Feng Shui wealth: business success

 Feng Shui wealth: business success
Feng Shui wealth: business success

Feng shui guard stability

Proper circulation of Qi energy is able to influence the success of the business. In addition to the long and hard work a considerable impact on the success may have things seemingly insignificant. A similar effect is achieved with the help of proper circulation of Qi energy recognized

modern science. The flow streams are studying this mysterious energy of Feng Shui masters who claim that   the quality of the energy in the head office can determine the future success or failure in business .


"Right," the office

Combining modern business techniques and ancient Eastern teachings - not just a momentary whim. Such corporations as Rothshield, CityBank, Chase and the Wall Street Journal consulted with Feng Shui experts before making any changes in the reorganization and moving staff, as it entails a change in the redevelopment and design of the room.

Masters of Feng Shui insist that the placement of furniture in the office has a direct impact on the success of its owner. In literacy, in terms of the flow of Qi, the buildings are no sharp corners, in all aisles are mirrors, deceiving dark energy.

Planning office, it is advisable to place the furniture so that the workplace does not fall into the pockets of concentration negative. In 2007, the unwanted areas are north and northwest - according to Feng Shui will have greater potential for those companies whose leaders will be located in the south-east and south-west.

By placing your desktop, try to arrange it so that it was not behind the window. Otherwise, a person is on the so called energy draft, which helps reduce the enormous health, distraction and inattention.

The best option - installation of the workplace and back to the wall facing the front door - thus achieving the maximum energy security.

Balancing around - another inviolable precepts of Feng Shui.

One of the most common mistakes that lead to its violation, is overloading the room interior. The office should dominate Yang - active, effective beginning, stimulating creative and intellectual abilities.

While piling up of things leads to precisely the opposite - the energy of "stagnant", it changes its quality, and instead to work, the boss's office spends time in the fight with drowsiness. Free flow of Qi is reached in the interior of minimalism - desk, wardrobe with the necessary documents and the area for the reception are the best option registration office.

The Energy of Success

To ensure the normal circulation of energy should take care that the office building harmony reigned with five elements - water, fire, wood, metal and earth. To achieve this, contrary to popular belief, there is no single rule.

Significant impact on the flow of energy in the office has the location and year of construction. Calculating the precise azimuth of the office and the azimuth direction of the facade, the master of Feng Shui will give more detailed advice on the redevelopment. Rules of Feng Shui for the planning and design offices or private offices are built on the balance of light and dark energy - yin and yang.

In the office, it can be slightly broken to gain dominance Yang - active, effective beginning, stimulating creative and intellectual abilities. This is achieved by ensuring the presence of primary elements. Suitable as a small fountain and a garden of stones and clay jug and a glass of water placed in the appropriate places.

This technique, incidentally, denies one more stereotype firmly entrenched in people's minds - the need for all sorts of fetishes, such as netsuke figures, characters or prosperity "dream catchers." The energy does not understand symbols and does not guarantee success because in the office there is a symbol of wealth.

The energy is not static. The flow and the quality of its streams varies from year to year - can not be ruled today that a favorable place in a few years would be totally unacceptable for the job. It follows that the interior should not be static, changing relative to the vector Qi.

Balanced decor

As for the already mentioned accessories or decoration, guaranteeing their owners success and prosperity, - Feng Shui advises, if not to abandon the beautiful knick-knacks, then at least do not give them much importance, and certainly not to fill their entire cabinet . The excess of the primary elements in the same way can be a disaster, as well as the lack of them.

The specialists popular story about the owner of a major Russian gaming house, which read that the south-eastern side of this year, contributes to the enrichment, is located in this part of his cabinet a giant aquarium. And during the week I lost half a million. So minimalist recommended in interior design, is followed in decorating the room.

However, if you look at the decoration of corporations with a worldwide reputation, you can see that everywhere, starting with the lobby and ending with the office of the chairman of board, arranged fountains and pools - according to Feng Shui the water accumulates energy that brings peace, calm and wealth.

Experts say that a small fountain, tree bonsai or miniature rock garden, in addition to the tradition of interior comfort, perfectly balance the forces of yin and yang. Unless, of course, do not forget that these decorations have only the importance that they attach.

Even people who have dedicated their entire Feng Shui life, recognize that it is not a technique for execution of desire, despite the fact that the popular books are constantly being told about it.

Classical Feng Shui - just a method of harmonizing the space through which everyone will be able to secure a favorable flow of energy, contributing to the success of any business.

PS: The founder of the teachings of Feng Shui is considered to be the chief adviser to the court of Emperor Hui Collet Master Yan Yuen Tsang. He is survived by his writings extant. These books have become basic texts in which entire generations of his followers organize their knowledge of Feng Shui.

Later, influenced by the ideas of the great Confucius descendants Feng Shui rethought and replaced the colorful metaphors master Tsang on uncluttered, but no less effective force Qi connects people with the environment.

"Laboratory Feng Shui"

Vitaly Dyachenko

Aromatherapy: harmony in life


Aromatherapy - an integral part of the art of Feng Shui, especially popular today. Essential oils - natural components is converted into a liquid state. These drops flowers have life force of plants from which they are derived.

You can use the power of nature in their homes. Surround yourself with scents. Buy several different oils in small bottles of dark glass and store them in a cool dark place. If you can not buy aromatherapy oils, try using spices, but only high-quality and clean.

Let the flavors in your home! The results were not long in coming.


Cool, refreshing aroma of mint has long been known as an excellent means of emotional stress and fatigue. In the friends (north-west) and Knowledge (northeast) mint will help to improve relationships with friends and get help from other people. Peppermint oil should not be used during pregnancy.


It is usually hidden in a box of spices in the kitchen. In ancient China, basil was praised for its magical properties to enhance the respect of man to himself. Basil is situated in the area of ​​career (the northern part of the house, the room), to help develop the strength and better know their enemies.

It is also a symbol of individuality, successfully working alone and of individual projects. The smell of basil clears the head, so when you need to quickly perform a large amount of work of an intellectual nature, chop fresh basil leaves and rub between your fingers.

You can also put a few drops of basil oil in the lamp on his desk. And increase your productivity. Just remember that the smell of basil is contraindicated in pregnant women.


The oil or candles with the scent - a necessary attribute of the house. Incense purifies the air of hatred and prejudice. Unique, sweet scent of incense for many centuries used for cleaning houses and temples.


From the astrological point of view daisy controlled by the sun. If you put a daisy (oil, spices) to relationships (south-west), or to families (west), it will bring peace of mind, harmony and love to family members.

Bunch of freshly picked daisies in the field of health (east) relieves anxiety and panic, eliminates mental confusion. The same effect will chamomile tea.


The sharp smell of eucalyptus is widely used in medicine for the treatment of rhinitis and the common cold. The fresh smell of eucalyptus in the area of ​​Knowledge (northeast room of your home) promotes clarity of thought, which is so necessary to your children (pupils and students).

Place the eucalyptus in the northwest corner - this will give you clarity of mind while traveling, and help separate the real from the fake friends. If you have problems at work, take a bath in the evening with a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus will flush the accumulated anger and frustration, and will provide an opportunity to soberly assess the situation and find a solution.

Experiment with essential oils to improve the feng shui of your home.

Basil, lavender, lime improves the harmony of your home.

Bergamot, orange, mint, jasmine, lemon, juniper and rose relieve fatigue.

Basil and mint relieve mental fatigue and stress caused by money problems.

Chamomile, frankincense, lavender, pine, rose and tangerine help to relax.

T. Litvinova From the book "Aromatherapy":

Vocational guidance in the world of smells.
