Do you want to live - Quit !!!


Smoking - a slow suicide! Do not kill yourself!


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Whether you are a smoker or not, do not take a few minutes. You do not lose anything from this, but here's something new about the dangers of smoking you may know. You find out what you try to hide from those who earn money on your health.

If you smoke, please read carefully the following lines:

I do not think that you will not touch the negative consequences of smoking!

You are no exception and lives, like all organisms according to the laws of nature.

If you smoke, in any case you die before !!!

Each cigarette bite off piece of the metered YOU segment of life. Whether to continue?

If you do not smoke, then, certainly, among the people close to you, there are smokers. You do dear to their health? You road of life? Help them!

And you're not subjected to constant exposure to tobacco smoke? Those who smoke next to you, and to destroy not only themselves, they also destroy you! MUST READ ON!


The first to suffer respiratory system. 98% of deaths from cancer of the larynx, 96% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% of deaths from chronic bronchitis and emphysema caused by smoking.

Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds, more than four of which cause cancer, and several hundreds of poisons, including nicotine, cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, etc.

The cigarette smoke contains radioactive substances, polonium, lead, bismuth. A pack of cigarettes a day - which is about 500 x-ray radiation for a year! The temperature of the smoldering cigarette 700 - 900 degrees! Light smoker with the experience - the black, rotting mass.

Compare the lungs of smokers and non-smoker. Not everyone knows that 25% of deaths from coronary heart disease have ruined themselves by smoking. In addition to lung and larynx, the strongest blow is applied on the heart and blood vessels.

After each smoked cigarette increases blood pressure, increases the content of cholesterol in it. Smoking increases the risk of development of atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease.

Very often people who smoke suffer from leg artery. Because dysregulation occurs resistant vasospasm. Their walls are closed, muscles and blood circulation difficult. The disease is called intermittent claudication.

It manifests itself in the fact that during the walk begins suddenly a sharp pain in the legs, which takes a few minutes, but soon again resumed. Lack of blood supply to the health of the tissues of the feet. They are due to lack of oxygen is gradually developing necrosis (gangrene).

A lot of people lost a leg due to smoking. Nicotine - one of the strongest known poisons, the farm is used as an insecticide. After penetration into the lungs of cigarette smoke, nicotine enters the brain after seven seconds.

Permanent and long-term tobacco smoking causes premature aging. Eating disorders of oxygen to tissues, spasm of small blood vessels make the characteristic appearance of a smoker - a yellowish tinge of the skin and whites of the eyes, her premature wilting. In addition, when smoking appears noticeable breath, inflamed throat, eyes redden. And you do not care ?!

Guys, pay attention! Detrimental effect on the sex glands, nicotine promotes the development of male impotence - impotence !!!

Therefore, its treatment begins with the fact that the patient offer stop smoking. Nicotine weights for a number of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, gastritis, and many others. With diseases such as peptic ulcer disease, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, convalescence without quitting is impossible!

Among smokers bowl found gastric and duodenal ulcers, moreover, in the case of the ulcer risk of death among smokers is higher than non-smokers patients. There is evidence that smoking can lead to cell damage and change the status of the immune system, increasing the risk of developing leukemia.

Especially harmful nicotine to pregnant women, as it leads to the birth of weak, low birth weight children and lactating women - increases the morbidity and mortality of children in the first years of life. When a pregnant woman smoked a cigarette, there comes a spasm of the blood vessels of the placenta, and the fetus is in a state of mild oxygen starvation a few minutes!

With regular smoking during pregnancy, the fetus is in a state of chronic oxygen deficiency almost always. The implication of this - intrauterine growth retardation. Smoking pregnant exposes himself to a possible increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, or a baby with low birth weight.

You smoking ruin not only themselves but also the people close to you, perhaps, their own children. Do not smoke while non-smokers, especially in children! Second-hand smoke, or, as they say, passive smoking or involuntary smoking can cause heart disease, lung cancer, asthma, bronchitis. Do not deprive the health of innocent people!

If you smoke, and, after all the reading, not even thinking about what smoking is doing to your body, then you have nothing to help. In the best case, you will live 10-15 years less than they otherwise would. And you are awfully lucky if you die suddenly of a heart attack, not in terrible pain from lung cancer.

Most smokers like to cite examples such as: "This is my grandfather smoked like a chimney, and lived to be 80 years, and Uncle Peter did not drink, did not smoke and did not have lasted up to 50". This kind of self-hypnosis silliest! Yes, everything in life happens.

But first, if your grandpa did not smoke, it would have lived and 100. Second, any event in this life has a certain probability, and this probability depends on a heap of factors. So smoking you increase the likelihood of their early death dozens of times!

