Ordinary Miracle Feng Shui for luck

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Ordinary Miracle Feng Shui for luck
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Ordinary Miracle Feng Shui.

Surely you have heard about this new Europe, but, in fact, a very ancient Chinese scholar that brings success, good fortune and luck to those who does not neglect its canons.

The art of Feng Shui was born thousands of years ago in China, came to America about fifteen years ago, in Europe - about ten, and in Russia only in recent years started to enter information about it.

Philosophical Foundations of Feng Shui grow from ideologies find harmony with the natural forces of the earth, covering all the achievements of Chinese thought: Confucianism and Taoism, Ching (Book of Changes - the most famous of ancient Chinese classical texts), and even folk magic.

It operates on many levels: the superstitious and the pragmatic, emotional and physical. Translated from the Chinese "feng shui" means "wind and water".

Although Feng Shui studies and uses the interaction point five natural elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Each of the elements can interact with others in a certain way and it is important to know how they affect each other and use them in a harmonious combination of interior apartment or office.

This does not mean that you need to carefully count the number of wood, metal or water elements. Each of these can be represented by shape, color or texture.

For example, if it is impossible to put an aquarium or fountain, sometimes quite hang a picture, which depicts a waterfall. I should say a few words about the technical terms used in Feng Shui. Or Shi Qi (Chi, in Russian transcription often written as Qi) - Chinese word means "air".

In Feng Shui qi - is something like energy, usually organic in nature, which flows continuously moves in space.

Sheng Chi (Sheng Chi) - energy, full of life. When we see that a house or a place full of life, it is filled with sheng chi.

Sha Chi (Sha Chi) - destroys harmful energy or energy. When we feel that we are, as it were attacked by some unseen force, we feel the presence of sha chi.

In Feng Shui it is believed that the space around us is not empty, and everything is permeated with vitality Qi. But it is scattered unevenly in space and at different locations exist in different forms, having, respectively, in different qualities. About 25% of Qi, which we need, we get from food, the rest of light and air.

Everyone knows that the same way without health food, and no sunlight and no good air, the person will not fit. Every living being, of course, and the man for a healthy and supportive of life, must be a sufficient amount of this energy. Moreover, Qi must be in the desired condition.

It should not be too quick and sharp, too stagnant and inactive. It should move slowly and gently twisting, besides, we need different types of Qi. For example, to attract wealth often use water.

Better in the form of fountains or waterfalls. At the very least, will approach an aquarium with fish that their movement will move the water, releasing the energy necessary for our financial success. Typically, the master of Feng Shui recommends that you run the aquarium 6 goldfish and 1 black.

This is due to the fact that goldfish bring wealth or family businesses, and black fish absorb sha chi. The aquarium should be placed in the south-east corner of the room. Care should be taken that the water has always been clean, oxygen-rich and constantly in motion.

Living plants are also frequently used in Feng Shui.

It is believed that plants with large leaves bring wealth and prickly reflect the harmful effects of sha chi. The use of plants has several aspects. Plants in pots, especially large and strong, increase energy of earth and wood. Aquatic plants, such as aquariums, symbolizes water and trees.

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Feng Shui How to attract wealth symbol money

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Feng Shui How to attract wealth symbol money
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 How to attract wealth symbol money

The Chinese consider it their duty to do their utmost to achieve financial well-being and prosperity for its kind. In Feng Shui, there are many symbols of money and means of attracting money, wealth and abundance.

As in Asia as a symbol of money?

Do the wealth, money effect on human happiness? It is unlikely that the role of money in human life is so great, but underestimate their value would be unnatural. Money makes man free, enough of them will allow you to do things you could not make without them.

In Feng Shui, there are many symbols of money, means of attracting wealth and abundance.

Perhaps this question more often than usual worried not only contemporary Chinese, but their ancestors. The Chinese consider it their duty to do everything possible to achieve prosperity for their family, because wealth, family well-being - is a reason for pride and the foundation of a happy life for future generations.

