To happiness has come into the house of Part 3

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To happiness has come into the house of Part 3
Page 2

North-west - the zone of business relations, support and assistance, including from influential persons. This area is also a father and husband.

If the head of the family - a man, the absence of the northwest corner - almost a disaster. Without the support of the influential and powerful people, it is unlikely to achieve significant progress, both in career and in business, and as a result, may suffer the well-being of the family.

Metal energy north-west should be promoted with the help of all sorts of metal objects such as bells (tie red ribbons on them), horseshoes, as well as setting in this corner a radio, stereo, TV or computer.

Replenish the northwest corner using a mirror or a photo wallpaper with the image of a mountain landscape. At the same slopes of the mountain should be gentle. If this sector has a kitchen, then you have a great chance to reinforce the power of the Northwest, are lined with floor tiles from pressed stone powder, in extreme cases - a ceramic, but "under the stone."

"Unity" (Hsieh) - character to the northwest.

Symbolically, it is the idea of ​​a world order.

It consists of three characters "Troika", combined with the character "Strength" or "power." It means "Together we stand". Here it is possible to put figures of seven gods.

North-east - a zone of study, education, knowledge, professional and intellectual perfection, wisdom and life experience.

It is in this sector of the house or room to stand desk, behind which is engaged in the student or student. Desk should be well lighted. In this corner you can place a fireplace or stove.

Put on your desk, in the north-east corner, a large rock crystal, which simultaneously evokes the energy of this angle, and strengthens the memory of the owner. The absence of this angle complicates the perception of new information, reduces the desire for self-improvement, that sooner or later leads to stagnation.

The energy of this angle has beneficial effects on the fate of the youngest son in the family.

When making this part of the room or apartment, use the red, yellow, ceramic ornaments, decorative boulders and mountain scenery.

North-east corresponds to the character "Wisdom" (Chih).

Wisdom, as the sun illuminates all life.

It consists of characters "The Oath," "mouth" or "The expressed" and "The Sun".

Decorate the northeast corner and the candlestick, or the lamp symbol "Yin - Yang".

West - the zone of luck and prosperity to posterity.

In this sector, to place a portrait of your children. If you do not have children, in this sector the house or apartment can be positioned the product of your mind and skilled hands.

The energy of the west - it is the energy of the metal element. Metal symbolizes wealth, power, power. If you want to achieve high office, to gain influence and wealth, it awakens the energy of the West with the help of wind chimes, various metal objects, horseshoes, hours of battle, white and yellow, silvery and golden color.

Place in the western corner of the large magnet, tied with a red ribbon and the image of the mythical white tiger (Snow Leopard) or the mountains with snowy peaks. Lack western corner of a particularly negative impact on the fate of politicians, officials, managers, administrators, directors, and so on. D.

This area is also the youngest daughter and the lack of an active Western power could adversely affect its fate.

"Happiness" (Fu) - character for the western corner.

Confucius said, "A handful of rice, a glass of clean water, elbow under his head, and I - is happy!". The idea of ​​the character "Fu" - "fill", "tilled field", "mouth", "singular" and "heaven."

You can also place a coin, a figure of a cat and a wind bell.

East - a zone of a happy family life.

Its absence promises constant disagreement among family members, the growing problems of "fathers and children". This is the area of ​​development and growth, which helps parents keep up with children to understand and share their interests. Energy East provides an incentive to the development of children, raises their level of activity and commitment to spiritual growth.

East along the south-east is under the auspices of the Dragon and his image will protect the rest of your family. The absence of eastern corner stimulates the emergence of family problems and poses a threat to children's health. Especially dangerous is the lack of this zone to the eldest son. To strengthen and awaken the energy of eastern corner you can use water and indoor plants, blue, gray and green colors.

Character eastern corner - "Longevity" (Yung).

The concept of longevity is closely related to the concepts of "eternity" and "leave a trail."

Yung - is decorated with gray hair health and wisdom.

In the east, you can place a dragon figurine, a mirror or a green plant on a stand.

The angle of the Force - a head

Finally, we should mention one more happy point, which is in every room and called the angle of the Force. It is not connected with the directions of the compass, it is determined depending on the location of the entrance door to the room.

If the room two or more doors, it is determined angle relative Force door which leads into the room from the corridor. Determine the angle of the Force, standing in the doorway, facing into the room.

If the front door is located in the center of the wall or shifted to the right, it will be located in the far left corner of the room.

If the door to the left, then the angle of the Force will be considered the far right corner.

The angle of force should be issued so as to symbolize the goals and plans for the future.

Place it in a symbolic embodiment of your dreams - the image of a hundred dollar bill (if you want to get rich), the villa by the sea, or Mersedessa Cadillac (if that is your dream), a pair of pigeons or budgerigars (if you're looking for a half).

