The effects of alcohol on pregnancy


Reverent attitude to strong drinks sometimes is referred to the distinctive features of the Russian people. With this statement, and you can argue, but to some extent it's probably true. Therefore, it is useful to talk a bit about alcohol during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman, even with good intentions, can not drink alone - her company always make the fruit. Alcohol easily passes through the placenta and into his body. And acting was not the best way. Harmful himself alcohol (ethanol), and its decay products - acetaldehyde, for example.

Alcohol may cause spasm of blood vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus. Acetaldehyde reduces zinc fruit cells, disrupting their growth and development. He is able to induce changes (mutations) in the DNA of germinal cells, and this may lead to serious malformations, and fetal tissue.

In addition, alcohol causes vitamin deficiency infringes the exchange of other important substances - hormones, prostaglandins, etc. As a result, affects many organs and systems of the fetus, but most of all - the central nervous system (including intelligence and behavioral sphere).

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy a woman significantly increases the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, and in the most severe cases - the development of fetal alcohol syndrome.

So-called diseases of the fetus due to prenatal alcohol damage. This syndrome is characterized by specific abnormalities of the face, delay of physical and mental development, behavioral abnormalities, cardiac and other organs.

Maybe you've seen the author's program A. Lyubimov's view, which was shown the story of a little boy, I dream to break all the windows in the house of the parents, and themselves thrown out of the window into the garden, where they have become the carrots and onions?

The baby's face, shown close up, his speech, as well as interviews with alcoholic parents, I remember, made a strong impression on Vladimir Pozner, one of the participants in the program. The boy - fetal alcohol syndrome. However, you might find these children and in the city - train stations or markets.

Last macabre touch to the portrait of the problem - the consequences of fetal alcohol lesion irreversible and virtually untreatable.

However, this picture is not always, and you have the right to ask reasonable questions: On what does the risk?

Dose? From the regularity of alcohol consumption? Or something else?



The nature of the effects of alcohol exposure on the fetus depends on many factors. Of course, a crucial role is played by the amount of alcohol and the frequency of their use.

Research shows: the daily intake of 30 grams of alcohol a pregnant (or other alcoholic beverages based on alcohol), accompanied by a high risk of fetal alcohol syndrome in the unborn child. However, this syndrome often occurs in children whose mothers used the 3 - 5 grams of alcohol daily!

Single dose safe for all does not exist, since Alcohol harm to the fetus depends on the characteristics of the female body for the processing of alcohol and reaction to alcohol, the state organs and systems of a woman at the time of pregnancy, the nature of the diet, concomitant bad habits, the genotype of the fetus, gestational age, and many other things.

The obvious fact - is unwise to expose the fruit of even minimal risk.

Of course, do not panic if you drank a glass of sparkling wine or half a can of beer once or twice. However, if someone will tell you that a small glass of port wine daily for lunch improves blood, and 20-30 grams of alcohol tincture of a miracle plant improves the immune system, remember - on the second side of the scale is a real risk of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Even such nonsense as 100 grams of beer, drink pregnant every day - is not safe for the fetus.

Therefore, the recommendations of doctors are categorical - alcohol during pregnancy must be excluded at all!

Better yet, stop taking alcoholic drinks in the period before conception (at least 3 months before).

And last recommendation concerns not only women. Alcohol can interfere with the process of full development of sperm in the male body, and this can lead to serious consequences for the future of the fetus.


Alcohol in the body of a pregnant woman - not a place.

In cases where the drinks occupy a strong position in the life of women entering the field of sustainable interests are requested to consult a specialist drug treatment (if it does not solve the problem).

Now such assistance is provided anonymously, which significantly reduces psychological distress in women who have decided to give up the habit.

The effects of alcohol on erections and potency

 The effects of alcohol on erections and potency

Many men believe that alcohol affects the erection and potency, stimulates sexual potency. Indeed, sometimes the intake of small doses of alcohol can enhance sexual desire, as well as lengthen the sexual intercourse by delaying ejaculation. This is typical for men with increased suspiciousness, self-doubt,

especially if they have had in the past a bad sexual experience. Evaluation of alcohol as a means of "strengthening" of sexual power is still prevalent among some men. They have the habit before every sexual act to drink alcohol to delay ejaculation.

Average for sexual intercourse without the use of alcoholic beverages is not possible, that sooner or later inevitably leads to alcoholism.

The effects of alcohol on erections and potency

Men should know that alcohol intake stimulates a very short time, and eventually on the contrary, leads to disruption and fading erection, sexual function.

The disorder of the reproductive glands expressed decrease in sex drive, lack of erection, premature ejaculation.

Violations under the influence of alcohol functions of the endocrine glands (pituitary thyroid, adrenals) exacerbate already existing sexual disorders. Drinking alcohol can cause inflammation of the prostate gland, which is also a negative effect on erection and potency.

It is known that 80-90% of sexually transmitted infection occurs in a state of intoxication, as a drunken man is easier to enter into an intimate relationship with unfamiliar women. And, for example, gonorrhea, frequent complications such as inflammation of the prostate, seminal vesicles, epididymis, also causes impotence.

Erectile dysfunction and potency are developed in stages.

First fade erotic dreams and wet dreams, which come in healthy men are not sexually active, typically at least 1 - 2 times per month. Weaken and disappear erection (first morning). Man, drink, usually connects a lower potency with overwork, bad mood, etc.

Sometimes he did not have intercourse, sometimes it works, but with premature ejaculation. If he is intoxicated, or ejaculation is not a long time coming. At the same time changing the nature of sensations - from the onset of pain in the moment of orgasm before his dullness, and the total absence.

Instead, relaxation and satisfaction, a strong weakness and hostility towards women. Over time, it developed persistent impotence. Sometimes it may still appear strong emotional desire, the desire to have sex, but it soon disappears.

Even in a favorable situation, with a clear effort on the part of women to close, such men are looking for all sorts of excuses to avoid failure. They often hide their sexual weakness tales of imaginary victories over women and sexual existing force.

There is another side to the negative impact of alcohol on erections, sexual glands under its influence they produce defective germ cells. In the study of sperm of men suffering from alcoholism, it found a large number of fixed, structural changes and adverse sperm.

If a person continues to drink alcohol, the problems are increasing, leading to permanent infertility. Everyone knows how the changing nature of the person for whom use of alcohol is becoming commonplace, narrowing the range of interests, moral degradation, brutality, falling self, can not affect the lives of men.

In addition, he appeared emotional breakdowns, in particular anxiety, which leads to the constantly emerging expectation of failure, and because of this - the fear of sexual intercourse.

It should be remembered that alcohol is one of the family members inevitably leads to family conflicts. One reason is to reduce the erection potency husband. Moreover, even isolated cases of intoxication can cause psychological trauma that are not lost on future family life.

Drunk husband always calls his wife negative emotions, especially in a moment of intimacy. It hardly feels a sense of satisfaction, and at other times try to avoid close relationships.

A vicious circle: the use of alcohol causes erectile dysfunction and potency, is the cause of family conflicts; family conflicts give rise to stressful situations, which, on the one hand, enhances sexual weakness, and on the other hand, is one of the promoters of alcoholism.

The only tool that can break this vicious circle - complete abstinence from alcohol!

REMEMBER! Drunkenness - a common cause of impotence, erectile dysfunction!

Only abstinence to reduce the rate of sexual dysfunction, and the most faithful guarantee their absence - abstinence from alcohol.
