Habits of Millionaires

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Habits of Millionaires
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Millionaires novice - a curious phenomenon, not only in Russia but also in the United States. In our country everything today's dollar millionaires made a fortune for yourself. But in the US, this category of millionaires is sizable 80%, and only about 20% of the rich got millions in inheritance.

And this is a ground for comparisons, assessments and conclusions. In Russia and the United States to the millionaires are very different. The former Soviet Union the main source of information about millionaires are jokes about the "new Russian", the materials of criminal cases, strongly compromising and beautiful stories in expensive journals about how you can spend with a glamor do not know who had taken the money from.

None of these sources is not able to raise the level of respect for millionaires. Or help someone else get richer. Meanwhile, the "new American millionaires" were the subject of a completely pragmatic research. An important American principle: if you know someone with money, do not be envious and do not conflict with it. Better yet, try to make yourself, for example, to sell something richer.

That's why companies seeking to conduct focused marketing to the most well-off strata of American society, pay for a detailed study of the behavior and habits of American millionaires. After many years of studying American millionaires two researchers - Thomas Stanley and William Danko - in 1996 we published the results of their research. Their book "Your neighbor - a millionaire" became an instant bestseller and remains so for many years.

Circulation found difficult. But, for example, the Google search engine produces 59 thousand references to the exact title of this book. Despite the relatively long time that has passed since the release, this book is, in my opinion, is one of the most instructive and perhaps practical for Russian entrepreneurs.

The ideas expressed in this book could change the style of behavior of many Russian millionaires, lead to a large number of new millionaires, to change the attitude of the rich people in general. And perhaps even become a factor in additional economic growth. Provided that the book would have been accessible to a wide Russian reader.

In the meantime, use the genre of review (though in the full sense of the word, and this article is not any). It seems that the authors are aware of the average American millionaire everything. How old is he, where he works as he had a marriage, how often he makes gifts, where he lives and how to rest, how much is spent on all kinds of goods and services.

In principle, one would expect that such items may be of interest only to trading companies. After all, most of us (and most Americans) in the head has its own image of a millionaire, statistical clarification of details which do not seem fun.

Indeed, the typical image of a millionaire in the mass consciousness formed something like a millionaire - is someone who spends a lot of lives beautifully, often scrolls through all sorts of machinations. But most importantly, all the millionaires live some special and "isolated" life. However, no matter what we think about American millionaires, most likely wrong.

Interesting also mentioned the book is not that surprised by some new or piquant details from the life of millionaires, but that looks almost ... a practical guide for the layman. It read for business people, but not for fans of "strawberries". Exact details about the habits of millionaires interest primarily to those who would like to understand how to become richer.

It's one thing to read the general reasoning that "we must be diligent" or "lean and do not overspend." It's quite another - to operate with details and facts that may be useful to everyone. And if you do not turn you into a millionaire automatically, at least, it can help to get richer.

Behavior millionaires

One cited in the above publication entirely metaphorical stories for the book. Its authors, two Doctors of Science - T. Stanley and William Danko received the money for the study habits of millionaires and including interviews with them.

And researchers have begun to invite a small group of millionaires in the prestigious halls to discuss their habits and consumer preferences. At these meetings, the millionaires of the soul fed. Yes, and the participation fee of $ 100-250 for the meeting!

The first meeting was held in one of the luxurious halls of New York, where they invited a group of nine respondents, the personal status of each of which is at least $ 10 million. In order not to hurt the delicate feelings of millionaires, hired keyternuyu company (organizing power "on the road"), which provided snacks and drinks - of course, chose the best vintage wines!

The first arrivals appeared the owner insanely expensive real estate in New York, a millionaire in the first generation - 69 years. In a bid to try a glass of expensive wine (Bordeaux 1970), he immediately replied: "I only drink scotch and two beers: Budweiser and free." One way or another, but by the end of the event, to the complete surprise of the organizers, it was found that the luxury food and fine wines remain intact.

Millionaires also beat on the most simple foods and beverages. Of course, the expensive dishes and drinking are not lost - they used the organizers of the study who understood a lot about the food. But, as a melancholy note the authors of the book, no one who valued the food was not a millionaire. Later, at such events we were served the usual sandwiches, coffee, beer and scotch.

This story perfectly illustrates the main theme of the book: American millionaires to anecdotal economical and not picky. And they do not think about how to "live well", but about how to live without the need for lifelong learning.

Conclusion: The rich people do not need to show off their wealth. After all, they already know that rich!

Meanwhile, the "look respectable" struggling to people who have a lot of money there. But who would very much like to look prosperous. However demonstrative spending on "rich life", in turn, reduces the likelihood of accumulating wealth. And certainly do not contribute to its increase.

How to remember the authors, in many cases, at the meetings with the most millionaires in expensive suits were dressed just consultants who live on wages and not invited to the rich. Suitable anecdote: a prosperous venture to produce diesel engines in Texas is going to buy a large British company.

When the delegation arrived at the plant, the first visitors took the owner ... of a truck driver. Apparently unconcerned ostentation Texan strictly followed the popular saying in the state, perfectly characterizes those who looks respectable, but it has nothing to his name: "Big hat, but there is no herd" (big hat, no cattle).

Home habit of millionaires

As long-term studies of the habits of American millionaires, the main principle is to save them.

The information in the book statistics show that half of the millionaires had never paid more than $ 399 for a suit, $ 140 for a pair of shoes and $ 235 for the watch. The same statistics reveals in detail the cost structure of American millionaires.

So, the most economical of them (and there are about 10%) had never spent more than $ 195 for a suit, $ 73 on a pair of shoes and $ 47 in the wristwatch. More study author and a car park at the disposal of the millionaires. It turned out that 50% of them bought a car last not more than $ 24,800. And never buy a car for more than $ 29,000.

Meanwhile, 20% of millionaires have never bought a car more than $ 20,000. A large part of the millionaire leads a fairly traditional machine is not prestigious, and more than a third of millionaires are experiencing a steady craving for used cars.

The authors say: all this curious statistics somehow does not make sensations and does not get into the press, which in the meantime loves exotic stories about some Don King, sports managers, who in one trip to the store bought 110 pairs of shoes, spending $ 64,000. Such scenes instantly become public, and in fact it turns out that this is not the dominant style of behavior!

The idea that all the polls American millionaires live sort of a beautiful life, and nothing does not deny - not that other, as the ideological platform on which to build your company's business, selling expensive goods, and thus, all the forces trying to prove that their products definitely need to acquire in order to "fit in."

Image littering money millionaires - no more than a marketing trick designed to make the man in the street to pay for expensive items, justifying these costs "correct" way of life.

By the way, in order not to offend the millionaires take suggestions owed them money for the interview, the researchers offered them the opportunity to make these funds to charities specified by the millionaires. However, the typical response was: "What is your favorite charity - it was me!"

Finally, the main principle of wealth advocated by the majority of millionaires is this: regardless of the size of earnings, costs should always be less than the revenues.

Why they are modest

Millionaires in the US relative to many. 3, 5% of households (families) own a personal fortune of more than $ 1 million. And, as noted above, more than 80% of them are first-generation millionaires. Yet why millionaires are frugal?

Most "new" millionaires make the state in the most traditional, and not necessarily the most prestigious industries. Business premises cleaning. Repair of buildings. Men at work. Veterinary Medicine. Taxi and passenger transportation ... These people are not necessarily expensive dress and driving around in luxury cars. And sometimes it is simply bad, unless treated disregard to what you think of your employees.

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