It is useful if the beer?


It is useful if the beer for the heart?

Proponents of beer claim that it contains carbon dioxide expands the capillary vessels of the mucous membrane of the digestive system and promotes a more rapid flow of fluid into the blood. And this, they say, dignity.

However, when the beer is quickly absorbed into the body, it overwhelms the bloodstream, with a large amount of alcohol consumed appears varicose veins and expand the boundaries of the heart. Radiologists call this phenomenon syndrome "beer heart" syndrome or "nylon stocking." When abuse beer, heart sags, becomes flabby, and his motor functions of living lost.

Almost all the authors who conducted the analysis of the relationship risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system with consumption of beer, agree that it increases the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease.


Similarly, the study of the influence of various alcoholic beverages on vascular tone showed that beer consumption is associated with higher levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure.


Deterioration of heart muscle function and may contribute to some chemical additives. For example, some beer manufacturers to improve beer foam added in the cobalt compound.

As a chemical analogue of calcium, cobalt, takes its place in the heart muscle. However, inherent in calcium in the excitation function and reduction of myocardial cobalt do not. This helps reduce cardiac contractility, increased volume of the heart, known as heart failure.

It is useful to whether beer for bowel

Recently, reports of any bad habits allow to protect against bowel cancer, and it turns out that you need to drink wine, and even smoking. However, this is reminiscent of arguments about the Alzheimer's disease (a variant of senile dementia) in smokers, which, ostensibly, among smokers, this pathology is almost never.

Of course, it is assumed concluded that smoking somehow protects against Alzheimer's disease. But, in fact, everything is easier: to most smokers just do not live as before dying from other diseases caused by tobacco smoke, mostly from cardiovascular diseases and cancer. And this analogy is not accidental is shown.

Even supporters of the beer can not keep silent about the fact that "German doctors have found in beer carcinogens, passing it from hops," but they immediately stipulated that "follow-up studies of Japanese scientists say the ability of beer excrete carcinogens. They are It is known to be present in smoked and fried foods, from which, however, no one is going to give. "

What substances in hops are carcinogenic? Technologists brewing write about the so-called bitter substances of hops, are classified in general, soft and hard resins. If you still think about tobacco, it is the resin in it contribute to the development of cancer in smokers.

Unfortunately, no matter what healing properties attributed to either drunk, his pitches will inevitably make their work of destruction.


The materials of the WHO stated that the consumption of beer significantly increased the risk of developing colon cancer.


Beer and childbirth

Another quote from the fans of beer: "Almost all the authors of old books about beer is recommended to drink beer, even nursing mothers and infants, seriously arguing that after the breast milk beer - the most suitable food for children. Even a" teacher of nations "John Amos Comenius did not rule beer from the diet of children. "

Alas, some errors are realized only after centuries. Although you can give and quotations relating to more modern iconic figures: "The Austrian brewers forces are not as proud of the fact that their child was drinking beer at one boy from the city of Graz.

Little boy grew up a frail, sickly and all that. And I recommend it, but the milk to drink beer. Now the boy grew up. Who it? Arnold Schwarzenegger. "Of course, it looks like a beautiful fairy tale, it is very useful as an advertisement.

Serious modern doctors fully deny the appropriateness of the recommendations of beer to children and pregnant women. This is reflected even in the trade rules: Petersburg, 28.08.2000, new trade rules - pregnant women not to sell beer. It turns out that the shelves where they sell beer and alcoholic beverages, in a prominent place to hang "the information about contraindications to the use of alcoholic beverages."

New trade rules oblige to inform citizens about what intoxicating drinks are especially harmful to pregnant and breastfeeding women, adolescents under 18 years of age, the core hypertensive pochechnikam, liverwort, etc. Fans of beer write: "Our ancestors knew that beer increases male potency." In fact, alcohol has a detrimental effect on the testes and ovaries.

When this is equally harmful as frequent intoxication and systemic administration of considerable amounts of alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol observed fatty degeneration of the seminiferous tubules and proliferation of connective tissue in the parenchyma of the testes.

Specific expression of toxic effects on the glandular tissue testicle has beers that are much lighter than other alcoholic beverages penetrates the testes barrier - an obstacle between the blood and tissues of the testicles, causing fatty degeneration of glandular epithelium of the seminiferous tubules.

Along with the direct toxic effects of alcohol on the testes, known importance from developing alcohol dependence affected the liver and its ability to break down estrogen.

It is known that in liver cirrhosis greatly increases the amount of estrogen in both men and women, which leads to inhibition of gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland and subsequent atrophy of the gonads. Also, you should remember the already mentioned phytoestrogens. As a result, begin to accumulate female sex hormones. It becomes wider pelvis, grow breasts, which starts to separate from the colostrum.

The man for three days a month swells the mucous membrane of the nose and nosebleeds noted. "Ambulance", which usually cause in such cases, are unable to help because doctors do not know the true causes of bleeding. Sometimes, when a man, a great lover of beer, is developing a malignant tumor of the breast.

It should be noted that alcohol abuse earlier or later, depending on the individual characteristics and endurance of the body, is also violated, and sexual potency, which is associated with a reduction of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, as a result of the braking action on the subcortical centers.

Do women have regular menstrual cycle disorder, drunk beer grows in proportion to the likelihood of breast cancer.


It is dangerous to drink beer mothers breastfed infant.

The child may be epileptic seizures, and eventually may occur and epilepsy.

Because of the toxic effect on the adrenal glands, alcohol inhibits the production of androgens in them that determine sexual desire, retribution for the abuse - decreased libido, and in advanced cases may develop secondary frigidity.

When you receive alcoholic beverages during pregnancy found teratogenic properties (that is, the tendency to cause malformations in the fetus) may be formed in the unborn child genetically determined hereditary predisposition to alcoholism.

According to the newspaper International Herald Tribune, the US Centers for Disease Control study found that raising taxes on beer by 20 cents reduced the incidence of adolescent diseases, sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea, almost 9%.

The study's author Harrell Chesson explains this phenomenon by the fact that drinking affects the judgment and adolescents under the influence of beer tend to engage in sexual relations, including those with multiple partners without using condoms.

Five tips on how to get out of the hangover

 The Hangover, heavy hangover

There are situations when on a night stop to control himself in the use of alcohol.

Especially if you have never consumed alcohol before and do not know their rules.

The Hangover

Especially difficult is the morning, when it is a heavy hangover.

In other words, heavy alcohol poisoning.

Firmly promised myself that this will not happen again, proceed to clean the body of toxins, and these tips will help in this.

Five tips on how to get out of the hangover

• Drink only qualitative alcohol. To poor (or another self-made) the alcoholic contains more toxins and fusel oils, and the probability of poisoning increases significantly. Not to mention that can be fatal.

• You should never, as they say "pohmelyatsya." Otherwise, it may result in a continuation of the banquet, and you undermine your health even more.

• If you are still "touched" before bedtime drink as much milk, it will help to neutralize and prevent the absorption of alcohol in his blood.

• Do not drink coffee. This increases the pressure, already high "after yesterday." You will be a hot tea with lemon. It can be natural, pektid containing juice - apple, or orange.

• Hot meat broth, meat and cabbage pickle also help neutralize the alcohol content in the body, and bring it back to normal.

Good luck in the new year!
