Everyone has dreams. They can be very diverse: to find love, to buy an apartment, change jobs, get a good machine, to become more significant in the company of friends. The list is endless.
One thing is clear: many of us have dreams, which at first glance are not simply well done. Often people see before them solid obstacles in the form of adversity or hinder the actions of others. In fact, the problem just in disbelief.
There is a famous proverb: "Without labor not pull the fish out of the pond." Moreover, the work does not have to be physical! Now I will tell about one method that greatly helps in the performance desires. Of course, some forces will have to make, but worth it, besides it will bring you great pleasure.
I want to make a reservation: the procedure described below does not have nothing to do with Feng Shui. After all, Feng Shui helps to create a beneficial and useful for the human environment that will positively affect the rest of his life.
And described in this article teaches the proper operation of machinery with its own intention. Many of you have read about the so-called "maps, posters desires." For those who have little idea about what it is, I will briefly explain.
Take a large sheet of paper. In the middle of the paste a picture of where you are the most successful turned out and radiate joy, confidence. And around this picture pasted pictures of objects of your dreams: the car, an apartment, a photo of the beloved (or a man whose image fits your understanding of "Prince") and so on.
Then hang it on the wall and the creation of a daily admire him. The meaning of "Dreamboard" to attract into your life whatever it depicts. Many people have made similar cards, but the result was either not at all or it was not the one they wanted.
The thing is that most sources, this method of wish fulfillment is presented is not complete. It describes only the mechanical action but says nothing about investing your spiritual forces, and a few other very important detail.
To begin with the main thing. What do you think is the main driving force in the universe? Of course, Love! Moreover, in this case, Love is seen not just as a romantic notion of when we think of a couple holding hands. And how, without which no one and nothing can exist.
Every creature, even every thing needs love. It is this incredibly powerful force, and we will attract to obtain the desired. Now about how to work with this technique. Lie on your back (it is more preferable than sitting), relax and start a kind of "release" your body.
Similar preparations are made before meditation. Next, you need to let go of my head all the thoughts and concerns. You can imagine that around the world there is no, or tell yourself that you refuse to think about anything, are outside of your body. There is very good proper breathing.
We need to breathe very slowly and deeply. This slows down the extraneous thoughts and brings a calming effect throughout the body. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply. Transfer the consciousness inside the body. Imagine trying to listen to your inner self or soul (as you like).
Now imagine that in the center of your chest is a very bright light source, a huge sparkling diamond, glowing like the sun. Use imagination on your own and take it as the glow of love. You can see her in a sparkling golden light or something different, above all, be focused on what is Love.
Now let Love radiates from the heart center in the chest, becoming brighter and more. Use inner feelings, to increase its volume and extend to the borders of the body, and even for them - that you become a little sun, luminous and radiating love it.
Feel like this are filled with love and start all strong light. Observe that every cell in the body absorb and Love itself begins to emit it. Feel the love, feel that you are literally surrounded by love and radiate it. The palms and soles radiate love. You glow with love. You feel as if inhaling lungs filled with it, and even more love circulates through the body.
Continue to strengthen their feelings. In the imagination to see how much you glow with love. See how everything that you touch, get your love. Continue to visualize and feel like become more radiant, constantly reinforcing the Love with every breath.
Being in this wonderful state, go directly to the creation of the desired reality. That is, to the fulfillment of desires. Imagine what you want to get. You'll see it in your mind and feel the emotions - as though you already have it. For example, you dream of the apartment.
In this case, imagine (Feel so real as possible), as you enter into your new apartment and incredible sense of joy overwhelms you! Do you feel the smell of recently sticked wallpaper rejoice drawing parquet floor. Come into the room. And you imagine how you will be fine and comfortable to live here, what sweet dreams you will see in this apartment.
The main thing - to think of it as what you already have. And you experience the incredible joy and gratitude to the world, the universe, which will allow your dream to come true. Repeat the above steps a day, while your desire is manifest in physical reality.
Small desires can be fulfilled literally the next morning, another will take longer, but you get what you want, the result will be even better than expected. Yes, someone this method of wish fulfillment may seem too simple.
Nevertheless, it works, and works very effectively! For every minute we make a choice to change their lives, to become someone new, to consciously control your reality, or continue to live as before, obey the circumstances, to be led, not leading.
The choice always remains yours, and you can only change the lives of the adoption of a firm decision. Whoever said that everything in life should be achieved, and then the tears that we must suffer their happiness was very wrong. Man was created for joy and happiness. As fate (or God - as you prefer), and there is no need nezachto punish you.
Just sometimes we ourselves doom ourselves to failure by his own disbelief. And you have to believe. And then we will be able to see all of the gifts that the universe offers us - need only open your eyes and decide to lend them a hand. Technique described in this article, is described in a remarkable book by J. Klaus. Joel "The Messenger".
And I advise you to read it - it is not only written in a very sincere and interesting, but it also provide practical advice on changing the existing reality. But the above method, I repeatedly tried on myself and use it consistently. The effect is simply amazing!
I wish you to become masters of their own destiny and to get as much joy out of life!