The likelihood that tomorrow you will get a car there, but it is extremely small, but the likelihood of lung cancer increases with each cigarette you smoke (cigarette, pipe)!

Thank you, if you've read this far.

Next, you will find information on how to quit smoking, and something else. I would be glad if the material is to help at least one person to quit smoking. If it happens - it is time well spent. If you have useful information on this topic, please send it, please.

Tips to help you quit smoking


20 short tips from Fred Kelly to help you quit smoking.

1. Believe in yourself. Believe that you can quit.

Think of the most difficult things that you do and realize

that you have the willpower and determination to quit smoking. It all depends on you.

2. After you read this list, sit down and write your own, processed in accordance with your personality traits and characteristics. Create your own plan on how to quit smoking.

3. Write down the reasons why you want to quit (the benefits of a life without smoking): live longer, feel better, for your family, save money, smell better, it is easier to find a pair, etc. You know what's wrong with smoking and what you gain by throwing. Write down everything on paper and read daily.

4. Ask your family and friends to support you in your decision to quit smoking. Ask them full support and tolerance. Let them know in advance that you may be irritable, even annoying during the parting with this bad habit.

5. Set the date of the end of smoking. Decide what day you part with cigarettes forever. Record this date. Plan for it. Prepare your brain to the "first day of your new life." You can even hold a small ceremony on the occasion of your last cigarette, or the morning of the day of quitting.

6. Talk to your doctor about quitting. Support and direction received from the doctor - a proven way to improve your chances of success.

7. Start an exercise program. Sport simply incompatible with smoking. Exercise relieves stress and helps your body recover from the harm caused by cigarettes. If necessary, start slowly, with a short walk once or twice a day. Bring it up to 30-40 minute exercise 3 or 4 times a week. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise.

8. Do deep breathing exercises every day for 3-5 minutes. Slowly inhale through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Try doing breathing exercises with your eyes closed and go to claim 9

9. Clearly, imagine how you will cease to be a smoker. During breathing exercises to claim 8, you can close your eyes and imagine yourself as a nonsmoker. You should see yourself enjoying exercise claim 7. Imagine yourself refuse the offer cigarettes. See how you throw away all your cigarettes away and get a gold medal. Develop your own creative presentation. "Visualization" work.

10. Reduce the number of cigarettes gradually (if you reduce the number of cigarettes, be sure to assign the day of the final of quitting). Methods gradual quitting include: planning the number of cigarettes smoked per day before the end of smoking, reduce the number of cigarettes smoked each day, buying cigarettes in an amount of not more than one pack, replace the brand to not enjoy the process of smoking. Give your cigarettes to someone else, so you have to ask them every time when you want to smoke.

11. Try to "engage" - to quit smoking once and for all. Many smokers check for yourself that the only way to give up cigarettes - quit abruptly and completely, without any attempt to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. Nevertheless, find a method that would be most appropriate for you: throw gradually or immediately. If one method does not work - try the other.

12. Find a partner - another smoker who also wants to quit smoking. To cheer and help each other, reach out to others, when you feel that does not stand up.

13. Carefully brush your teeth. Pay attention to how quickly improve their condition and how they turn white. Imagine and enjoy thinking about how they will look in a month, a year or three.

14. Once you quit, plan to mark anniversaries on your way from the smoker to non-smoker. After 2 weeks - go to the movies. A month later - go to a nice restaurant or cafe (be sure to sit in non-smoking section!). After 3 months - spend a weekend in your favorite spot. After 6 months - buy yourself something serious. After 1 year Arrange a party. Invite your family and friends on the "birthday" of the person who acquired the chance to live a long and healthy life.

15. Drink lots of water. Water is good in any case, most people do not drink enough of it. Water will help "clean up" Nicotine and other chemicals from the body, moreover, it will help to relieve the craving for cigarettes, responding to "requests the mouth."

16. Be aware of what time you have the urge to smoke, for example, during times of stress, after a meal, when arriving at work, etc. Try to avoid these situations, and if this is not possible - get other patterns of behavior in these moments.

17. Find something that you can hold in your hand and in your mouth that would replace these cigarettes. Try to use a straw to drink, you can also try to substitute cigarettes called "EZ Quit". Further information can be found here.

18. Write a song or poem voodushevitelnuyu on "quit smoking" on cigarettes, and what it means for you to give up tobacco. Read it every day.

19. Carry a photo of your family or someone who you care about. Write on a piece of paper: "I quit for yourself and for you (you)" and attach it to the photo. When you have a desire to smoke, take a look at the picture and read the inscription.

20. Every time you have the urge to smoke instead of smoke that would record their feelings, or whatever you have in mind. Carry this list with you always.

Good luck in your quest to quit smoking. It's worth it!
