Soon comes the new 2015 will be the year that blue goat. A, respectively, and New Year's holiday dishes 2015 should be matched this eastern guest. So, how to please the goat? On New Year's table should be the products that she likes, that is abundant fruits and vegetables.
But what the new year without any firm dishes, and completely vegetarian menu is not to everybody's taste. Buffet offers a variety of culinary delights and cook poultry.
Most often in the New Year's table prepared duck or goose.
But time does not stand still, people's tastes are changing, there are new modern recipes. And now there are not only recipes duck, stuffed with buckwheat, but you can stuff different fruits.
The main thing is not afraid to experiment, because in the end you can get a taste of the extraordinary, from which all will simply be delighted. Stuffed duck baked in the oven - a wonderful dish that will enhance any holiday table, including the New Year and will be present for all those present.
There is a delicious recipe for duck - it's "Duck in English."
It is very suitable in the 2015 New Year's table.
You need to bring: 1 duck about 1 kg), 4 slices white bread, 1 onion, 4 tablespoons butter, 100g of bacon, 2 bunches of parsley, salt and pepper.
Prepared duck season with spices to taste .. Onion chop and fry in butter with chopped bacon in advance, all mixed with bread crumbs and finely chopped parsley.
This stuffing to stuff the duck and sew up the incision, then it abundantly lubricated and pass on a deep baking tray and place in the oven and bake at 180 degrees until done. constantly need to be watered stand out juice.
When the dish is ready, you need to cut the duck into pieces and add the juice, which she baked.
Serve with vegetable garnish. This dish is perfect for the New 2015.
Another delicious recipe is the "duck with oranges".
Duck stuffed with citrus, acquires an unusual sweet and sour taste, which is very well with poultry.
1 duck, 100 grams of chicken liver, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon of broth, 2 oranges, half a glass of orange liqueur.
Duck abundantly spread melted butter, season with herbs. Peeled orange slices and cut them to stuff a duck. The remaining peel grind. Bake the duck in the preheated oven for 2 hours.
Blanch the zest for 10 minutes in boiling water. Thereafter, it is necessary that water glass, a peel pound liver adding orange liquor. In a saucepan place the veal broth, add the butter. mixed with zest and flour, which istolchena with orange liqueur.
All this bring to a boil, then drain well. ready-poultry carcass divided into pieces. serve with prepared sauce. Prepare the sauce in a gravy boat to file.
These detailed recipes stuffed duck baked in the oven perfectly suited to the new 2015 Old New Year or Christmas for the festive New Year's table.
How to celebrate the New Year of the Horse
New Year is celebrated annually worldwide. This charming, magical and mysterious holiday will soon be on the threshold of every home - it will bring its own traditions, fun and signs. Therefore, it is advisable to understand all topical issues: what to give as a gift, as the need to meet the New Year horse, prepare a Christmas outfit, festive table, how to do home decoration.
Emblem of the year is a wooden horse blue. The next 12 months will be in operation, as though the horse and calm the animal, but it is very hard-working, well, it is bold and independent, at the same time, kind and sociable.
Blue - describes the calm, measured, prudence. This year will reward those who will reveal new facets and go against fate.
In the year of the horse was born many famous people: Barbara Streisand, Mike Tyson, John Travolta, Vladimir Lenin, and others.
How to celebrate the New Year should be a horse
Horse - clean animals who do not tolerate dirt and dust, so the New Year's Eve you need to do the cleaning. This is done to ensure that, together with the outgoing year of your home leaving all the troubles and unhappiness.
It is recommended to check all plumbing, namely, pipes - do not allow leakage. According to the old legend, with funneling water leaves the well-being and money.
The horse likes a lot of space and freedom, so do not exhort a lot of furniture, on the contrary, get rid of the excess.
To meet this wonderful holiday possible, both at home and in other places of entertainment - most important to have a number of close and loving people.
Decorating the house for the new year
I'd like the house to be warm, cozy and fun. Therefore, create a festive atmosphere with the help of various accessories, toys and jewelry. Of course, in the New Year without a Christmas tree will not work - it rain garnish and sprinkle with colored serpentine, to give shine and light.
Observing the colors of this year, hang garland, tinsel and golden rain, which will be perfectly combined with blue. You can make a wreath of fir branches with his own hands - he will fill the space pleasant scent. If possible, purchase textiles in the required color style.
Christmas outfit
Not just nice ladies, but many men love the bright and beautiful outfits. In the New Year will be relevant blue, blue and green hues. It is better that the clothes were made of natural fabrics and look luxurious and rich, as a symbol of the year - a tree that will not be combined with artificial materials.
