Perhaps you did not notice the time: in every office is "cursed place" - a work table where no one "delayed." It is necessary to be an employee at the table, his performance falls, the authorities no longer notice it, colleagues do not wish them to be considered,
he makes mistake after mistake, and in the end - go look for happiness somewhere else ... What was going on?
A person familiar with Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese science of harmony, answer this question: "damn" table is unsuccessful, the energy flow is literally "sweep" of the person who is in the zone.
To you it has never happened this trouble, listen to the recommendations of leading experts. For starters forget the proverb "Do not place makes the man, but a man - place." All just the opposite: a place can help you to express themselves, to advance, to climb the corporate ladder, but it may stall the progress, to block all the way forward and up, to deprive of protection and support.
What was going on?
It's very simple: how is your desktop that is around you, in front of you and behind depends promotion, salary, relationships with management and colleagues.
First of all, we look back: what we have "in the rear"? Wall? Excellent - a reliable protection, guarantee that you will not podsidit that the winds of change will blow you out of no birthmark office. Chief Cabinet? Too bad: his authority as if he and strengthens your position, even if most of the boss did not want to.
Window? Now that's worse: you are directly in the path of energy flows, that and look, swept away! However, screaming "help" is not: Draw the blinds - and you will block the energy draft. Just take a look to the blinds to form a flat surface, but not "dug" in you with its numerous "blades."
It is considered to be an unsuccessful situation where you are forced to sit with his back to the door or to the passage: Who knows what's going on outside of your field of view? .. In that case you are unable to control the situation - as a momentary in the room, and global in its professional activity.
The weakening your position immediately seen and felt around - and you cease to be considered. In general, try to stay as far away from the door, especially from the line of "door-window", even more so when the door - a long hallway or staircase. If the description of unsuccessful job you learned with horror traits own office desk, do your best to change something.
In the meantime, as the emergency measures will be as follows. At the door, cunningly located at the rear of you, hang a bell or any other "Noise Maker" - even notifies you of the movements of staff and visitors.
Before the eyes of place "mirror": any reflective object that allows you to control room out of your sight. And get the high-backed chair - even though it protects you from behind. So, with the rear clear.
Now look straight ahead: that is located in front of your desktop, symbolizes the prospects of the development, promotion, creative growth. Here, as you know, the wall prevents only: instead of before you open the shining expanse it covers all the ins and outs, limits you in all respects.
Narrows your horizons: you can not see beyond their own noses, do not notice the chances that you provide generous fate. If, however, the wall stands and move it nowhere, try at least a little "open up a window into the world." Hang the picture of (a postcard, poster, calendar) with a symbolic representation of perspective.
This could be a road receding into the distance, the river, any landscape, which depicted distant horizons. But better, of course, rearrange the table so that these horizons plowed naturally. Here should be an open space, be it a favorite room or office through the window view. In addition to walls, windows and doors, influence us more and smaller objects - the corners, cabinets, shelves.
About that sit on the corner is dangerous, everyone remembers from childhood. And it is - not an empty superstition: Feng Shui, aimed at the human angle is fraught with hidden threat, it sends an unfortunate "poisoned arrows" - harmful energy flows. Moreover, this applies not only to the protruding end of the table - the danger fraught aimed at our cabinet, column, and so on.
The same boom are sending innocent at first glance, shelves: their open shelf space cut - and everyone who inadvertently fell in side by side. So watch out: such structures can not be placed closer than two or three meters away. Better yet, choose racking closed cabinets. Do not forget to look at the top: Do not hanging over your head innocent any beam duct or something like that?
All these elements and architectural excesses oppress, suppress our energy. There can be no professional success - to keep health! If as a work room you got something gloomy, "without windows, without doors," try a little pokoldovat.
For example, excellent additional sources of energy within the room may be fresh flowers and plants, as well as landscapes, especially the spring and summer (symbol of prosperity). It should only remember that not all green pets are equally favorable. Ideal energy donors can serve as a plant with fleshy leaves circular or oval-shaped, with branches elastically growing up, not hanging limply to the ground.
The stems of climbing plants and try to pick up. By the way, they have successfully diffuse aggressive energy protruding corners and beams. Cacti and other "thorns", as well as plants with long, sharp leaves should not be located in places where people are long. However, to reflect the negative energy such flora could not be more suitable.
By the way, at the same time, some plants may support the financial success. Especially "useful" in this regard, a variety of Jade - not by chance are called "money tree": its fleshy rounded leaves resemble coins.
... Luck, as we know, the lady capricious, however, and it can be tamed. This is what teaches Feng Shui. Let's try together to slightly change the world around us - and it will sparkle with new colors.
Natalia Naumova