Harmless cigarettes


Since you are a smoker, try to protect themselves.

What cigarettes are the best, why "light" is more harmful than usual, and cigars are not harmless cigarettes? The director of Institute of Carcinogenesis Professor David Zaridze.

How harmless "light" cigarettes?

Light cigarettes (soft, lights, sometimes «slims» - thin), which are represented as almost harmless, in fact are not. Yes, these reduced levels of tar and nicotine.

Nicotine - is a drug, the resin - that settles on the filter cigarettes and to your lungs after you're healed.

It is a resin contained in a large amount carcinogens (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), which cause cancer. But this is not the main indicators of the harm cigarettes. There are still others who, unfortunately, are not indicated on the pack.

We conducted a study that showed that "light" cigarettes are very high concentrations of nitrosamines tabakspetsificheskih - so called carcinogens, which are contained in the resin is not, as in the tobacco. One group of carcinogens is controlled, and the second is left without supervision - and it expects to manufacturer.

By the way, more than a dozen species studied cigarette, the most popular women's cigarettes contain the highest concentration of nitrosamines tabakspetsificheskih.

In addition, the body smoker requires a dose of nicotine in a cigarette and if it is less than you used to, you just smoke a another - that is, buy not one, but two packs of cigarettes, which is very beneficial to the tobacco industry.

How to choose a less harmful cigarette?

So far, only look at the level of nicotine and tar. The smaller, the better.

But this is not a guarantee that such cigarettes are less harmful. In our country, several years have canceled the certification of cigarettes and no one checks how many actually tar and nicotine they contain.

Therefore, on the pack, you can specify that you want. To really know how harmful cigarettes need more information. We suggest that a limited level not only of tar and nicotine, but also pointed out the number of the aforementioned carcinogenic substances.

So far in our country regulations on the content of tar and nicotine in comparison with European Union countries and other civilized nations high - 14 mg tar and 1, 2 mg of nicotine per cigarette.

We developed the new additions to the law "On Restriction of Tobacco Smoking", it offered lower standards.

The best cigars and pipes cigarette?

Nothing. The fact that pipes and cigars are harmless - a myth. There is a difference in the carcinogenicity of cigars, for example, and cigarettes. If a person smokes a cigar only, never - cigarettes, it is not delayed. And tobacco smoke had not absorbed mainly in the lungs and throat, nose - and instead of lung cancer can earn tongue cancer, throat and larynx.

But if a person smokes cigarettes and cigars, it is in any case delayed - no difference. The same applies to the tube. With regard to the allegedly harmless hookah smoking - in any case it is smoking, smoke inhalation, and therefore inhaling carcinogens. The water is unlikely to get rid of them.

Foreign cigarettes are better than ours?

Russian cigarettes very, very small - most of the factories purchased by foreign manufacturers. As for foreign cigarettes, they differ pure taste, because it makes from other varieties of tobacco, rather than with us.

But in terms of health effects, they are also harmful, although the actual performance of tar and nicotine content are lower. However, as already mentioned, tar and nicotine - is not important.

Harmless cigarettes - this is real?

No, because, firstly, no one would smoke if they will not contain a drug - nicotine.

Secondly, even though tobacco smoking is not carcinogenic, and simple grass, in the process of burning cigarettes will still form carcinogenic substances - such as vehicle exhaust pipes.

Many believe that we already breathe dirty air, so that cigarette smoke is not critical.

In fact, substances that destroy the body as would "dissolve" in the air and, in any case, we are unable to inhale a quantity of concentrated carcinogens that enter the body during smoking.

Harmless cigarettes


Since you are a smoker, try to protect themselves.

What cigarettes are the best, why "light" is more harmful than usual, and cigars are not harmless cigarettes? The director of Institute of Carcinogenesis Professor David Zaridze.

How harmless "light" cigarettes?

Light cigarettes (soft, lights, sometimes «slims» - thin), which are represented as almost harmless, in fact are not. Yes, these reduced levels of tar and nicotine.

Nicotine - is a drug, the resin - that settles on the filter cigarettes and to your lungs after you're healed.

It is a resin contained in a large amount carcinogens (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), which cause cancer. But this is not the main indicators of the harm cigarettes. There are still others who, unfortunately, are not indicated on the pack.

We conducted a study that showed that "light" cigarettes are very high concentrations of nitrosamines tabakspetsificheskih - so called carcinogens, which are contained in the resin is not, as in the tobacco. One group of carcinogens is controlled, and the second is left without supervision - and it expects to manufacturer.

By the way, more than a dozen species studied cigarette, the most popular women's cigarettes contain the highest concentration of nitrosamines tabakspetsificheskih.

In addition, the body smoker requires a dose of nicotine in a cigarette and if it is less than you used to, you just smoke a another - that is, buy not one, but two packs of cigarettes, which is very beneficial to the tobacco industry.

How to choose a less harmful cigarette?

So far, only look at the level of nicotine and tar. The smaller, the better.

But this is not a guarantee that such cigarettes are less harmful. In our country, several years have canceled the certification of cigarettes and no one checks how many actually tar and nicotine they contain.

Therefore, on the pack, you can specify that you want. To really know how harmful cigarettes need more information. We suggest that a limited level not only of tar and nicotine, but also pointed out the number of the aforementioned carcinogenic substances.

So far in our country regulations on the content of tar and nicotine in comparison with European Union countries and other civilized nations high - 14 mg tar and 1, 2 mg of nicotine per cigarette.

We developed the new additions to the law "On Restriction of Tobacco Smoking", it offered lower standards.

The best cigars and pipes cigarette?

Nothing. The fact that pipes and cigars are harmless - a myth. There is a difference in the carcinogenicity of cigars, for example, and cigarettes. If a person smokes a cigar only, never - cigarettes, it is not delayed. And tobacco smoke had not absorbed mainly in the lungs and throat, nose - and instead of lung cancer can earn tongue cancer, throat and larynx.

But if a person smokes cigarettes and cigars, it is in any case delayed - no difference. The same applies to the tube. With regard to the allegedly harmless hookah smoking - in any case it is smoking, smoke inhalation, and therefore inhaling carcinogens. The water is unlikely to get rid of them.

Foreign cigarettes are better than ours?

Russian cigarettes very, very small - most of the factories purchased by foreign manufacturers. As for foreign cigarettes, they differ pure taste, because it makes from other varieties of tobacco, rather than with us.

But in terms of health effects, they are also harmful, although the actual performance of tar and nicotine content are lower. However, as already mentioned, tar and nicotine - is not important.

Harmless cigarettes - this is real?

No, because, firstly, no one would smoke if they will not contain a drug - nicotine.

Secondly, even though tobacco smoking is not carcinogenic, and simple grass, in the process of burning cigarettes will still form carcinogenic substances - such as vehicle exhaust pipes.

Many believe that we already breathe dirty air, so that cigarette smoke is not critical.

In fact, substances that destroy the body as would "dissolve" in the air and, in any case, we are unable to inhale a quantity of concentrated carcinogens that enter the body during smoking.
