The article provides a very specific and effective advice on how to attract a man, the guy in your life, how to meet a man with a Woman
using the methods of Feng Shui.
As time goes by, you are looking for it - a single, favorite, narrowing, and next to you there is not something that Mr Right, but in general no men.
Only work colleagues or school. If you really do not have time to walk the streets, or cafe-restaurant in search of dating men, or do you even shy by nature, can not the first to come and meet you, then this tip is for you.
If your life has become monotonous if you are looking for new friends, and their as luck would not, if you really want to love and a serious relationship, and on the horizon, no man, or is there, but not what you would like, then deal with this problem will help Feng Shui!
And do not wrinkle your nose or immediately skeptical smile! You first try, and then be criticized! Although, then you will no longer have the time nor the inclination to criticism, as you will be completely absorbed by the new and so long-awaited acquaintance with the man of her dreams.
What you need to do to attract a man, the guy in your life?
First of all, with the help of conventional compass, you need to determine where your apartment is located in the south-west. In Feng Shui it is the southwest area of love. If Southwest gets to the kitchen or the toilet or bath, do not worry. We go in the bedroom or living room and determine the southwest part of the room.
How to determine the southwest in an apartment or a room without a compass?
Very simply, we tentatively assume that the sun sets in the west, determine which side of the room the sun goes down, get up right shoulder to the west - in front of you will be south. So we need to take from the west at 45 degrees south.
Or the second way, to the southwest in an apartment or room shows the direction of the sun in the late afternoon. See which side the sun is shining just before sunset, it will be necessary to us southwest.
Once you have successfully determined the Southwest, choose from the album their most beautiful picture, which shows you one. Not important at all growth or portrait, the main condition - that you liked yourself on this photo.
Photo of a man of your dreams
Thereafter, carved out of a magazine or looking on the internet and print photos of a man who looks very much like you, choose a man with just such a appearance that you enjoy, because soon you will have to meet a man in a reality!
If the picture was cut out of the magazine and on the back, of course, having received letters and pictures, Sketch of white correction fluid to the rear carved picture turns white.
After that, you face the most important task.
Moral qualities, character a man of your dreams
With the appearance you have successfully defined. But you, in addition to appearance is important, and your inner world of man, his spiritual qualities. So take a piece of paper and write what mental qualities of a man of your dreams, with whom you want to meet.
Do not hesitate, you're choosing a man for myself, so select all that matters to you. Of course, first of all start with you important spiritual qualities, such as kind, considerate, gentle, romantic, manly, responsible, and so forth.
Most importantly - use affirmative expression, without the particle "no" rather than negative. For example, instead of "do not drink and do not smoke," write "leads a healthy lifestyle", "no bad habits." If your financial situation is very important to your chosen one, then be sure to specify it, and write "a high-paying job," "financially secured," "has its own housing", etc.
Take the time to determine the quality of your chosen one, devoted to this as much as possible, consider all the details. Once you have compiled a list of desired qualities of your man, very carefully re-read and think about what five of those qualities for you the most, are the most important.
Make a piece of paper on the rating of their qualities from the most important to the least important. After all, there are no ideal people do not happen to everyone at once. But to find the chosen one, who will have a few for you the most important qualities - it is much more real.
Having defined the five, at least seven, these qualities, you write them on the back of a cut from a magazine or print photos.
After you place your picture and a photograph of a man in a very beautiful frame. Now on sale there is a huge number of beautiful frames. Select a frame, symbolizing love - heart-shaped or pigeons, or with a lot of hearts.
Put the frame with photos in the southwestern part of your apartment or in the south-west of your bedroom or hall.
If in the southwestern part of your room is unfurnished and there is just a wall - hang framed on the wall. If there is a wardrobe of clothes, or even for some reason it can not find a place to frames, then Feng Shui offers a very simple solution.
In Feng Shui all works, regardless of whether there is an object in view or hidden. Just put it in a frame on the cabinet shelf. If you do not put a picture frame or hang for some reason, or you just do not want too many questions from members of your family - that's another option.
Glue from pink or red paper envelope razrisuy his hearts, and put these two photographs - your men. Then hide the envelope in the southwest of your apartment or room. You can put it in a book and hide the book. You can come up with something else.
The main thing that envelope was on the south-west.
Now every day looking at the framed photos and think about a new acquaintance. Or daily reach for your photos from the envelope, admire them, and put back.
Looking forward to your new acquaintance, but do not need to wait for him frantically. Release the situation and just know that very soon you will meet with a very interesting man. And the most amazing thing - it looks to be very similar to the man in the pictures you cut!
Of course, there will be one hundred percent similarity, but you will be surprised how it will look like as the picture, facial features or something subtle in appearance, is bound to be very similar! And most importantly - it will have the qualities that you have written on the back of the photo.
You definitely interested in the question, how much time will pass from the placement of your photos or southwest to the long-awaited acquaintance with the man of your dreams. The answer to this question - from one day to four months.
If you still think it's all nonsense - to attract a guy in your life using the methods of Feng Shui, just take and check! Anyway, nothing to lose, and gain a great deal!
Believe me, to draw a man in my life is very simple !!!