How to quit smoking with ease

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How to quit smoking with ease
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Sooner or later, almost every smoker comes to the conclusion that it's time to fasten with this business.

The reasons may be very different: on the persecution began, and even in winter have to run into the street to smoke; health

was to play tricks - bouts of morning cough suspiciously tightened; the appearance is poor - the skin fades, yellow fingers, from hair and mouth smells so that the most disgusting ... There are many options, and each has his own. Here are just a sensible idea to implement in practice, it turns out, not all and not immediately.

And while doctors in one voice say that the vast majority of smokers are able to quit for yourself that physical dependence on nicotine many times less than that of alcohol or drugs. This is the first difficulty.

Comment specialist

"Give up smoking? What could be simpler. I myself have done this dozens of times. "

Mark Twain

A second difficulty is that the methods and means that once and promise to get rid of tobacco dependence - oceans of drink, and orient it just can not even trained in matters Addiction people.

Choosing such that the eyes diverge, discord begins in the head and the hands are automatically taken out of another cigarette packs.

Let's try to sort out?

Three Sources and Three Component Parts

The entire mass of methods to get rid of tobacco dependence can be divided into three broad categories.

The first group of methods is based on the therapeutic suggestion in the broadest sense of the word.

The second group - associated with reflexology (acupuncture, electropuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, etc.).

The third group includes various drugs as nicotine replacement, as well as various others, enabling the body to more easily and quickly overcome the nicotine abstinence syndrome.

Most often experts create their own, original techniques, combined method of all three groups. And the masters of their craft "cocktail" is created for each individual patient.

The only thing converges most physicians - need to quit smoking immediately. After only 30 minutes after the last puff nicotine concentration in the blood decreases and if this moment endure, physical need for another "dose" will take only three days.

To each his own

However, if it were that simple, the smokers around us was negligible. So it's not so simple. Indeed, dependence on cigarettes is very, very individual. Let's try to figure out who and for what reasons smokes, and how to act to get rid of this habit.


The man smokes to calm down, gather your thoughts, take himself in hand. Often smoke in bed at night. Most often, it is characterized by explosive or just intense emotions, most of them - negative. Choleric, melancholic and eerie mixture of both. This may be unusual, creative.

What to do? There definitely need a doctor and the same individual "cocktail" that needs to be carefully chosen to reconcile all the ingredients. It is possible that required drug correction - at least sedatives.

And, of course, have to give up alcohol because in our body cigarettes and alcohol are linked, so to speak, at the genetic level, and for this type of person a glass of wine or a shot of vodka can be the "trigger" that will start the usual and fully automatic program actions (Cigarette - Lighter - tightening). A person may not even notice at first that the smoke again.


Cigarette for him - this is only a form of recreation. He gets pleasure from the process, often smokes cigars, cigarillos or a pipe, which firmly adheres to the image - remember Churchill or his countryman Sherlock Holmes. For the pragmatist important ritual component - say, afternoon coffee and a cigarette or cigar and cognac. Most often it is sanguine, strong-willed and determined, endowed with a certain power: businessman or politician.

What to do? The doctors here have nothing to do. For such people are often the only authority they are, the opinions of others, including doctors, for them is not critical. No hypnosis, no needles, no psychotherapy in this case, will not work, because people used to believe only in ourselves. And he will be able to quit only if he so decides. Encourage him to take such a step may, for example, a hobby with high physical activity (Mountain bike, climbing, rafting, etc.).


The special pleasure of smoking it does not receive. For a dependent - it is a way of communication. He starts to smoke for the company, and at a very early age. At work, I never miss a smoke break, and not because they want to smoke, and because we need.

What to do? Independently of such a person will not give up cigarettes ever. It will take a very long course of psychotherapy and psychological rehabilitation (process can take a couple of years). Responds well to hypnosis, it responds to the "horror stories" about smoking, the ideal target audience for anti-smoking (social) advertising.

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Recommendations smoking

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Recommendations smoking
Page 2


Ideally, if you can stop smoking without the help of doctors . and below are some recommendations in this regard.

But as smoking - a disease from the category of drug dependency, not everyone will be able to cope with this disaster alone.

Officially recognized ways of treating smoking more than a hundred. Their diversity is striking.

Here is everything - from a purely psychotherapeutic drugs and to complex and technical, based on the latest achievements of science and technology. Here, then, is a brief overview of the most common and effective methods. So you've decided to quit smoking.

It is very important what exactly you yourself have decided to quit smoking.

If you do this, for example, at the request of his wife, while they themselves are not sure, whether you like it or not - it is better not to begin. None-the-art treatment methods will not help you.

At best, you have enough for a few months. And then, when circumstances (and they certainly shall flow :-) invisible hand you stretch out a cigarette again.

By the way, a large number of ex-smokers, and returned again to this ill-occupation made it drunk.

But if you yourself realize the disastrous cigarettes and determined to fight for their health, and at the same time prove to yourself that you have left what was once called willpower, then you expect almost 100% success rate.

The first thing to do is to decide - will you be able to quit smoking for yourself, without the help of a doctor or not. Here it is not so simple. Firstly, you are the best expert himself, must ask the question: "Will I?" If the answer is yes severely - feel free to go.

If in doubt, a favorite, then here's some information from the medicine. There are three stages of smoking. The first - stage random smoking, the second - the usual third - of bias.

First - if you smoke less than 5 years and not very much, mainly depending on the situation, the second - if you smoke 5 - 15 years of continuous no more than a pack a day, and the third - if you smoke more than 15-20 years old, smokes a pack or more a day, get up at night to smoke.

So, the first step of a purely psychological dependence, you are not severely ill, there is only mild vegetative-vascular changes. If you wish, you can easily quit smoking and body fairly soon come back to normal (disappear changes in the vessels).

If you are in the second stage - it is worse. You still great chance to quit smoking, but the process will be painful. Dependence longer physical. Not all the wounds inflicted on the body by smoking can be restored, but in life, you might add, quit.

In the third stage the dependence stronger and irresistible urge to smoke, quitting smoking is accompanied by severe symptoms of tobacco abstinence. Here, in most cases you need a doctor! You are seriously ill! Stop smoking as soon as possible, but not for long you remained.

Well, let's say you are sure that you do not need a doctor. For this case, there is just a huge number of tips and even entire systems, painted in minute detail what and how you do it.

For example, some are advised to tell everyone around that you quit smoking, others advise to hide the process from others, first advice hide ashtrays and all associated, second, on the contrary, advised more often to remember that before you smoked, and so on. D. etc.

So, do not listen to anybody! You yourself are not stupid (If you decide to quit, I'm sure) and you know what to do.

The main thing - you really wanted to quit smoking!

The most difficult thing - to withstand the first couple of weeks, and possible relapse within 3-6 months. And only two of the tips:

1) you can not quit smoking gradually, it is necessary to throw once and for all (better if not confident in their abilities, to put it a great thing for a few of days);

2) if you can afford it, use-nicotine chewing gum - it is much easier for you life in the period of withdrawal (it should be noted that this is really expensive, t. To. Chew it must be a long time, and is a quality chewing gum with nicotine (eg - "Nicorette" produced in Sweden) is not cheap.

Well, another ma-and-scarlet sovetik - remember that you are not a quit smoking at this point, do not you first, not you last - every year quit smoking, millions of people around the globe, throw, never to touch more to cigarette and they succeed. And you will!

Now, a brief overview of treatments for those who can not quit on their own. And here, too, the main thing - your desire. All of these techniques rather you help fight disease than treat yourself.

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