Feng Shui: directions
Each person has a favorable or unfavorable direction (Orientation), is determined by their date of birth. We offer you a method of calculation
Gua number by which you can determine what type of people do you think about, know your favorable and unfavorable directions, and get some tips on arrangement of the apartment.
1. For people born from 1900 to 1999. Take the sum of the last two digits of the year of birth. If you got a two-digit number again folded his numbers.
The number of Gua for men - it is 10 minus the result.
Women - 5 plus the result. If you got a two-digit number again fold it in numbers.
2. For people born after 2000, the calculation is the same. However, in the formula for male 10 is changed to 9, and in the formula for women 5 - 6.
However, keep in mind that according to the Chinese calendar, the new year is considered to be 4 or 5 of February (better to clarify the date on the Chinese calendar, as it sometimes changes).
If you were born from 1 January to 3 February 1973, to calculate the Gua take the previous year - 1972, and substitute the value of the formula.
By the eastern group includes people who have Kua number is 1, 3, 4 and 9. For them favorable direction - north, east, south-east and south.
For the western group (Gua number - 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8) are considered to be favorable direction northeast, southwest, northwest and west.
Determine the number of Gua, you can determine the direction for the bed, desk, fireplace, doors, and others.
Directions for the bed is considered to be the direction in which the targeted headboard; the workplace - where a person's gaze is directed; direction of the hearth (cooker, oven, microwave, kettle, etc.) - where it comes from the power (electricity, gas).
Login better orient in a favorable direction for you. If you live in a family, find a compromise.
In favorable sectors for you can arrange living room, bedroom, study, kitchen. A negative - utility room, toilet, bathroom.
If the work is not possible to change the direction of your desktop, then just turn your chair more often and sit in a favorable direction for you.
Your favorable sector must always maintain order and cleanliness, as well as it can be activated with the help of mirrors, lights and fresh flowers.
It is also one of the popular methods of Feng Shui is a division of the apartments on the direction. But for this method to work, you need to determine the center of the home, from which diverge direction. To determine the center of your apartment you will need a plan of the apartment.
If this plan is a perfect square or rectangle, then the center defined as the intersection of the diagonals of the square (rectangle). So break your apartment to the correct boxes.
If it is in the shape of the letter "G", then you only need to find the center of "cap" -pryamougolnika and "legs" -pryamougolnika, as well as the area of the apartment. Venues "cap" -pryamougolnika and "legs" -pryamougolnika connect the line.
The center of your apartment will be located exactly on the line. For example, the area of "legs" -pryamougolnika refers to the area of "cap" -pryamougolnika like 3 to 1. Therefore, the resulting distance between the centers must be divided into 4 parts, and the center of the apartment is at a distance of one quarter of the center of the larger rectangle.
If the plan includes more apartments 2 rectangles, you must first determine the center of the first 2 rectangles. Then sequentially attach one else, apart from the shape made up of rectangles with centers counted as a single figure with his center and the total area.
Center - a place where the collected energy in your apartment, the place where it is strongest. And this is the place you need to emphasize or highlight. The point corresponding to the center of the apartment is located, for example, bright lamps, chandeliers on the floor or on the ceiling to draw a red circle.
If your apartment is the center of the wall, then hang it, for example, attracting the attention of the picture. Sometimes it happens that the center did not get into the apartment plan. Do not despair, in this case it is necessary to emphasize the centers of all selected rooms.
If you want to determine the center of the house, which consists of several floors and has no clear division between the floors, then emphasize the centers of all the individual levels, and "put an end" should be at the lowest level, ie, in accordance with the plan of the basement.