How to get rid of bad habits?


They have each one of us, but ... to change your lifestyle is difficult.

At heart, we are sure that if we give up bad habits and become really necessary, we will be able to pull myself together.

For Martin, the 50-year-old lawyer, it was a matter of life and death when the coronary artery bypass his second set, it was clear that the third place is impossible. We had to immediately quit smoking, go on a diet and start to play sports - the effect of the treatment of heart disease in the first place does not depend on pills.

If not - likely to survive he was little. Still, Martin could not decide - to give myself the word and keep it.

And you could? Yes? Are you really sure? Nine to one that is you would not have 90% of patients (those surveyed two years after surgery) their way of life did not change.

Note: we are about the same as we, the people - educated, informed, today. About us, it does not change anything in my life. Maybe it's too much - just sport, diet ...

Now, if I had to take a day, for example, a tablet, we would have coped, right? Again, no! The figures confirm that a third of those who prescribed medication to lower cholesterol levels, despite the urgent medical advice, stop taking less than a year ...

So what's going on? What we resist so fiercely?

Martin overweight, have long abandoned the sport, moved only by car, having sex less frequently (had problems with erection), after divorce quarreled with their own children, they are rarely seen, and suffered intense atmosphere of these meetings internally.

When his law firm bought by a large firm, the work has become more - and he stopped to meet with friends, with whom he played in the evenings amateur jazz. So how could he decide to quit cigarettes also favorite desserts, French fries?

Always they were close - the last friend, faithful, bringing solace when waiting for him was more nowhere. And then, the idea for a few years to renew themselves such a life in the depths of his soul did not inspire.

At least not enough to deprive yourself of habits, still gives him pleasure. No abstract information (even if the threat of his own life) does not motivate us.

Someone threw a cigarette, reading a pack "Smoking - the cause of fatal diseases"?

Cherished way to change is through the area of ​​emotions: it is necessary to what we intend to carry out, allowing us to feel your life happier and fuller.

So we have more fun, changing, rather than leaving things as they are.

And Martin all failed: help group lessons psychological support. He realized sooner goodbye that closes you alone, enters the body, which is itself already can barely stand, the more alive you will feel yourself.

Stop choking; enjoy the soft, intoxicating fatigue after physical exertion; I notice how the back morning erection; reduce, even without drugs, cholesterol - and through it all again feel like the master of his own body.

But the main thing - he restored relations with children: Martin once again have the desire to teach his son to play jazz. And help her daughter to make your own website on the Internet. Finally, refocus its work on conflict resolution.

Making it became less, but felt that more useful to people and work for the sake of harmony and justice. Three years later he had already spoken with a smile: "My disease - the best thing that happened to me in my life! "

The famous American cardiologist Dean Ornish (Dean Ornish) proved that heart disease recede due support groups, which advocate meditation, emotional openness, particularly diet, exercise and avoiding smoking habit.

In his book "Love and survival", he accurately summed up the opening of Martin:

"The best motive to change - not the fear of death, but the joy of the fact that you live in! "

How to help a favorite stop smoking?


Ten tips cardiologists.

Do not try to quit smoking under the influence of short-term sentiment.

I still do not get ... Man can not be forced to do something against his will and desire.

Therefore, all your attempts to quit smoking will end, like Mark Twain, if you have not taken a firm decision not convinced themselves that smoking cessation is necessary for you and your family. And it's not about the oblique views of a spouse. Children of smoking parents are usually also smoke.

Do not try to quit smoking under the influence of short-term sentiment. I still do not work, but a failed attempt in the memory will remain "notch", exaggerates the difficulties of transition to a healthy lifestyle.

When deciding, consider all its sides, listen to all opinions relatives.

But the final choice is made only independent judgments.

To facilitate the implementation of the solid solutions, here are some tips developed by specialists of the laboratory of Social and Preventive Cardiology of the Belarusian Institute of Cardiology.

1. Set a maximum rate cigarettes smoked per day. Do not try to run it, come what may. It's not a plan, and the bar, which can not cross. Consistently go to the goal, reduce the rate on one cigarette every day.

2. Do not keep to yourself cigarettes more what it allows a daily norm. Better not to buy cigarettes for yourself. "Shoot," their friends and acquaintances. If tormented conscience - buy cigarettes and give to friends, you can ask them for a while.