Do not forget about the hair - it should be suitable to the clothing. It is recommended to leave loose hair that would resemble a horse's mane.
Gifts for the New Year
Typically, a week before the New Year celebrations all begin to shop in search of gifts. In the year of the horse, the most popular and relevant Present - Horseshoe. You can write your own wish or decorate it with ribbons and tinsel.
No less useful gift - a statue of a horse, of course, made of wood. This souvenir will bring good luck and happiness in the house and will be a good addition to the decor.
Festive Christmas table
For tasty and properly meet the year of the horse, should prepare some light salads, which will not contain any artificial additives. The board should put more fruits and vegetables, but better to give up meat and sausage products.
If you want to give a tribute to tradition, put under the Christmas tree hunk of fresh bread with salt on the table and the two bowls - one with water, another with oats.
Do not forget the scented candles for the New Year, big beads, ribbons and coins to be spread out on a table or create a single song.
And most importantly, do not forget that you need to celebrate New Year's blue horse and fun together in a circle of close and dear to you people! Holiday greetings!
Chicken stuffed in the oven on the table New Year 2015 recipes
The coming New Year in 2015 - this time the blue goat. Of course, the main part of the festival is a feast. What wants to see the horse on New Year's table in cooked dishes?
Goat - a herbivore. So on New Year's table coming year fruit and vegetables should be mandatory. But what about those who prefers more meat dishes (men, for example, not be happy with a vegetarian menu), or those hostesses who used to cover the annual New Year's table an abundance of different delicious dishes. Of course, should come up with something brand. The options are many meat dishes: baked chicken, goose, duck, jelly - in general, any meat cooked in any form.
That's already dark outside, all the guests have come, turn on the lights on the Christmas tree and the room resounds delicious flavor of meals. All of this suggests that we need to sit down at the Christmas table. If you decide to cook stuffed chicken, baked in the oven, your guests will be very pleased with this dish.
We offer you to cook for New Year's table in 2015 and pancakes stuffed chicken recipe with rice and mushrooms.
Chicken stuffed pancakes
To prepare the stuffed chicken in the oven
the following components:
Chicken, 4 carrots 5 onions, mayonnaise, various spices to taste, vegetable oil.
For the pancakes: 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk and flour, a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, a few leaves of green onions, butter.
1. chicken put on the back, an incision in the skin on the breast and gently helping with a knife, separate the skin from the meat.
2. Carefully remove the skin from the shins.
3. turn the chicken breast on helping knife to separate the skin from the meat (here it departs more difficult than from the breast), and the wings are cut at the joint, leaving them intact.
4. The skin is possible to postpone, and the resulting whole carcass, boil in water with salt and a little onion.
5. until the chicken is cooked, you need to grate carrots and fry it in vegetable oil. When a little browned, add the chopped onion and fry until cooked vegetables. We cooked poultry carcass bones removed, leaving only the meat and cut into small pieces and mix with the onions and carrots, spices. The stuffing pour 4 tablespoons of broth in which the cooked bird.
6. prepare the dough for pancakes: Beat eggs, add flour, milk, salt, vegetable oil and chopped green onions. Beat Again. Bake 9-11 pancakes, brush them with butter.
7. The first stuff the chicken legs: around pancake put stuffing, roll into a roll, it - in half and put in the leg. Also fill the other leg.
8. then gradually fill the entire skin spring rolls, laying them in parallel. Carefully sew on the breast.
9. prepared chicken put in a refractory form, greased with vegetable oil. Fluff back mayonnaise and sprinkle with curry.
10. Bake in preheated oven until golden brown.
Delicious and beautiful dish for the holiday
2015 New Year's table is ready!
Another suitable delicious recipe in the oven
on New Year's holidays, it
chicken stuffed with rice and mushrooms
To do this, take the chicken carcass, various spices, butter, parsley.
For the stuffing: cup of rice, mushrooms, 200 g, 1 pc onion, 2 tablespoons sour cream.
Carcass rinse well and dry, coat with spices and salt everywhere. give a good soak. At this time, prepare the filling. Mushrooms fried in butter with chopped onion.
Boil the rice until cooked. In a deep bowl mix, add the remaining butter and chopped parsley.
Before you start stuffed with chicken, it can be a good spread a clove of garlic. And also to make incisions in the skin and lard with garlic. Then farshiruem chicken stuffed and sewed up her bake in the oven until cooked.
Serve on New Year's table in 2015 divided portions.