The best thing that a loving parent can do for your child - is to listen to him and try to understand it. This article is just to help you understand what your child useful energy.
It will tell you how you can support its development, using Feng Shui.
The child and his ability to understand energy.
In our center, we conducted a study whose results were very interesting. We have built personal energy map of children and find out what is most in need of energy or that child. And then the children themselves, answering our questions very precisely chose exactly the energy that they need.
This is due to the fact that children have not yet absorbed the social stereotypes such as the prestige of the profession, the fashion for a particular color, a favorite hobby. Therefore, they said, listening only to his personal feelings.
It turns out that almost all the children, even the smallest, have a clear understanding of what energy they are useful!
The child and parental authority.
It follows immediately make a small reservation. Yes, the child can actually own, on the level of feelings determine what energy it helpful. But the easiest way to do it to a child, which parents give the opportunity to freely express themselves, to believe that they listen, no matter how small it is.
For example, allow your child to choose their own clothes. And it will give preference to those colors that are useful to him in power. Allow him to choose the section in which he wants to do, do not force it. Such an attitude towards the child will not only give him the independence, but also allow him to surround himself with the most useful.
Useful energy for your child.
Favorite color.
Look to your child. Please note what color he prefers. Moreover, it must not be momentary preference. Recall what color he always loved, what color he likes to keep close to the body (a blanket, shirt). This will be the color that carries the most useful for his energy.
So, if your child prefers green, green, emerald green and other shades, then he needs the element of Wood. If he loves red, burgundy, bright orange, scarlet - it useful element of Fire. If your child chooses brown, yellow, beige, sand - it requires the element of the soil.
If he likes white, silver, gray tones, it's clear preference for the element of Metal. If your child is dressed in blue, purple, turquoise, blue tone, then it needs the element of Water. It is very important to clarify that if your child chooses, for example, the color of the elements of water, it does not mean that his personal sign - Water.
Just water it is useful, and it can be a sign of personal tree. In this case, the water he chooses because it feeds its tree (chain generation). Therefore, the above way, you can determine the elements that are useful for your child, but not his personal element.
Occupation, which dreams of your child.
On the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" You can also determine which elements are useful for your child. But this question is best to ask children from 5 to 10 years. Later, in their mind begins to develop the concept that there is a prestigious profession, and there are not very much.
Here is a list of professions that kids can choose, and the elements to which these professions include:
Wood - the inventor, the designer, athlete, chef, teacher, doctor.
The fire - the fire, the pilot, chemist, scientist, researcher, teacher, stunt.
Soil - wants something to collect, store, any painstaking work that requires perseverance, as well as agriculture.
Metal - a policeman, a judge, a lawyer; Any profession in which there is direct contact with the metal, such as an auto mechanic.
Water - actor, singer, dancer, television or radio, sailor.
Interests your child.
So, on the basis described above, you could define a useful element for your child. This will help you figure out which section he is right, than to take it outside school (or kindergarten) time.
Below is a list of classes and their corresponding elements:
Wood - drawing, designing, modeling, rhythmic gymnastics, as well as all the classes, where there is direct contact with the tree.
Fire - martial arts (especially eastern), amateur radio, computers. All that is directly related to the work of thinking, generating ideas and humor.
Soil - collecting, working with clay, ceramics, stone.
Metal - figure skating, auto, motorcycles, military-historical clubs, as well as all the classes that require discipline and coherence, organizational skills.
Water - a dance studio, a choir, a music school, a drama school.
Vocational guidance of your child.
When it comes time to choose a college, defined future profession, there are two versions of events.
The first situation: your child at this age he already decided on how he sees his future, what he wants to be. And even if you think he chose the "wrong" trade, the most valuable thing you can give your child at this moment - is the possibility of free choice and self-determination. Perhaps then he will decide what to do something different, but it will be no one to blame for his wrong choice. This will give your child greater autonomy and respect for their parents.
The second situation: many to 16-17 years it is very difficult to understand what exactly is your vocation, what I want to devote my life. Therefore, your child may be confused and not know what profession to choose. In this case, you'd better turn to his observations about what the elements useful to him, and on this basis to help him.
Here is a list of professions and their respective elements:
The tree - an artist, screenwriter, director, poet, designer, fashion designer, photographer, sculptor in wood, the designer, a cook, a teacher of elementary grades, doctor, restaurateur, a veterinarian.
Fire - programmer, engineer, scientist, researcher, analyst, pilot, a chemist, as well as a profession directly related to the fire.
Soil - agriculture, insurance, activities related to the storage, warehousing anything.
Metal - law and advocacy, all power, power and administrative structures, a financier, a bank clerk, cashier, mechanic.
Water - a specialist in advertising, communications, public relations, tourism, television and radio presenter, actor, musician, translator, guide, a stockbroker.
I sincerely wish you to you and your child to live not only in harmony with the environment, but also with each other!
Anna Novinskaya leading expert Feng Shui Center "New Wind"