Already come autumn, and we inevitably thoughts of the coming winter, more precisely on the winter holidays! In the first place about the most important festival, New Year's celebration! What promises us oriental horoscope for 2015? The coming year is completely dedicated to the Green Wood Kose.
What kind of dishes to cook for Christmas 2015
Goat New Year's Eve you need to please a variety of delicious dishes to the whole year good luck, especially in financial matters. What is to cook for New Year's table, which serves the New Year prefer this sign?
Do not forget that the goat is a vegetarian, and just loves fresh herbs. Therefore, to decorate the holiday table is a lot of greenery, variety of salads, but if you can not do without meat, then it is better to give preference to the bird, and do not forget the dishes of vegetables.
Specific attention should be paid to the serving table. In drawing up menus do not forget to take into account the elements of the future character of the year, namely, green and blue colors and their shades, and you can also use wooden utensils or other items from the tree to decorate.
Zucchini (eggplant) with cheese - creamy filling.
Excellent and very tasty vegetable dish. From vegetables used eggplants (or zucchini).
2 zucchini (eggplant).
On the need to fill:
2 eggs
1/2 cup cream 20% fat 120 g
1 can of cheese curd
200 g hard cheese
garlic to taste
Salt, herbs, spices.
Cooking vegetables:
Eggplant cut into thin circles, salt and leave for 20 minutes. Fry on both sides.
Preparation of filling:
All the ingredients are mixed, add salt, various spices and finely chopped greens. At the bottom of the mold spread vegetables and dressed with filling, then repeat the procedure again, should get 2 - 3 layers. Before putting in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees and sprinkle with cheese.
It has already become a tradition for New Year's table salad "Olivier". By the New Year's table in 2015 in the salad recipe you can use chicken. Originally decorated with this salad you will please guests.
Salad Olivier
3 potatoes
3 eggs
200 gr. chicken
1 can of green peas
2 pickled cucumbers
Onion 1 pc.
Herbs, salt, mayonnaise.
Cooking method:
Potatoes, boiled eggs, cool and clean. Chicken also boil and cool. All the ingredients are finely chopped, add the peas, a pinch of salt, spices to taste.
In the resulting mass add the mayonnaise. Arrange the finished salad in tartlets and garnish with greens. Decorating a salad for the New 2015 can at its discretion, depending on your imagination.
Salad with cucumber and melon
1 cantaloupe
1 cucumber
100g natural yoghurt
Carrots (for decoration)
Vegetable oil
Lemon juice 2 teaspoons
Salt to taste
Cooking method:
Melon cut in half, one half to get the pulp. Cucumber peeled, cut in half and also to get the pulp. Then, a cucumber cut into half rings.
Mix lemon juice, butter and yogurt. Season with salt and pepper. With a plate of cucumber slices and toss melon pulp, leaving a bit of cucumber salad for decoration.
Put the resulting salad in half a melon, cucumber and garnish with half rings roses of carrots and fresh herbs.
Rolls of squash with mushrooms (original suit as an appetizer)
2 zucchini
400g mushrooms
Hard cheese 150-200 g
A pinch of salt
A little ground black pepper to taste
Vegetable oil
How to prepare for the New 2015:
My zucchini and cut into thin plates. Then salt and pepper to taste. Fry on both sides in a frying pan. Part of zucchini cut into cubes and fry with the mushrooms until cooked with pepper and salt.
Spread on a baking sheet greased plate zucchini rolled rings using toothpicks. In the middle of the ring spread finished stuffing.
For a taste you can sprinkle with grated cheese, and can be decorated with Korean carrot. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until done.
On the hot New Year of the Goat is very well suited
Chicken rolls stuffed with greens, cheese and eggs
Chicken fillet
Russian cheese 200g
Boiled eggs 2 pcs.
Melted cheese
A pinch of salt to taste
Few spices
Fillet cut along, we turn around and fight back a little salt it. Prepare the filling - on a coarse grater rub hard cheese and eggs and add the greens. The stuffing add cream cheese for a better fixing. The chops wrap filling, obtained small rolls.
