To happiness has come into the house of Part 3

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To happiness has come into the house of Part 3
Page 2


We divide the apartment into squares

In Feng Shui, the space is divided not only by functional (with the consumer point of view), but also on energy zones. Evoking the power of any zone, you activate a certain type of luck - financial, love, etc.

Energy bands associated with the directions of the compass. In the energy area can be divided the whole building, and it is possible - an apartment or a room.

To determine the location of the energy bands, you need to mentally divide a room or apartment into 9 equal squares or rectangles (if the room is elongated). You can copy the plan of the apartment and put on a proper grid.

Standing in the central sector, with a compass in hand, consistently determines the direction of the remaining eight sectors. If the apartment or a room of irregular shape, then the imposition of a grid, you immediately see some of the energy bands, or, as they are traditionally called, corners missing.

For example:

North West - North - Northeast

West - Central - East

South West - South - South East

Template imposed on the plan of the room and find that it lacks the north-eastern zone (we call it "angle").

The absence of any angle in a single room or throughout the apartment reduces the likelihood of success in that sphere, for which "answers" given angle. For example, the lack of north-eastern corner may hinder obtaining new knowledge.

We are watching the mirrors!

Missing angle should "make up", visually expand the space with a mirror. If the front door is located on one of the planes of the missing corner, the mirror should be placed at the other plane so that the door is not reflected in it.

In the bedroom mirror expands the space shall be located so that it is not reflected in the bed. Generally, you need to carefully monitor what is reflected in the mirrors.

For example, if a mirror reflects safe with money or jewels, it will help to increase your wealth. Cash as it doubled. And if a mirror reflects the stairs, then a part of your luck will "roll".

Furthermore, the mirror must be large. The highest member of the family must be reflected in it from head to toe. It is desirable that the mirror was intact. So popular nowadays mirrors, folding of the fragments do more harm than good.

Missing angle can be expanded or supplemented not only with the help of a mirror, but it is the most reliable way. More used plants, paintings, wallpapers and objects that symbolize a certain element of energy, which "controls" in some corner.

What kind of a zone set

South-west - the zone of partnership. This area is also a wife and mother.

The absence of this corner - a direct threat to the welfare of marriage and the mistress of the house. Marry in the absence of an apartment or room in this corner becomes a problem.

To activate the energy of the south-west, it is necessary to place in the sector composition of the stones. Stones should be 9, two of which are larger than the others. If you can not find the 9 decorative stones or crystals, take two and tie their red ribbon.

Make sure that this sector has always been illuminated. Put it Lamps with crystal pendants. However, the crystal is desirable, but not required. In a pinch, you can do the usual shade of red or pink. And do not skimp on electricity if you want to really awaken the energy of this angle.

Hang your total here with my husband (or fiancé) photo on which you look happy. Missing earth south node is filled or mirror image of the mountain, the physical map of the world, a model of the earth - globe.

Located in the southwestern corner of the character for "Love" (Ai).

Love breathes life into the heart and gives the grace of the body.

In the center of character "heart" on it - breathing under it - "gracious gesture."

South-east - a zone of financial well-being, or, as it is called, the area of ​​the Dragon.

His image in this corner will be to protect your well-being.

In order to make it constantly grew in the corner of the aquarium should be placed, a decorative fountain or even some kind of container with water (but do not forget to change the water in it at least once in three days!).

Awakening wood energy of the southeast also contribute to indoor plants, especially those that are in the active growth phase. Having established in the southeast corner of a plant (good - thick with rounded leaves, the so-called "money tree"), put a flower pot coins wrapped in red paper and tied with a red ribbon.

The energy of the south-eastern corner of luck also helps promote health and eldest daughter.

To do this, the angle of approach the character "energy" (Ch'i).

"Qi" - Universal breath or energy, giving life.

The image of the "Qi" is produced by two characters - the "breath" and "a stalk of rice."

Here it is possible to put a teapot, a frog or a mirror.

South - Zone with impeccable reputation of the family. It is also a middle daughter.

In the absence of this corner of the family members may suffer from symptoms of mistrust on the part of others, from gossip and gossip. If this angle is available and is decorated appropriately, the family will enjoy the esteem and respect among relatives, neighbors, friends and acquaintances. Furthermore, in certain individual performance one of the family members could gain wide popularity in a society, or even fame.

South - it's Diocese of the fire element, and the fire must always maintain that it is not extinguished. But placed in the corner of the fireplace or stove is dangerous, because in this case the fire can get out of control and make mischief.

It is better to take care of bright light in this zone and put it houseplants can be with sharp leaves, as well as a painting or a reproduction depicting a sunrise, rooster, peacock and flamingo pink. In this sector, apartment or room must predominate shades of green and red.

To do this, the angle of good character "Glory" (Hua) or "flower". Glory as beautiful and fleeting, like a fresh flower. This also suits the Chinese red paper lantern and a vase of flowers.

North - area of ​​career and social status.

The absence of this angle significantly reduces your chances of career advancement.

To expand the wall in place of the absent northern corner is best using a mirror. If this is for some reason not possible, should stick to the wall wallpapers with the image of a waterfall or a beautiful river scenery. If there is such an angle, it should establish an aquarium with goldfish. It will bring you good luck, not only in their careers, but also money.

Very effective placement in the corner of a portrait of water or black turtle, which is the patroness of the northern direction and the element of water. In this corner is extremely contraindicated abundance of vegetation, as well as yellow and green tone finish.

North angle protects the second son (or sons, all born between older and younger) of the family.

Character to the north - "Beauty" (Mei).

The image of gentleness and passivity, marked character for "Lamb", supported from below character for "man." Beauty - a great power.

On the north wall to hang a picture or put water in the corner of a dolphin figure.

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