Moderate amounts of alcohol and health


Supporters of brewing, and alcohol in general like to cite the arguments relating to the alleged improvement of the health of consumers of moderate doses of alcohol. Most often it comes to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease in moderate drinkers.

However, many studies have refuted this view.

For example, in the published in 1999 in the British Medical Journal study conducted by Scottish scientists for 21 years on a group of 5,766 men showed that:

Moderate doses of alcohol (up to 14 units per week, or about 140 grams of absolute alcohol, which corresponds to 14 glasses of beer or wine or 350 ml of vodka) did not show any changes in mortality from certain diseases compared with abstainers.

For those groups of men who consumed more than 35 alcohol units per week (7 liter beer at a concentration of 5% of alcohol per week), the death rate from stroke was twice higher than for non-drinking.

Recently I found that alcohol can lead to fainting.

Even social drinking can sometimes cause weakness and dizziness - not because of intoxication, but because of how alcohol impairs the body's ability to compress blood vessels.

It was found that under the force of gravity during getting up decreases blood flow to the brain. This is one of the reasons that some people, if you get up too quickly, feeling dizzy.

Typically, blood vessels constrict, regulating blood pressure. Alcohol also relaxes blood vessels, and they do not regulate blood pressure when moving the body.

In addition, alcohol can lower blood pressure, even in moderate intoxication. "We were surprised by the effect," - says Virend Somers, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic, one of the authors of the study, on the basis of which these conclusions are made.

During the study examined the effects of moderate intoxication in fourteen healthy young men, whose average age was 26 years. Blood pressure was measured before the drink, after drinking, and also in the process.

It was found that the systolic blood pressure fell by 14 and diastolic - 8 mm Hg.

Somers said that some people who have often happens vasodilation, may be vulnerable to even small amounts of alcohol .

Moderate amounts of alcohol and health


Supporters of brewing, and alcohol in general like to cite the arguments relating to the alleged improvement of the health of consumers of moderate doses of alcohol. Most often it comes to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease in moderate drinkers.

However, many studies have refuted this view.

For example, in the published in 1999 in the British Medical Journal study conducted by Scottish scientists for 21 years on a group of 5,766 men showed that:

Moderate doses of alcohol (up to 14 units per week, or about 140 grams of absolute alcohol, which corresponds to 14 glasses of beer or wine or 350 ml of vodka) did not show any changes in mortality from certain diseases compared with abstainers.

For those groups of men who consumed more than 35 alcohol units per week (7 liter beer at a concentration of 5% of alcohol per week), the death rate from stroke was twice higher than for non-drinking.

Recently I found that alcohol can lead to fainting.

Even social drinking can sometimes cause weakness and dizziness - not because of intoxication, but because of how alcohol impairs the body's ability to compress blood vessels.

It was found that under the force of gravity during getting up decreases blood flow to the brain. This is one of the reasons that some people, if you get up too quickly, feeling dizzy.

Typically, blood vessels constrict, regulating blood pressure. Alcohol also relaxes blood vessels, and they do not regulate blood pressure when moving the body.

In addition, alcohol can lower blood pressure, even in moderate intoxication. "We were surprised by the effect," - says Virend Somers, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic, one of the authors of the study, on the basis of which these conclusions are made.

During the study examined the effects of moderate intoxication in fourteen healthy young men, whose average age was 26 years. Blood pressure was measured before the drink, after drinking, and also in the process.

It was found that the systolic blood pressure fell by 14 and diastolic - 8 mm Hg.

Somers said that some people who have often happens vasodilation, may be vulnerable to even small amounts of alcohol .

If you drink a lot of beer


Can I become an alcoholic if you drink beer?

Some praise the materials about the beer you can read a reference to some WHO study that in those countries where they drink a lot of beer, alcohol level lower. This statement is obviously false for several reasons.

According to the WHO, the word "alcoholism" has no precise scientific meaning, and therefore alcohol is not included in the latest edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). WHO does not conduct research "level of alcoholism," so we do not know how to measure it.

The number of registered alcoholics in any country covers a minority of the people who could make such a diagnosis, and mainly reflects the national characteristics Substance Abuse Treatment.

At the same time, the WHO documentation clearly states: Ill relationship between per capita alcohol consumption in the country and the number of people consuming alcohol in large quantities, says that the main policy objective should be to reduce the levels of alcohol consumption among the general population, as well as prevention especially risky behavior.

European Action Plan to Combat Alcohol

Behind the increase in alcohol consumption per capita should increase total consumption among the general drinking population and increase in the number of people abusing alcohol.

The purpose of alcohol policy should not be reduced to "alcoholism" or alcohol abuse. Preventive measures that affect the majority of drinkers also have an impact on alcohol abuse or problem drinkers.

Drinking population in general behaves as a single system rather than as a number of different parts. Raising or lowering the total consumption is thus the result of a shift of consumption levels and will have an impact on alcohol abuse.

"Alcohol policy and the public good"

In other words, the smaller the country drink alcohol in general and beer in particular, the less in this country alcoholics.

It seems that beer drinking is formed slowly vodka ... It is difficult to consider the rule. Perhaps it is formed more quietly and deceptively.

In Germany, where traditionally consume beer is suffering from alcoholism beer. Excessive consumption of beer dramatically reduces productivity.

The harm is, even the so-called "non-alcoholic" beer, because alcohol in it is still present, albeit in very small quantities.

For example, there are cases that persons with alcohol dependence next bout begins with a glass of beer, non-alcoholic beer.

It should be noted that a person suffering from chronic alcoholism, switching from vodka to beer, too, does not give much benefit.

The body still requires its "equivalent", ie force to cover the amount of quality. One patient drug treatment clinics, having made such a "transition", drink a day for at least a bucket of beer.

But in other cases, or alcoholic beer is used to exit from binge or alcohol in the third stage, when the tolerance of the organism to the alcohol falls.

But beer alcoholism treatment requires the same as vodka and wine. First of all, you need to permanently renounce the use of beer.
