Hangover and how to fight it, folk remedies for a hangover cure
This article deals with a hangover, the concerns of millions of people:
how to drink in the morning to not be excruciatingly painful, and how to be treated to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover. There are many medical and traditional therapies hangover.
Every man, after a fun-filled holiday,
Hangover causes pain and suffering, so we're here assembled folk remedies that will help you to deal with a hangover.
Every person at least once in their life so drunk that morning himself cursed and berated for not restraint. But that's life, and it all depends on good company.
Folk remedies for a hangover
Copious drinking. Especially useful in this case mineral water. This is due to the fact that after the use of a large amount of alcohol is not necessary in the body of water and mineral salts.
Cold and hot shower. Please include almost cold water, the main thing is not to overdo it. Then the warm water, it is important that take a shower. And do not lie in the bath. Lying in the bath with warm water in not frisky condition can lead to the fact that you just simply fall asleep, which in turn can lead to an unpleasant end (and even death).
any other salty product (cucumbers). More precisely it's not the cabbage and in brine in which it is located. Drink a glass of brine, and the life is not so terrible.
Hot soup and tea. It should be consumed later, not immediately woke up, or can go back. Hot Products invigorate and impose the necessary order in the stomach.
Hush (Armenian soup). This product helps to regain strength after drinking, because it contains a great amount of fat. Preparing it this way: take a big piece of cow legs. Preferably with the thickest brain Mosley. Well, it is washed and thrown into the pot. Fill it with water and boil. No need to add salt. Cook should be long and hard, at least six hours. When it comes to readiness for use, remove Mosul, separate the meat, cut into the bone, and all the remaining return to the pot. Then we clean a lot of garlic, tolchёm, interfere with the salt and add it in a separate bowl.
A bottle of beer and a shot of vodka. For some, this is the most effective way to cure a hangover. The main disadvantage of this - the number of alkonoidov blood does not decrease, that is, hangover delayed. But it will be held in a milder form.
Aspic. It contains a large amount of fat, which link the effects of alcohol. In addition, it satisfies hunger, and satiety makes the body more resistant to alcohol.
Sex. Some say that this method helps, particularly in conjunction with protein food (yogurt, milk). Most likely it does not reduce the effect of alcohol, but simply relaxes a person and surrendering to love joys, the guy just forgets muchivshem his hangover.
Food and emptying. Tightly eat and go to the toilet. With this you are eliminated from the body most of the alcohol that did not get into the blood.
Sleep. Sleep as much as possible. Although many do not manage to sleep because of the severe headache.
Vomiting. Many laugh when "pal" after drinking a little, that not though tears. And in vain, because the vomiting part of a defensive reaction to the effects of alcohol. Nobody pays attention to that tear man sobers faster as he just removed from the alcohol itself, before he got into the blood. You can call artificial vomiting, it does not become worse.
Coffee or strong tea. Contained in these drinks caffeine tones the body, resulting in heart rhythm to normal. If you do not drink coffee, you drink tea, preferably the remainder of the day before, as the caffeine in it than in coffee. Attention, you can not drink coffee with certain diseases associated with the pressure, it is important not to forget about it.
Soft drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi. These drinks like coffee contain caffeine, so good tone. Moreover, they drink cold, and as you know the cold helps to sober up.
Schweppes. This drink should be consumed in the evening after drinking in the morning and not be a headache. The thing is quinine, which is contained in Schweppes. By the way, not all of it can drink as quinine because it has an unpleasant astringent taste.
"Musketeers broom." Take 2 pieces of sauerkraut, 1 part fresh cabbage, grated carrots 1 piece, half a glass of cucumber brine. We mesh and eat. The effect is less predictable emptying and you feel much better.
Bath with salt. I do not know that this recipe sober, but some help. So in a bath of warm water and pour some salt and lie down for a while. Again, I remind the precautions.