You can hang a portrait of a family, if your goal - a happy family life. Suppose you have a burning desire to emigrate - then hang it on the wall in the corner of the Force map of the country that attracts you, and so on. D.

The symbol of your dreams, located in the corner of the Force will contribute to the realization of this dream a reality itself.

And one more thing: engaging in furnishing an apartment with a view to improving its energy (or the quality of Feng Shui), try to show, firstly, imagination, and secondly - a sense of proportion. Not happy to pile one upon the other characters, arranging a pile of mala.

Remember that the main goal of Feng Shui - to achieve harmony or to find the very middle, which is haunted philosophers and occultists for millennia.

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The application and the correct location of the mirrors in the apartment

 The use of mirrors and location of mirrors in the apartment
Use of mirrors

Feng Shui mirror - is a special subject that should be used with caution. The application and the correct location of the mirrors in the apartment. Not always and everywhere a good mirror.

Let's look for the start of its properties:



Recreates the missing space

It creates the illusion of a large space

Redistributes the flow of qi

The mirror can be an excellent means of correcting. Qi energy reaches for the water and moves behind her. And if we keep open bath and a toilet, then all our good fortune falls away into the sewer.

The best remedy in this case mirrors, large mirrors (the size of the door) hung from the outside and the inside of the toilet doors. On one side the mirror reflects the Qi, without letting it flow away from our house, on the other hand does not give the negative energy of the toilet and bath to penetrate into our home.

But it often happens that the toilet is located opposite the entrance door or to another room, then a large mirror is contraindicated. The mirror opposite the entrance door will reflect the incoming Qi back to the street.

If you have a toilet door and the front door are opposite each other, hang a small round mirror (d = 5-6 cm) from the outside and the inside of the toilet doors at the navel of the main member of the family. The tool is very effective.

Mirror can visually expand the space, adding not enough corners, but in terms of feng shui - it is only visual effect, although this technique might work if you believe in it.

Do not use mirror tiles, as it symbolically cuts reflected the people is reflected in it. Good mirror has a size such that the person reflected in it completely and there is still some space above your head (this growth potential).

Clipped small mirror head and the foot leads to diseases of these parts of the body.

Bagua Mirror - Round Mirror (straight, concave or convex) surrounded by a ring trigrams early sky, very strong protector of Feng Shui.

The idea is that using a mirror you are attracting negative object and holding it by the forces of nature, as the bagua early sky symbolizes the protective power of nature.

In Bagua early heaven trigram "Father" sky three solid lines, the strongest Yang is from above, and the trigram "mother" earth, three broken, the most powerful yin is on the bottom. In late heaven Bagua trigrams arranged in a different order and have protective properties. But the mirror-Bagua very offended on who directed.

Therefore, the Chinese are trying to use it only to protect against the negative form and will never be sent to neighboring houses or windows of neighbors. Instead, bagua mirror, you can use friendly animals Kirin or turtle. These animals can also protect from the effects of negative forms, spirits, etc.

With the help of mirrors can redistribute the energy in space, direct the flow of Qi in the desired direction. For example, the front of the door you is the kitchen, and on the right the corridor leading to the living room and living room.

Surely in this apartment all the guests first go to the kitchen, which would eat anything, and collect them all in the living room difficult. This is not surprising, since the qi entering the apartment, too, tends directly to the kitchen and wrap up reluctantly in a residential corridor.

Hang a large mirror on the wall perpendicular to the wall with the entrance door on the left side, so that would be reflected in the mirror of the corridor leading to the living room and living room.

Thus the flow of Qi will be redirected towards the living rooms and maybe you and your guests will eat less.

Mirrors in the bedroom are permissible if they do not affect people sleeping. If the mirror is reflected sleeping couple in their relationship will interfere with other sexual partners.

Mirrors in the bathroom very good. Let there will be more space.

Mirrors in the kitchen is used in two places:

1. So that would be reflected table with food, while the wealth of the family doubles

2. So that would be the hostess, looking in the mirror, I saw all members of the kitchen, then it will be calmer and more confident feel.

In the living room mirror quite acceptable. Very well, if you have the beautiful scenery outside the window, and you hang a mirror on the wall is matched with a window so that the it reflects all the beauty outside.

If the window dump, then using a mirror you will attract the garbage in your house.

Always be aware of the rules arrangement of mirrors in the apartment:

1. Do not hang a mirror in front of doors and windows

2. The mirror should be fully reflected the main member of the family

3. Do not mirror across from the bed

4. Do not point the mirror-Bagua neighbors

5.Pust in the mirrors reflected only nice things
