What is a living beer

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What is a living beer
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What is a living beer, and why kill him? What is beer?

Often, our local beer company advertise its products under the slogan: "In contrast to the foreign, our beer - live!" In fact, all the current Brewers to actively intervene in the process of creating a natural beer. The brewing industry is widely used

Various technological and nutritional supplements that are designed to speed up the production process, increasing the shelf life of products, improve the taste and other consumer properties.

Modern technologies of industrial beer making include three main stages.

The first stage - the preparation of malt. For this purpose, a special variety of barley or other cereals. They are cleaned, sorted, disinfected and placed in a moist environment where grains germinate and they accumulate starch, enzymes, vitamins and other substances. Then sprouted grains are dried, cleaned of germs and leave to rest in bed for a month. Thus, the raw material for the production of beer is barley malt - a product of the germination of barley. Barley washed and left to grain sprouted. Germinated barley, dried and crushed.

The second stage - the preparation of the wort. Crushed grain malt flooded with water. In this mass, called wort, at a certain temperature in the process of digestion of starch into simple sugars. Particularly intense it occurs after the addition of hops and provarivaniya weight, which is called wort.

An important indicator of the quality of the malt is saccharified ability. It is expressed in minutes, the time it takes to complete saccharification the mash at 70 ° C after the date of this temperature. Thus under saccharification, apparently refers to the ability of enzymes to cleave barley crushed grains contained in the same grains of starch.

The duration of saccharification must not exceed 25 minutes. If the duration of saccharification of malt much more, it is determined another indicator of its quality - amylolytic activity. It is characterized by the number of grams of maltose formed from soluble starch by the action of malt 100g for 30 min at 20 ° C and pH 4, 3. This figure probably not accidental.

It was probably at this stage are added to the mash imported at great expense maltose syrup, maltose after all of the subsequently formed during fermentation ethanol and other alcohols. In step mashing may also be added to the enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of starch and of complex sugars to simple sugars.

Obviously, if no sugars or enzymes are not added, then most likely first formed wort with minimal content of maltose and then most natural beer with a minimum content of alcohol. If added, and enzymes, and glucose syrup, the maltose formed much and the final product contains more alcohol. The biological effect of the enzymes contained in the wort does not have as denatured by boiling wort.

Proteins were enzymatically converted to peptides and amino acids. Saccharified mash is filtered and divided into two parts: a liquid - wort and insoluble - pellet. The wort is boiled with hops; and wherein the bitter hop flavoring soluble in wort. During boiling the wort with hops of the amino acid reacts with the sugars and form melanoidins.

In the third step the wort is filtered, cooled and introduced into a special beer yeast. After a short period of rapid fermentation beer dobrazhivayut mass at a low temperature for several weeks or months.

This fermentation microbes are eating most valuable substances (amino acids, simple sugars, vitamins), using them for their growth and reproduction. Unable to power off when the wort, the microbes have to use it as a latrine, highlighting waste their livelihoods: ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Wort ferments eight days, after this period it is poured into sealed tanks in which it dobrazhivaet at 1-4 degrees for at least three weeks. High-quality beverages such as "Porter", aged up to 90 days.

That is, after fermentation, and it turns out so-called "live" beer. "Live" beer, because it is full of brewer's yeast (microorganisms), beneficial micro-and macro-elements, it is very high content of vitamin PP.

But such a valuable drink "living" beer should be implemented within a maximum of three days, and then when stored in a cool place - the temperature should not exceed 4 degrees. Otherwise, the beer turns into poison. Because in breweries it carefully filtered, killing biologically active components. That is, it has "inanimate", but it can be said without preservative.

After that, the beer can be stored in a cool place maximum month, depending on the variety. But if the shelf life of a few months, but still can be stored in any temperature conditions will not deteriorate, it is clear ... without preservatives has not done.

For the preservation of the drink and to increase its shelf life it adds different substances, which suppress the growth of yeasts, foreign microorganisms and inhibit enzyme activity. Without such additives cloudy beer quickly loses flavor, and some minor components precipitated. Previously we used formalin as a preservative.

"Live beer

Prev. - Next. "

The Ministry of Health is trying to blow away with beer foam


What motivated the need to strengthen measures for the Sanitary Inspection of the brewing industry's chief sanitary doctor of Russia? An analysis of the drug situation in the country, including studies in Moscow in the framework of the school of research on alcohol and drugs, indicates that

the observed increase in the consumption of beer is due to adolescents and women of childbearing age.

This is in no small measure contributes to the reduction of life expectancy and the growth rate of premature mortality.

Held gossanepidsluzhby Russian monitoring of the quality and safety of non-alcoholic beer production points to the continuing evidence of non-compliance of technological and sanitary-epidemiological conditions of production of beer and soft drinks.

The range of beer products make up a large proportion of beers with absolute alcohol content of more than 6%, which on the toxicological properties and characteristics, as well as the level of human exposure can be attributed to alcohol.

Thus, the company "Nord-West" (Moscow) made beer "Le Corsaire" with an alcohol content of 12-14%, by "VINAP" (Novosibirsk) beer "Jubilee" with an alcohol content of more than 6%. At the same time the production of non-alcoholic beer remains at a low level.

In recent years, electronic media intensified aggressive, excessive, aimed mainly at young people receptive beer ads. Given that some beers contain alcohol in its composition in concentrations that exceed the established levels of regulatory documents, information disseminated in the electronic media, in fact, can be regarded as a violation of the law banning the advertising of alcoholic beverages on television.

The growth of consumption by young people and alcohol contributes to the sale of beer in the direct vicinity of the institutions of education, health, culture and sports, as well as the absence of the age limit for the implementation of the above products to trade. "

For some reason, historically, that in Russia do not consider beer drinking. There was even a term - Beer and Beverage Industry - that is called non-alcoholic beer no one dared, but its production to the alcohol industry does not relate.

Besides, now on television actively advertise the beer as a fashion, and even a healthy drink for young people. A paradoxical situation. Because of the conservation of post-Soviet traditions actually drink beer continues to be seen as soft with its consequences. Taxation and regulation of advertising is very different from those for alcoholic beverages.

Of course, this situation looks extremely attractive to foreign investors, and the beer industry begins to flourish. In fact, here as the flow of capital from the traditional alcohol industry, which may not be as actively advertise their products, and from the brewing industry of Western countries, where legislation refers to soft drinks is not by name, but by the content of alcohol.

The SSES brought a sad conclusion: we have a country with a northern type of alcohol consumption. A cocktail of Russians has become a "ruff": "Vodka without beer - money down the drain." Monitoring the quality of beer, sanitary services, shows that on our shelves in the range increasing proportion of varieties with an alcohol content of more than 6%.

Simply put, beer drinking has become almost the norm. The SSES decided to fight this phenomenon. Russia's chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko said: in the near future should be to develop the concept of "alcohol policy". In the country there was an emergency in connection with beer alcoholism.

Head of the Department of Food Hygiene of the Ministry of Health Anatoly Petukhov said: "If we were drinking less vodka, with all that beer would not have any problems. But both the consumption of beverages is growing at an alarming rate."

Even in winter, a bottle of beer is an essential feature of urban teens seeking to impress each other, and too often it ends up very badly from frozen fingers to the comatose state in which they are found after a night spent in the cold.

Many Russian vodka drinkers continue to have an equally distorted view of beer, as well as the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, authorized the construction on the outskirts of the capital plant for the production of the Turkish beer. "Beer, - he said - is the best medicine for alcoholics". Nondrinkers mayor can completely forgive his mistake, but many people think, so let's understand all the same: what is beer?