Then they are placed in the baking tin. Put in the oven for 30 minutes with a little oil. Then sprinkle on top of hard cheese rolls and dopekat another 15 minutes until golden brown.
Bon Appetit! Merry Christmas holidays!
Scenes for the New 2015 scenario for the New Year school
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Scenes for the New 2015 scenario for the New Year school
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Funny skits for the New 2015 for pupils of elementary, middle and high school in the gymnasium at the school.
New scenes, interesting tale scenario of the New Year's holiday for schoolchildren
The protagonist of the scenes - Losers Yarik. Once again, the teacher throws Yarik from the office into the corridor with the words, "You will never hand over exams! Here you will learn in the army discipline! Do not you dare come back to the office without their parents! ".
The protagonist dejectedly sighs, pulls the phone out of his pocket, my mother calls and says that it is called to the director. Mom few seconds in a raised voice guy says that he's a bad boy and hangs up.
Yarik removes the phone in your pocket, long walks back and forth, repeating the multiplication table, and then says:
"Why do not I play until the bell rings? ". After these words Yarik sharply climbs into his pocket and trying to get your phone, but it turns out not the first time.
When the mobile phone is the main character in his hand, he starts in the Yarik something to play, saying: "It turns out the protein! Take that! ".
It has more protein. She carefully sneaks to Yarik not notice it. When the main character to remain one step, protein hailing him. Yarik at first did not hear it, but protein called again and he slowly turned his head toward the sound, looked away from the phone to the protein:
- Squirrel?!
- Yes, Yarik, - with these words the protein grabs the phone out of the hands of the hero and runs away.
Yarik trying to catch a squirrel with the words "Squirrel! Squirrel! Stop! ".
The squirrel runs into a door marked "Repair." Before you pass through the door, Yarik stops and says:
- It's an old cabinet of physics! There is a repair, since I can remember! Director strictly prohibited to go there! Ah, well, I almost broke his record. Squirrel! I'm going!
Heroes of the scenes for the New Year are in the squirrel kingdom. It is a location where squirrels running around everywhere. In the center of the kingdom is the throne on which sits a protein in the crown and with his staff.
The protagonist of surprise considering the place in which he found himself. Squirrel on the throne said:
- Yaroslav, come to me!
Yarik takes a few steps toward the throne and sitting responsible proteins:
- I have something, let's say, Jaroslaw, and who are you?
- I - Belking II, the ruler of gaps. My people are in need of your help.
- Yeah, so it's all white, and you have them in charge?
- Quite true.
- Good good. Dear Belking, order his vassal to return my phone, and I'll go.
- What is the sly! No, that will not do! First you help us, then we will refund you this thing. The only way.
- Why me?
- Only you can help us!
Yarik looking around. All the inhabitants of the realm of looking at him.
- Fine, fine! What I should do?
- That's better - Belking second leans back in his throne. - First, listen to my story. So, when you went through that door, we moved you in the future for many years. Now hard times. Thirty years ago, you passed the exams is very bad, and you had to go to work Santa Claus.
The protagonist of the scenes trying to pretend that he is not here. Squirrel sitting on the throne, he continues:
- Santa Claus you so himself, Yaroslav. And this year, you're all crazy come down! He grabbed all the gifts, locked them in his fortress, jumped into the deep well and began to cry like this: "Water is not here! ". That ... and a new 2015 on the nose. If before midnight my subjects did not receive gifts, they are gone away from me! I do not feed them. And do not give water to drink. And small pension. Requirement, Yaroslav.
- I understand that I need to get me out of the other well?
- God be with him, with the other you! You have to get our gifts! Almost all the doors of the fortress of Santa Claus, we were able to discover, there are only three. We left a few hours before midnight, we must hurry!
- Wait a minute. Bring me back, I pass the exams well, I will not go into the Santas in the future everything will be just fine, unless I'm wrong?
Squirrel on the throne frowned:
- Yaroslav, who is the king of us ?! - Belking second strikes his staff on the ground.