Romantic love poems to a guy

 Beautiful and romantic poems about love and separation, poems about life and love to the guy Old letters

Old letters


Old letter read,

ZhSU unnecessary in the fire,

That piece of paper open,

The lines in it: "... You dream of me,

You knock out the window dawn,

Entrance to the bedroom breeze

Promise me that again to me

On a warm May evening

In the garden you come ... ", barely flickers

Candles faint light,

Quiet wax dripping on the table,

Again, I can see between the lines

The spring and the summer-house,

All overgrown with ivy,

You brought a branch of lilac,

We are talking about that, about this,

The wind playing in the garden,

With tears pears petals

We were under the feet of their throws,

Pulls fresh from the river ...

You, first a little shy,

Mnesh on lace,

I'm shy and blushing,

Forgotten all the words.

Lip your touch

Continue the conversation ...

Again I see the moment,

Once again, the fire in my soul.

Outside, the wind lyutuet,

Beast howling, the snow is blowing,

Sleep falls winter evening,

Suddenly I heard the noise of the gate,

The creaking of the sledge - a blizzard cursing,

You ran up the stairs,

And without waiting for May

To the heart of gently pressed.

Author Eleni Kerr

Sad poems about love and separation ME NOT

 Modern love poems, sad poems about love and separation



I do not, you understand, I'm no longer here -

Doors slam, all windows in the house opened,

On the streets around the room a ghostly light,

Things old abandoned or forgotten.

All of you do not believe? You open my wardrobe, look -

Anyone that dresses on hangers hanging heap.

It is empty, spiders settled in,

Naplel web as it wanted.

The floorboards creak, shadows huddle in the corners,

Everyone is wrong here, everything is now different,

Arrows frozen in our vintage watches,

Only the wind blows in our house.

You're in it alone, you walk like a blind man,

On bumping into corners, on the chairs in the living room,

Endless debates're with silence,

All guess I'm guilty or innocent.

What are you so easily let me go?

Well I kept silent and did not hold my hand?

What if the door was opened to me so easily?

The threshold has passed, why not call back?



Left alone at night in an empty apartment,

Thy beloved, listen to the steps

One ... two ... you came up to the window ... three ... four ...

How many among us stuff

Reproaches meaningless empty

Shadows innuendo and insults

There was a rose, scattered, frozen,

Damaging the interior last appearance.

Step two ... ... you accidentally stumbled again,

And arrows in our sundial

Abort run and frozen sad,

A "yes" and "no" swung in the balance.

... Three ... again step four ... that's corner

How many of you went around corners -

Silent someone put up scarecrows

From vulgar, stupid and colorless words.

... Step ... two ... Everything! Enough! Stop! Enough!

You long ago in my apartment, no!

But why is it so unbearably painful

Again we hear the one who killed us the answer ...

Author Eleni Kerr



It has long been ... recently dusk ...

You were not ... was when my ...

I did not want ... I want timidly

Do not be ... stay with you for days ...

And you were ... you were not, perhaps,

I agree ... do not agree on anything ...

I loved ... loved you so badly,

What did not come ... I come anyhow ...

I did not want to touch you ... want ...

You do not give yourself a hug ... I gave ...

I am at this moment opened my eyes ... awake ...

And I continue to dream about you ...

Poems former favorite

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Wish sat down to write -

Dates in the list is always at hand.

It should be used at once for all the talk,

That does not come from another bungle.

In good - no news,

In poor always full of them,

I absolutely indifferent passions -

Once strangers, then all the same.

To begin, "I wish," I write,

Well, after that everything went -

I do not celebrate, I know - to make people laugh,

But we have to repeat everything.

Write that wish to forget

The cold that came out of place?

But then how to be clear?

Until now it is noisy masquerade.

I wish to live without any problems? -

Tired already solve them -

Life will seem very fresh,

In it, and so it became difficult to breathe.

Write that I wish you all?

If not tricky, so now -

Do not hold nothing

Our wide open door.

Maybe it is better not to write?

Jump the gap at least once? -

But I am afraid of losing forever

The fact that the heat in the dead of us.

Author Eleni Kerr

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For you have blossomed in the forest forget-me -

Heaven gave them their blue,

I will try to find a moment today

And a bouquet of flowers of these gentle Narva.

For you the sun rose, dawn lit,

For you on a birch catkins hang

For you it is important to Finch sat on a branch,

For you cherry blossoms our garden.

For you I was born, the fate of our meeting

I wrote winds and bright star ...

Maybe tomorrow is happy that evening,

And on the narrow path, I'll meet you.



You took me gently by the shoulders,

With a smile, looking at me,

I forgot we're about candles

Today is not lit the fire.

Touching your lips a little wet -

And once a hurricane in the chest ...

All of this for me is so important!

You wait to touch the tape.

Another outfit with flowering cherries

Spring breeze is not removed,

Once the stream is not sleeping, just heard,

Another "love" you said.