For many people, the wealth - is synonymous with abundance and prosperity of the family. Not everyone agrees with this point of view. Many believe that happiness - is the desire and determination to be happy: it is possible to live in poverty and be happy. However, you feel happy when you do not have money for medical care to a sick child, or you will not be able to repay the loan for the house and lose the roof over your head?

So, the money you happiness - a moot point. If you possess them will make you happy, then be sure to activate the wealth area of ​​your home, apartment or workplace. To do this, here attract a greater number of qi.

You can enhance the lighting or hang a crystal mirror, but most of the money "to lure" with the help of objects and images that represent money.

The symbol of money in this case acts as mute maxims (maxim - this moral rule, saying in the form of an objection nedopuskaet sentence short of expression), that is a reminder of the importance of moral rules that you are trying to follow in his life activity.

Whenever your gaze falls, for example, "money" tree, an aquarium, which swim eight gold and one black fish, or a bowl of coins, you'll remember that for the sake of what he is working for which was organized business.

As in Asia as a symbol of money? Aquarium with goldfish we have said, we will tell more about other symbols of money to attract wealth with the help of feng shui.

Any living plant with round leaves symbol of money, symbolizes wealth, profits. Such a plant is desirable to acquire and bring home an adult, take good care of him, to the leaves withered, no yellowing and do not fall down, and its development has not been suspended.

Growth of the plant - symbol of increasing wealth, attract wealth, falling leaves - a symbol of the loss of money, financial setbacks. You grown seedling - a symbol of financial recovery after bankruptcy.

Objects round shape, made of metal or painted in gold or silver, attract money luck. Round bowl with a few coins can be put in the wealth sector of your desktop, it will always be visible, once again remind you to take care of the welfare of the family, distract from the selfish plans.

Chinese coins used as charms to help attract the house money, prosperity and abundance. They hang on a red ribbon or silk cord on the wall in the area of ​​wealth bedroom or office, from a cot (wish newborn rich life).

If you do not want someone had caught you in greed, selfishness, asked once again about the meaning and what is the purpose of these coins, then place them where they will be invisible prying eyes. For example, put them in pots, in which there is a pot of "money" tree (the combination of these two characters is particularly effective: your well-being will increase as the tree will add to growth).

Some people wrap up a few coins in a red cloth or paper, and puts in the sector of wealth, but out of sight, for example in a box desktop or bedside tables, a television, at the bottom of the box with jewelry. Qi you attract to the area of ​​wealth, if you become to keep there money or valuables, any signs of prosperity and abundance.

This may be a collection of paintings, banknotes and old coins (such collection in itself is of great value, and attracts money into your home), gold or silver service, a gold (silver) medal, received for the successful completion of school or for winning sports competitions, painting or embroidery, which depicts nine fish, and so on. n.

Area wealth of dining and kitchen decorate the vase with the "gold" fruit - oranges or tangerines. This is also a symbol of money, because these fruits are not only circular, but golden-orange color - typical of "money."

An ambitious man who wants to have a lot of money, Feng Shui provides plenty of opportunities (besides those already mentioned), reinforcing the proper sector ba-gua.

The water flow from the steady flow associated in feng shui money to attract wealth. Water has a life-giving force, it nourishes the earth, making it fertile, without die all life on earth. The house, next to which a river or stream flow, attracts qi, which means good luck and happiness. Most people like to live near the water, to see it from the window in the morning, relax on the beach, enjoy its cool while swimming.

Exposure to water beneficial for all elements, particularly well the elements that are in the cycle of generation of near water - metal and wood. People born under the auspices of these three elements will be able to remove an unusually large gain, settling near the water or staging your home so that the water came into their home.

Stormy water, high waves destroying wealth, carry money and wealth, deprived of family income, so you should never settle down to rest, to build a house on the banks of the fast mountain river, ocean or sea (especially in line with the breakwater, on which waves break, so and break your happiness).

Standing, exuding the smell of bad water brings incurable diseases and grief. Just calm the current water flow creates wealth. Best of all, if the water (pool, stream, fountain) in front of the facade of the house, in which case it symbolizes used for the benefit of family financial possibilities.

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