Holiday Ideas for the New Year

 Ideas for New Year's Eve

Celebrate the New Year can be for a variety of scenarios and in different places. But what is right for one person may not be acceptable for another. However, there are places and options for the meeting, where everyone can find something for themselves.

Holiday Ideas for the New Year

New Year is always associated with snow, with a large snowman outside, tree and playing in the snow, as well as other winter fun - sledging, skating and skiing.

An excellent idea is to meet the New Year in the mountains, at some ski resort.

Now you can find leisure options for all tastes and budgets. You do not need to go to the Alps or neighboring Bulgaria. You can relax in the Ukrainian Carpathians, at a lower cost. You can not stop at the hostel, and the private sector at the welcoming locals, it will save the budget and promises joy of home cooking.

How fun to celebrate the New Year with family and children

This holiday is suitable for both families with children and friends. If you eat alone, then it is better to choose a tour to a large recreation center. There you will not be short of company, because the overall fun and very festive atmosphere bring people together, they are easier to get to know and quickly find a common language.

But there is the opposite scenario. If you are tired of the cold, dream about the sun, and the budget allows, you can choose a trip to warmer climates. Run away from winter and get right in the summer - is not a fairy tale? Suitable to all who have the finances for the trip.

It can be beautiful and fun to celebrate the New Year and in his hometown .

There are many institutions that offer an interesting and bright New Year's program, you only need to pre-book a table. Suitable groups of friends or couples without children. For kids, this is not an option, but it is one you can go. Just one will not let you be long!

You can organize themselves their own concert program at home.

It is possible for this purpose for an apartment or rent a house if walking a big company.

What to think of the cheerful company?

If you are going with your friends, share the responsibilities - preparation of meals and snacks, house or apartment decoration, and of course come up with a scenario of the holiday, let it be a costume party. This will create a mood, and preparing costumes in advance to give an unforgettable feeling of anticipation.

This idea will suit the company of friends and couples with children.

Scripts set, only need to include fantasy and to discuss preferences of all members of the upcoming banquet. It may be a party called "good fairy tale" where everyone will represent their favorite fairy-tale hero. Especially children will enjoy.

Another idea - everyone can dress up what some Christmas decorations. And the owners of an apartment or the main organizers of the festival will get the honor of being the grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. By the way, it is not necessary to Ded Moroz was a man, and the Snow Maiden - woman. You can specifically choose the role of Santa Claus Woman short stature, and for the role of the Snow Maiden - the largest and tall man.

Or it may become a new scenario for the company of friends. All the girls will be Santa Claus and the boys - Snow Maiden. You can organize the ball, with costumes of past eras who liked what. Either masquerade with homemade masks.

Where to celebrate the New Year, if you are left alone?

But the one who is without the company, you can suggest an idea to take part in the general celebration of the New Year, which is usually held in the city center. Or search for like-minded people in the pre-forum of your city, or in social networks and communities of different hobbies.

Make a wish for the New Year, as the girl make a man

 Make a wish for the New Year

New Year's Eve is considered to be a magical night when the most cherished desire fulfilled. By meeting with her almost every woman is preparing very carefully, thinking through every detail dress, hair, makeup. Women also make up family festive menu.

How to make a wish for the new year

If you are not currently met her only a man, and did not create a family, now is the time to start preparing for the New Year coming up this issue with a little creative and philosophical side. Next year should bring to your life happiness, harmony in the soul and of course the love of which you were dreaming.

So, where should you start to in the past year to prepare myself mentally for a new relationship and execution cherished desire?

It is necessary to find a time and in a quiet environment to analyze all the events that occurred in your life for a year. Here are a few ways to customize the positive emotions in front of the Christmas night.

Make a New Year in a ... man!

1. We sincerely thank the experience that you have acquired from former relationships. No need to analyze every little thing, and dig into the details. It is enough to let go of all the negative emotions that tormented your soul, even in those events about which you would prefer to forget. Errors and failures in the relationship will give you a lesson, and added more experience that will help in building new relationships.

If you have a grudge against the former young man, forgive him! The more sincere you do, the easier it will be to you. To help you forgive it easier to close your eyes and visualize a beautiful place or a landscape, it can be a beautiful garden, Cote d'Azur, park and so on.

Now imagine his former man and smile to him so that he smiled in response to you. After a short meditation reign in your soul peace and harmony!

2. On the eve of New Year Sit back and take a sheet of paper and colored pens.

To tune in to a wave of calm and discard all unnecessary thoughts turn to relaxing music. On paper, you need to describe a man with whom you would like to build a relationship.

Write needed detail: his appearance, character, age, occupation, hobbies, and the like, if you were to think a man who will meet in the new year.

But there is one requirement - no need to use words describing the man with the particle "no". For example, instead of "no evil" use the word "good", "not high" should be replaced on the "average height".

After the portrait of your ideal man is ready, gently fold the piece of paper and move it. Do it with ease and positive emotions, mentally pronouncing the phrase, "I deserve it, so it will be! ".

3. Finally, at a meeting of the New Year to adjust itself to all the brightest and the best.

Treat this meeting as the beginning of your new, full of wonderful events of life. The most important thing is your attitude. If you truly believe that your life changes for the better will come, so be it.

Under the chimes again visualize a man that you describe on paper, and make a it. And be sure, such a man is required to meet you, because you will make come true it.

Good luck in the New Year!

How to make a Christmas candle holder for candles with their hands


There are two mandatory components of the New Year holiday - a glass of champagne and a Christmas candle. Of course, if you do not take into account the salad, but without it you can still do. But without a Christmas candle - no way.

We offer you a master class photos and a detailed description of how you can make an original fantasy magic candle for Christmas candles with their hands.

After all, before the clock strikes 12 times, its spark will burn all the troubles and failures that have happened in the old year, and after the meeting of the new year it will be "working" on the implementation of the make a wish and a new happiness.

Therefore, choose a Christmas candle very carefully and well in advance, and the candlestick for it can do with their hands. And if you do it with love and imagination, in a good spirit and with good thoughts, your energy is required to enhance the magic of Christmas fire.

Besides your candle will be the only one of its kind. For its decoration, you can use the beads - Candle highlight it, and it will play magic shimmering.

For manufacturing candlestick for Christmas candles with their hands need to prepare:

Transparent glass cup,

special glue - perfect clear gel "Moment", it does not spread, it is very strong and not afraid of water,

drawing the sample (in this case in view of the coming year, we chose the snake elegant herringbone pattern in the form of a snake)

colorful beads and bugles (you'll need a small amount, you can search for the remains),

a needle or sharpened wooden stick (you can accurately match the cut) to adjust the imposition of beads and bugles


Matched glass will have to be degreased - wash with hot water with soda, rinse several times and wipe dry with a clean towel.

Draw a Christmas tree, a snake, or print a picture from the Internet to the printer. You can also use the plot of a three-layer napkins for decoupage. Insert the image into the glass. It must rest on the glass. Do not choose a particularly complex pattern. You can close the picture just a piece of glass, as in our case, but you can fill it completely around the circumference. It all depends on your desires and the time you have available.


Apply a clear gel on the basic outlines of the figure. Remember, it dries up pretty quickly.


Put glass beads along the contour of the figure on the glue. Then sequentially place and attach beads.


Correct those beads that formed unsuccessfully. Additionally, you can decorate the top of the cup rim or mirror diamonds (they can be found in the special New Year's balls in a store, they are easily removed, look very nice).


Allow the glue to dry completely and perform a dress rehearsal - place a Christmas candle in a glass candlestick, which was made with his own hands, and light it.
