed assets brought him activity of this company.

The largest and most consistent of his critics - John T. Reed, one of the leading players in the real estate market, has released a series of his books addressed to the novice investors - accuses Kiyosaki that the advice he gives in his books, vague and unspecific . Moreover, they are often dangerous.

For example, the author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" recommends doing some thorough deposits rather than to diversify their capital, thus reducing the risk of major losses to a minimum.

However, that his advice is suitable only very sophisticated investors. But most of all is his rejection of objections to the school, which he considers unnecessary for the future well-being of children, and it is here that he take up arms against almost everything.

Thus, the concept of Kiyosaki is critical to treat as a special kind of philosophy of life, but not a new religion, that is, do not blindly follow everyone's advice, and carefully weigh the risks.

His books - it's not automotive road atlas, and only compass that determines the overall direction of the path.

The rationale of his ideas is that each person can change his fate, and indeed it is important to seriously treat their finances and strive for financial stability and independence.


We met with Robert Kiyosaki, and he was happy to tell us about your plans for the future.

- What is your main message to the public?

-Vazhnost Financial education, because it is not taught in school. For some reason, many people do not realize how important it is to start from childhood to teach children to manage money, the majority of people there are some primeval notion on this. Well, that money are evil, for example. Yes, it happens sometimes.

Because whenever I start talking about money, getting back some emotional resonance. I would argue that rich or poor, smart or stupid, we all use money. Even poor and they use them, what can we say about the rich, so that this topic unites us all. And I can not understand why I so often have to teach people the basics of finance.

- We know that you are a good teacher, and in your book you say that modern schooling harms the children because it teaches them to handle money. You would not want to open a chain of time their school or, at least, courses for children, to give them the proper financial education?

- Let me first clarify its position. School education is important, but many do not like to go to school. And in the United States studying at the school is very expensive. In addition, it defines a school, you are stupid or clever. I never thought that a teacher once in a special smart. Who are they to tell me who is smart and who is stupid?

So my thought is - if you have a choice, you will become rich, the poor or the middle class, it should be determined not by whether you go to school and how. If you want to become a doctor, a lawyer or an accountant, you should go to school.

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