Recreation. If, during a hangover begin to engage in intensive work, you can only worsen your condition. Really need to try to forget the hangover, but it should be relaxing on the couch, read, watch TV, surf on the internet, then do not have the physical and mental labor.
Nature. Nature - a relaxation (relaxation). Not bad to sit on the beach or wander in the woods. If you have decided to take a dip in the pond, the first think, and whether to risk in your state? If you feel not so bad, the water, especially in the mountain river will win a hangover. Water treatments in the mountain water to dip their heads significantly weaken the effect of alcohol, but you thought why mountaineers never get drunk ??
Deep breathing. If you feel not very good, then go outside and sit 5 minutes, breathing deeply and quickly.
Mint gum and lozenges. From unpleasant sensations in the stomach it will help get rid oddly ordinary mint gum. Take the gum in your mouth, chew and inhale deeply. I promise to help.
Three ears.
If you want to give yourself or someone in a sense, to rub his ears reddening and consciousness returns. This is due to the fact that the head to increase blood flow.
Russian sauna. Doctors say that more gently removes hangover sauna, not bath. But the Russian people better is not that easy, but what is interesting. So that accompany steam room and swimming need to "beating" a broom. The blood flows faster, respectively, the condition improves. The recipe is not suitable for those suffering from heart diseases.
Bee honey. Take 100 grams of honey and due to the action of fructose and other substances, alcohol residues are neutralized.
Herbal teas. Take 4 tablespoons of the younger rose, 1 tablespoon St. John's wort, 2 tablespoons of motherwort and 3 tablespoons of honey. All pour boiling water and infuse. Be sure to help.
Raw egg. Beat 1 egg, mix with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, add salt and pepper. Drink in one gulp.
Cocktails with vodka. Glass of vodka mixed with a few tablespoons of sour cream, add a spoonful of honey, ice cubes, sprinkle with lemon and drink slowly. This cocktail will be able to enjoy every, if you it will not go, it is better not torture the body.
Banana. After eating a banana (or some such), you will restore the necessary body potassium content, which was launched during and after the use of alcohol as a result of frequent urination.
Citrus. Take 200 grams of natural orange juice, one lemon peel, and 100 grams of honey. All this stir in the mixer for about five minutes at the request of one protein can throw.
Gelatin. Soaked gelatin '25 for 1 hour in a warm boiled water. Dilute 1 liter of syrup or jam. Then heated to simmer gelatin, and slowly pour in the syrup. Further, the taste - in the refrigerator or just a drink. The thing is that this mixture of many vitamins and glycine which relaxes and soothes.
Cabbage with yogurt. Mix a small amount of fresh cabbage with yogurt. Stir well, pushing the cabbage. You can eat, the effect is the same as from the use of sauerkraut.
Enema. Do not laugh, this method of treatment for sobering up and hangover most effective. Having an enema, you are eliminated from the body all the most harmful of the alcohol, which remained in the digestive organs.
Coffee with lemon and brandy. Take a cup of hot coffee (tea in case of emergency), to add a slice of lemon, pour a couple tablespoons of brandy. The recipe is ready, now it is necessary to drink it while hot. Besides this mixture acts as a sedative, which is not bad.
"Bloody Eye". This cocktail - Antipohmelin prepared as follows: a glass of tomato juice and put the yolk in any case do not mix. Then it all in one gulp a drink.
Lemon ice. Stuffed full mug of ice (though the ice is necessary to prepare the evening), to throw a piece of lemon and pour the salty mineral water. Then slowly (savoring) you drink. Really helps.
Flakes with yogurt. Take cereal (oatmeal or other), mix them with yogurt (fresh only), about 1 tbsp. Spoon 100 grams of yogurt. Let it brew.
Castor oil and milk. Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil in 1 cup of milk. The milk should be hot, and the oil dissolved. Let cool and drink.
Finally, we recall that it is better not to suffer from a hangover and in a timely manner, prior to the adoption of alcohol to prepare the body. It is better to prevent disease than to treat it.