Cheerful scenario of the New Year celebration at the school in poetry contests, greetings, fun games for kids, funny scenes
Characters: Leading girl and boy boredom, melancholy green, clowns, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
The scenario of the New Year for children at school in verse
In the festively decorated hall, cheered by the music at the Christmas tree appear leading: a girl and a boy.
Moderator: The holiday came hilarious!
Lead: The New Year has come to our school!
Together: We congratulate you, friends!
Moderator: We can not be bored!
Boredom will not. No problem.
Come to visit us ...
Spectators End .. Santa Claus!
We celebrate the New Year!
And we will not be bored!
At this point, because of the trees Boredom appears in gray robes, she quickly sprinkles face leading some spray, they descend on the chairs under the tree and fall asleep.
But who should be fun?
Better to let the boredom idleness!
It is best to sleep but to relax!
Will anyone object?
Spectators are trying to protest, but dangerously Boredom leads a spray on them and says:
Who would object to me,
It will be a very long time to sleep!
I give a call to your friend,
Chat at your leisure!
He pulls out a cell phone, dials a number and calling:
Hello, Green, hello!
How many winters, how many years!
Do you want to see the Christmas tree?
How do you it is green,
It is not native to you?
Stop whining into the phone to no avail,
The school come to the Christmas tree!
Well, guess who I called,
One I called, soon to come?
Spectators realize that we are talking about the Green Tosca.
Appears Tosca clothing marsh color.
Here, boredom, and I!
Why I called?
That you helped me,
All the anguish brought to mind.
But why is all this necessary?
I do not like so well together,
Cool New Year meet,
Do not grieve, do not miss!
No problem, I'll help,
Tosca at all I bring!
Let's put out the lights on the Christmas tree!
No trees will be pretty boring day!
Boredom and Melancholy go around the Christmas tree, do the magical passes with his hands and say a spell:
Hanky-panky, Bender-Bey!
GASN, tree, make haste!
You will become dull, ugly,
You will become dull and dreary!
Hanky-panky, Bender-Bey!
GASN, tree, make haste!
The lights on the Christmas tree go out, and general lighting gets a little muffled.
It was possible to us to deal with you!
Everything at once tarnished,
We can bored now ...
Look quickly! The door opened ...
Who's there?
Tosca: Look!
Our affairs are bad!
What is it?
Came ...
Then run up a tree clowns and shouting:
Who are bored?
Who longs?
Skomorokh all I will heal!
We will be able to help you!
Sginte melancholy and boredom away!
Okay, we'll leave up to you,
But remember, you still have ...
First buffoon:
That's all right to clean,
At the time we made it!
Second buffoon:
Santa Claus, though he knew -
We were sent to you in advance!
Hello guys,
Dear parents!
First buffoon:
Have fun with us
Do you want to?
Second buffoon:
Something gray and depressing ...
Something is not lit tree ...
First buffoon:
I feel that I will not help
Here and Dr. Aibolit!
Second buffoon:
Yes, a serious question here ...
We help Santa Claus!
The music is playing, and there Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
Hello, good people!
How do you have fun, how many children gathered for a holiday!
Santa Claus:
Good health to you all!
Give us clowns path is right for you and your beauty tree ...
(Stares at the tree)
But for some reason the lights are off on it, and in general as something boring you here.
And who is there sleeping under the Christmas tree?
Something I do not like it all!
(Skomorokhy both sides something to whisper in the ear of Santa Claus)
Oh, that's what was going on!
This is all the machinations of Boredom da Tosca.
But we are all correct.
And you guys stand up in a circle and I together helps me repeat all the words!
Lace snowflakes, sparkling stars,
Remove spell to help us!
Light the lights again!
One two Three! And you're done!
On the Christmas tree lights flashing, lighting is complete.
Around the Christmas trees go
And she will sing a song.
(Round dance to the song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree")
Leading wake up under the Christmas tree, they yawn and stretch and look around in amazement.
What was it?
I do not know!
I barely scraped the eye!
Oh, Father Frost, Snow Maiden!
And I sleep like a fool!
First buffoon:
But now everything is all right!
Second buffoon:
And we want you to make a puzzle.
Skomorokhy guessing riddles, children respond.
Santa Claus award prizes.
We will be with you, we play,
Fun, dance!
Santa Claus:
Here, I take out of your bag this magic ball, and Come, the Snow Maiden, play with the kids, and I'm here is sit down, relax. I'm a little tired, yet no longer young.
Maiden holds two ball games.
The first game for children.
The participants stand in a circle near the Christmas tree. The Snow Maiden stands in the center of the circle and passes the ball to one of the players. To the music of the players must pass the ball around, saying:
You scram, fun ball,
Quick, quick hands!
Who cheerful ball,
Now he will dance to us.
Do any of the participants on the last word turned the ball, he takes every dance. Santa Claus award prizes.
The second game in the script.
The ball is also passed around. But the music is suddenly interrupted and who at this moment is the ball out of play. This continues for as long as it will last two participants. Last receives the grand prize and the loser gets a consolation goal.
Ded Moroz (rising from his chair):
Ah, thank you, guys!
Ah, the old grandfather comforted!
That's great!
We invite all
In friendly dance!
Have fun meet
With you New Year!
(Round dance to the song "Little Tree" New Year's or any other)
Santa Claus:
A lot of fun in your Christmas tree, dear children. But it's time.
We need a Santa Claus has many elkah have time to visit.
Santa Claus:
And we wish you a good rest during the holidays and the new forces to take up their studies at school!
Good luck to you all!
Happy New Year! Bye!
(Santa Claus leave.)
Out Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. But our holiday is over. And we can even dance a little!
The script: Dance Unit.
New Year's celebration in a disco finishing school.