What to expect in the new 2015 women

 New Year

This article will talk about what to expect in the new 2015 Blue goats to women that need to be taken and what is better to pay attention to.

Goat - the family sign. So this year the women have an excellent opportunity to prove themselves at home on the farm, to show their ambitious and accuracy. Family women is no difficulty, but to those who this year will meet your soul mate will have to sweat to make a good impression on her man.

The children all conflicts will come to naught, but do not forget that in the upbringing of the child's important that you understand them. Find a common language through your some interests, spend more time communicating on various topics. Try to put yourself in your child and then many problems will find their own solution.

What to expect in the new 2015 single women

Unmarried women this year will present a romantic relationship, and possibly marriage. Everything will depend on you, try to do everything to achieve the desired, and you will succeed. Do not look at the past, it was the fact that you will not return, but in the future things can be much better, so do not tempt fate, forget all grudges and unhappiness and start life anew.

Women who are accustomed to achieving everything themselves, this new year will bring good luck 2015.

Snake loves workaholic and always evaluates them according to merit, giving the best. If you own your business - this year on your account can do a lot of money, but we must use them wisely.

Easy money will never bring happiness, so if you get the chance, and then spend them to charity or invest in a new business. Women artists will give Snake fame and pave the foundation for new talent.

For women who are looking for their vocation in life, the goat will give a few hints that you need to properly understand and use. Do not refuse the help of relatives and friends, they wish you well, and may be able to arrange your destiny.

Listen to the advice of friends, but always ponder all the action on their own. Let it even be a minor concern purchases or travel abroad. And do not get involved in any venture. Goat does not like gambling, ready to head into the maelstrom of people.

Engage is: fitness clubs and beauty salons, lead an active lifestyle, try to do what has not yet happened (stand on skis or snowboard, ride on roller skates or surf), do not envy, and do not look at people that are you feel better than you - this may not be true, but admit you into depression.

More positive emotions and happy days, then this year will be the best for you and unforgettable.

Now you know what to expect in the new 2015 goats and that women will be, so where you have to be careful and attentive.

The script for the New Year 2015 Party for adults and children

 The script for the New Year

For a wonderful holiday, which would be remembered for a long time, not enough table with elaborately prepared dishes, festive harvested areas and expensive attire. It is desirable that all this celebration was fun.

And for the fun you need to prepare a scenario of the New Year holiday, suitable for both children and adults. If you are prepared interesting games and fun competitions, puzzles for a fun Christmas party with your friends, all guests will be satisfied.

An interesting scenario for the New Year 2015

For the twenty participants in the evening prepared in advance:

10 whisks (small applications, similar to the emblem)

10 sticks

20 homemade envelopes;

70-100 pcs. snow balls, which can be independently dash of wool,

10 trees-applications that will be distributed for each win,

balloons, newspapers, prizes for competitions, confetti.

Fun party, a holiday for adults and children

The envelopes decompose and broom sticks, folding envelopes into the hat. When it comes to contests, distributing envelopes guests. Who Got the wand comes to the team, "Holy smoke". And those who got a broom, go to the command "Firs-broom." Applications can be attached to the clothes pin.

New competition "Snowball."

Participants heard snowballs. Included cheerful music and the teams begin to throw snowballs at each other from wool. When leading off the music, challenge the participants to collect snowballs, and the team that will gather more than snowballs, get 1 prize Christmas tree. But the rush to turn off the tape recorder is not necessary to give adults and children a little play.

The contest "Riddles" .

Leading turns Riddler for adults and children, or ask questions on any topic related to the New Year. The winner is the team that gives you more answers.

Examples of puzzles:

- White, white thread sewn.

He goes first, then he lies.

And then it will flow,

and disappears. (snow)

- In the evening we go to bed,

And do not disclose to the eye in the morning,

To see these wonders. (sleep)

- He's cold inside

It can store a lot,

It is for cans and pots spacious,

But not for suits and coats. (fridge)

- What is the name of his father Tatyana Nikolayevna? (Nikolai)

- Flying Geese: 1 front and 2 rear, two front and one rear, one between the two, and three in a row. How many flying geese? (3 goose, one after the other)

- Can a bird called the ostrich (no, he does not know how to speak).

The script contest "Dancing" .

Members of each team are divided into pairs. Dancing will not be easy. Each pair is placed under the feet of the newspaper and the music plays. Contestants have to dance so as not to intrude on the edge of the paper.

Then the problem is complicated - the newspaper folded in half and continue dancing couples already halves. Then we add up the newspaper again, and so long as there will be only one pair, the ability to hold on a little piece of paper.

Literary Contest .

We need to come up with a funny line continuation in rhyme on new 2014 horses. The teams are given the same sentence written on the sheets, to which end they come up for 10 minutes.

- After the New Year's Eve

- Alex does not want to get up in the morning

- Santa Claus arrived

- He's someone integrally;

- Here, wait Gift

- And Snow Maiden came to blows;

- The chimes struck twelve times ...

- Christmas tree together, we, along ...

- From all the snow is white ...

Responses are compared and the best one is issued herringbone.

Sly Contest "Pari" .

- I bet that I'll put a pencil on the floor, and you can not cross it (pencil placed against a wall).

- I bet you can not move me away, standing on a newspaper with me (newspaper placed on the threshold of the door, and you stand on the side where the door is not opened).

- I bet I jump higher than the refrigerator. (jump up as you wish, since the refrigerator can not bounce at all).

The contest "jump out in the New Year" .

After the first New Year's toasts are building the participants in line and offer them to jump into the New Year. Wins the one who will jump the farthest. Competition does not continue for a long time, so as not to disturb the neighbors below.

The script for the New Year 2015 dance disco fun party celebration for adults and children continues.
