How to achieve the harmony of yin and yang


In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang - two space forces that are opposed to each other. Constantly transformed one another, creating life itself. Feng Shui seeks to maintain a balance of yin and yang in each house that allows a person to stay healthy and feel good.

Yin   - Is darkness, silence, stillness, smooth lines, damp and cold, unchanging order. In each house there are items belonging to yin, such as upholstered furniture, pillows, carpets and cupboards.

Yang   - It is light, loud sound, motion, straight lines, warm and dry, pleasant aroma. By Yang is high to move furniture, vertical pattern of wallpaper or curtains.

To feel relaxed, comfortable, safe in a particular area, such as in his own apartment, it is necessary to maintain a balance of yin and yang .

Small offset to one side is allowed, but the presence of another must be palpable enough.

Any deviation, disharmony in need of correction, correction. It is not necessary to rebuild the house of Feng Shui has a number of recipes to help you do it with a minimum of effort and money.

Yin and Yang represent specific forms as opposing principles included in all things and phenomena of nature.

Yin and Yang, although they are opposite principles, their opposition is not constant. They are not considered as if frozen in time, the data once and for all.

Yin and Yang have their own internal development processes. Develop each within themselves and have a mutual transitions. So, prosperity creates Yin Yang, Yang creates prosperity Yin.

In recent years, architects and designers to create a harmonious environment began to resort to the teachings of feng shui. After all, the harmony of yin and yang energies is the main rule of feng shui.

Feng Shui - is a very powerful tool for the harmonization of the human habitat.

Our health, sleep, work efficiency largely depend on how we will create a favorable atmosphere in the house.

So many designers and interior specialists have long used in their work the basic principles of feng shui.

For example, according to feng shui, the best finish for the floor is wood, just in the toilet and bathroom are permissible stone flooring (ceramic tile).

The ceiling in the room should not be too high (above 4 m) or low (less than 2, 5 m), a person is uncomfortable. The furniture should be comfortable and conform to the dimensions of the room.

A special role should be given to the colors.

After all, they, too, are divided on the membership of a yin or yang. They affect the human psyche in different ways, creating a certain mood.

One color annoying causes aggression, aversion to food, and insomnia, and the other, on the contrary, calms, reduces stress.

When choosing colors for the interior design of a room in the art of Feng Shui is recommended to take into account the color of the element to which the owner of each room, to maintain the harmony of color and light.

In the corridor are welcome bright colors and contrasting combinations (black - white - red, blue - yellow;), clear, polylines patterns.

In the living room or the dining room are greatly enliven communion will create a festive, upbeat mood.

The bedroom (the room with the explicit beginning yin) should prevail flowing lines, rounded, indistinct silhouettes, bright pastel colors.

An example of such a harmonious combination of colors and patterns - wall tapestries, blankets, upholstery fabrics, made in tapestry technique.

Kitchen ideal colors of the four elements - earth, fire, metal and wood (yellow, brown, green, orange), but Waters (shades of blue and black), there must be as small as possible.

The dominance of these colors welcome the teachings of feng shui in a bathroom and toilet, and in the interior rest rooms should use them with caution.

We should not forget that the main rule of Feng Shui for the Development of housing is the content of it clean.

Therefore, if in all areas of the house is order and cleanliness, and the apartment is filled with freshness, then its occupants a better chance to establish themselves a comfortable long life.

Author Anastasia Khachatryan

Feng Shui symbol of wealth, want to live richly

 Feng Shui wealth, want to live richly?

Do you want to live richly? Buy a piggy bank.

Piggy bank - a symbol of wealth, so to attract the energy of money, every home should be kopilochku, in other words money talisman.

When choosing a piggy bank to pay attention to its shape.

Yes, it turns out, it is very important to know how it looks like a piggy bank, because of its appearance will depend on what needs, you will spend the accumulated funds.

