Smoking: 10 factors, everyone should know

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Smoking: 10 factors, everyone should know
Page 2

Tobacco companies first learned about the dangers of smoking and the dangers of passive smoking, that there is no safe cigarette, and concealed these facts. Moreover, they are trying to divert the discussion towards the financing of research in the field of ecology and bribing scholars.

In particular, representatives of the research office INBIFO, created by the company "Philip Morris" in Germany, stated that passive smoking is not harmful to health, and claimed that the whole thing in an unfavorable environment.

At the same time, their own reports, declassified in trials show that sidestream smoke due to lower combustion temperature of tobacco is several times more carcinogenic than the smoke actively inhaled by the smoker.

Tobacco companies mislead and frighten the public economic impact of tobacco control, such as a decrease in tax collection due to higher excise duties on tobacco products. All studies evaluating the economic impact of tobacco control, showed that an increase in excise taxes on cigarettes in the budget are going to a greater extent.

This is due to the fact that demand for cigarettes is not elastic, that is, by increasing the price of cigarettes there is only a slight decrease in their demand. In Russia, the tobacco lobby successfully manipulating the tax system.

Why tobacco companies are so afraid of raising taxes on cigarettes? The answer is simple: the appreciation of cigarettes limits their availability to children and adolescents, on which the volume of the market in the country in the near future.

Higher cigarette prices are also valid, because through them smoke cover state expenses related to their own reduced working capacity. Reduced disability smokers, both due to smoking breaks and due to illness and early death, as well as high costs of treating diseases caused by smoking, impede economic growth.

The argument of the tobacco companies (report Arthur D. Little, commissioned by "Philip Morris", 1999), regarding the fact that smoking reduces the need for pension provision at the expense of early mortality, has been recognized not only immoral, but also wrong. Smoking costs the economy an average of 13 times more expensive than saving for retirement.

Healthy generation of people of retirement age is not only performance, but also makes a vital contribution to the production of non-material values ​​such as caring for grandchildren. In addition, smoking damages the health of people to the retirement age and even children, including the unborn.

Marketing moves tobacco companies are extremely sophisticated. This advertising and entertainment sports, and in colored glossy magazines, the distribution of cigarettes in the streets, indirect advertising in movies.

Programs to educate children about the dangers of smoking actively carried out in schools by the tobacco companies under such slogans as "Smoking - the choice of an adult." And what child does not want to grow up as quickly as possible?

Tobacco companies intimidate the owners of restaurants that the ban on smoking will reduce traffic and thus reduce profits. But even smokers do not want to sit in smoke-filled rooms. A ban on smoking in bars in Ireland and Norway, contrary to all expectations, has led to an increase in profits.

Smoke - free choice?

The tobacco companies contend that smoking - is the right person to make your choice.

Ask your smoking friends if they would like to quit smoking ...

Ask them if they first started smoking in adolescence irresponsible ...

Ask them what they knew about the dangers of smoking at the time when they started smoking ...

Ask those who live nearby, nice if they breathe cigarette smoke and butts to see under your feet ...

Thank you for the information

president of the Society evidence-based medicine experts

Cyril Danishevsky.

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How to quit smoking with ease

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How to quit smoking with ease
Page 2


And love selflessly to pig squeal. The cigarette of course. Smoking adores, is drawn into the ranks of smokers almost from the first puff. They are important entourage - beautiful lighters, shiny packs, various accessories. In most cases, these people are kinesthetic - that is, perceive the world through tactile sensation, they still need to touch, feel, twist in his hands.

What to do? Making such a person to quit smoking can only gunpoint or other threats to life and health. Can help drugs that cause nausea during smoking, physical therapy, acupressure, acupuncture - that is, the impact through touch.

It is important to give some substitute cigarettes - though Sony Playstation Portable, though new "fancy" most do not want a mobile phone, PDA stylus even though any hobby, requiring work with his hands. Otherwise, such a person will return to cigarettes, especially if the work relating to the meeting, and prolonged periods of sitting behind an office desk - it's hell for kinestetika.

If you stop smoking, then:

· 20 minutes later you have normal heart rate and reduce high blood pressure;

· 24 hours you will decrease the risk of myocardial infarction;

· 2 days you will return to the normal sense of taste and smell;

· 2-3 weeks normalized lung function, improve microcirculation, oxygen supply, and it becomes much easier to walk;

· 1-year risk of myocardial infarction decrease twice in comparison with one day of quitting;

· 5 years the risk of cancer of the nasopharynx and esophagus reduced by half, and the risk of stroke and heart attack will be almost the same as a non-smoker;

· 10 years your chances of getting lung cancer will be equal to those of non-smokers.


Number 1.

Classic women's "excuse" - do not want to quit smoking, because I'm afraid of getting fat.

Indeed, many give up cigarettes are starting to blur before our eyes. That's just not smoking nothing to do with. Just in time to restore the sensitivity of taste receptors in the mouth, and even the most ordinary food begins to seem divinely delicious. How can you resist? That starts increased uptake throughout yummy within reach. Is it possible to avoid gaining weight? Absolutely.

We just need to keep the house fresh fruits and vegetables, and that they quench their thirst for new taste sensations. Especially good in this case acidic berries like cranberries, winter only to find it is problematic. Some help small bottle of mineral water usual, they always carry with them. There was a desire to smoke or go to the stall for brownies - stopped otpili a few mouthfuls, and you can move on.

Number 2.

"Excuse" very advanced users: smoking helps protect against Parkinson's disease.

Indeed, it was a study by American scientists. They have even suggested that tobacco contains some neuroprotective. Just select it had not yet been able to. And it is not supplied in its pure form, and in company with four thousand other components of tobacco smoke, such as cyanides, benzpyrene, ammonia, cadmium and other harmful substances certainly. So that the protective effect, if it is present, it negated the risk of a whole bunch of diseases.

But does it make sense?

The way the smoker responds to the elimination of tobacco depends on the health status, age, and, most importantly, on what stage of the so-called syndrome of nicotine people quit smoking.

And yet, if you quit smoking, "finished his" fatal and incurable diseases, the body over time gets rid yourself from the effects of poisoning his poison smoke.

Studies have shown that pathological changes in the respiratory system, for example, due to poisoning by combustion products of tobacco are compensated on average in the year after the person has stopped smoking. Yes, and other indicators are gradually returning to normal.

So if it turns out to give up cigarettes alone - fine. Well, if you do not go out - you need access to specialists, narcologist, psychotherapist.

It is desirable for the recommendations they have treated with friends, colleagues, virtual acquaintances. And all must succeed.

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