3. Before you light a match, Ask yourself: "Smoking or non-smoking? "Put the solution of the question" for later ", and return in a cigarette pack.

4. Notify your relatives and friends about your decision to quit smoking. Ask for their help, and lean on their support to achieve the goal.

5. In all need planned nature. Pre-schedule a date for a full-out of tobacco. Vague wording "next month" or "after the date of the report" does not fit. No matter how much time before the scheduled date, two days or three months. It is important to perform scheduled.

6. "Out of sight - out of mind" .   Hide away objects reminiscent of smoking: cigarette lighters, cigarettes, ashtrays, etc.

7. Use the "red herrings" .   If you have the desire to smoke, eat mints, drink a glass of water or do some breathing exercises.

8. Do not use a cigarette "to calm down", to overcome nervousness or irritability. They - the inevitable companions of the initial stage of the fight against addiction. Temporary difficulties should just endure.

9. Smoking cessation is required to align with increased physical activity. Focus on health. Someone you can go jogging in the morning, someone suffices to restrict hiking.

10. Review diet and a set of products, especially if there is a tendency to gain weight. Do not overeat. Smoking is usually drawn after a hearty lunch. Do not eat before going to bed, the last "snack" let no later than two hours before "lights out."

In the opinion of ex-smokers, the most difficult period for quitters - the first two days. Once passed the "Rubicon", a chance to forget about tobacco becomes much more.

But do not overestimate their success and do not relax. Just a few years will be enough with just one cigarette to become a smoker again.

Good health.

How to help a favorite stop smoking?


Ten tips cardiologists.

Do not try to quit smoking under the influence of short-term sentiment.

I still do not get ... Man can not be forced to do something against his will and desire.

Therefore, all your attempts to quit smoking will end, like Mark Twain, if you have not taken a firm decision not convinced themselves that smoking cessation is necessary for you and your family. And it's not about the oblique views of a spouse. Children of smoking parents are usually also smoke.

Do not try to quit smoking under the influence of short-term sentiment. I still do not work, but a failed attempt in the memory will remain "notch", exaggerates the difficulties of transition to a healthy lifestyle.

When deciding, consider all its sides, listen to all opinions relatives.

But the final choice is made only independent judgments.

To facilitate the implementation of the solid solutions, here are some tips developed by specialists of the laboratory of Social and Preventive Cardiology of the Belarusian Institute of Cardiology.

1. Set a maximum rate cigarettes smoked per day. Do not try to run it, come what may. It's not a plan, and the bar, which can not cross. Consistently go to the goal, reduce the rate on one cigarette every day.

2. Do not keep to yourself cigarettes more what it allows a daily norm. Better not to buy cigarettes for yourself. "Shoot," their friends and acquaintances. If tormented conscience - buy cigarettes and give to friends, you can ask them for a while.

3. Before you light a match, Ask yourself: "Smoking or non-smoking? "Put the solution of the question" for later ", and return in a cigarette pack.

4. Notify your relatives and friends about your decision to quit smoking. Ask for their help, and lean on their support to achieve the goal.

5. In all need planned nature. Pre-schedule a date for a full-out of tobacco. Vague wording "next month" or "after the date of the report" does not fit. No matter how much time before the scheduled date, two days or three months. It is important to perform scheduled.

6. "Out of sight - out of mind" .   Hide away objects reminiscent of smoking: cigarette lighters, cigarettes, ashtrays, etc.

7. Use the "red herrings" .   If you have the desire to smoke, eat mints, drink a glass of water or do some breathing exercises.

8. Do not use a cigarette "to calm down", to overcome nervousness or irritability. They - the inevitable companions of the initial stage of the fight against addiction. Temporary difficulties should just endure.

9. Smoking cessation is required to align with increased physical activity. Focus on health. Someone you can go jogging in the morning, someone suffices to restrict hiking.

10. Review diet and a set of products, especially if there is a tendency to gain weight. Do not overeat. Smoking is usually drawn after a hearty lunch. Do not eat before going to bed, the last "snack" let no later than two hours before "lights out."

In the opinion of ex-smokers, the most difficult period for quitters - the first two days. Once passed the "Rubicon", a chance to forget about tobacco becomes much more.

But do not overestimate their success and do not relax. Just a few years will be enough with just one cigarette to become a smoker again.

Good health.