Feng Shui symbol of wealth

So piggy bank - piggy suitable for every family, and especially for those people who were born in the year of the Boar. This kopilochku can omit any coins, even the smallest. After all, everyone knows that the pig is very gluttonous and promiscuous in their desires.

Near the piggy bank you can put an acorn or put a few more little piglets that will also work to attract the energy of money.

If you purchased the pig piggy bank in the form, place it in a prominent place, somewhere on the shelf, and every day, "fertilize" its different coins and paper bills can be.

Do not forget from time to time to wipe the dust from the pig, then polish it carefully penny, since this "ritual" will attract in the house even larger sums of money.

If you set out to save money on vacation, or any major purchase, the piggy bank - a dog will help you with this. Remember that the piggy bank in the form of a dog, will not only save, but also protect you and your storage from thieves and other scammers.

If your house has a dog, even a piggy bank, you have nothing to fear. You are under reliable protection.

Piggy - a cat is more suitable for women, as it draws the money intended for wellness and beauty

Money that you accumulate a cat, you will be able to spend on the purchase of cosmetics, expensive clothing or going to a beauty salon. And what do you need a beautiful attractive woman?

If you purchased a piggy bank in the form of a cat, put it on the dressing table, which stores all of your female identity. Among the cosmetics and shkatulochek with expensive ornaments and jewelry, it will be very comfortable.

Piggy - the horse is more suitable for those who have a severe shortage of money. Everyone knows that horses are very fast animals, and this in turn has an effect on its storage properties.

Money will appear in the house as fast as the horse gallops.

Piggy - the chest is a symbol of reliability, solidity and material well-being. Buy it especially recommended for those who want to save money and solve the housing problem.

It is believed that to speed up the execution of your dreams must be put in a chest piece of brick and a drawing of the house. And put in the trunk no small coins and paper money.

Piggy - house will help you to be always in the money. It will attract the money that will be spent in the future to create comfort and well-being in your home. For example, for the repair of your home or any organization of family holidays, celebrations, etc.

Author: Tatiana Markinova

Feng Shui wealth, how to attract wealth?

 Feng Shui wealth, how to attract wealth?

To attract wealth, you can use some very interesting and very simple tips feng shui.

Knowing how to properly arrange some items symbolizing wealth, you will attract into your life the money, good luck, good fortune and prosperity.

Become more successful and wealthy man.

So, in order to attract money and wealth into your home, you need to purchase coins and bells that you need to hang over the front door.

You can simply buy a coin, but it is better to look for coins with holes in the middle, and the associated red rope. These coins should also hang over the front door.

Bell is better to hang on the outside of the door, so that he touts his ringing wealth. A coin from the inside, as they are a symbol of money and wealth, besides red thread increases and activates the action and effect of coins.

Also, in order to attract money and wealth is necessary to put the figure of a turtle. It is best to put it in the northern corner of the apartment. You can put a figure in water, although it is not a prerequisite.

It will bring you not only money, but also the support of influential people. Help solve the financial problems.

If you love animals you can buy a live turtle and equip her house in the northern corner.

To attract good luck and enrichment, it is necessary to put in the house any body of water, you can just put a nice bowl of water. This is to bring good luck.

The pond should be positioned on the left side near the front door. The water in the bowl should always be clean. Otherwise, nothing happens.

To improve the success and good luck in financial affairs, it is recommended to put in a room aquarium with goldfish. It is better to buy nine fish and one of them must be black.

It is believed that the black fish absorbs negative energy and all bearing down on you hardships and problems.

For maximum effect, you need to take a compass and find out where your apartment is south-east. After all, this sector is responsible for wealth and prosperity. Having found it, put the aquarium in that direction.

In order to attract wealth, it is recommended to buy "jade plant", very often this plant is called "money." Plants also need to put in the southeast.

Why is this plant is called "money"? The answer to this question is very simple. The fact that the plant has rounded dark green fleshy leaves resembling precious nephritis.

The more it will grow, the more your home is money.

Author: Tatiana Markinova.
