How to make a suit snakes with their hands in the New Year

 New suit snake

People think that their life is teeming with pre-cares, but the main headache falls in this period parents. The kindergarten will start a series of New Year's morning, and every self-respecting child feels obliged to demand from parents Christmas costumes that can overshadow all others at children's parties.

How can we make the costume snakes with their hands in the New Year

Therefore let us not lose heart, and turn to the symbol of the coming year - a snake. That it can help create a memorable costume for the precious children of not spending the enormous efforts and funds. This article will help you cope with the easy task - the construction of a snake costume. Often, many parents try to get out of position easily.

On one of the old children's shirts fabric paint markers necessary animal, flavored with all this Christmas tree "rain" or tinsel, and then fasten the ears or the tail of the paper. It leaves absolutely nemudreny suit, and it seems that it is time to send my child to a holiday.

Not a bit of it, parents! Is the coming year of the snake, and his character does not deserve a little more of your efforts? After all, a snake costume, no doubt, will be the most important in the coming year. Let's try to easily make a simple, but unique costume for children.

To begin with leggings or tights Get a green and turtleneck of the same color. (Will suit also jumpsuit. Green color is also optional, as you know there are snakes, for example, yellow. Activating imagination!) This is the basis of our suit.

Before going to the store for a fabric should take your measurements child. We need diameter of the head, its height (from the top to the collarbone), the growth of the child (it is calculated using the length of the tail of the snake future).

How can I make a suit Snake for children on New Year

Now you need to get materials to complement the dress. Buy need fabric green, red and white colors for costume, tongue and eyes, respectively. In addition, we will need two large oval buttons (for eyes).

Fold the fabric in half green, then draw on the fabric and the head of the snake's tail so as to obtain the similarity with the tail cap. In the resulting "cap" cut out window for the face and the top of it is filled with any printed material.

Sew edge caps, then the tail. The tail also fills in any material. (Stitch tail optionally, it can be crosslinked and, like a cloak, lying on your back)

Finish the costume. Sew on the eyes and tongue. The back of the costume can be decorated with chopped diamonds of the same size of a contrast to the green color, such as yellow. This ornament will look like snake scales.

See our website Children's costumes for the New Year Photo .

So you can easily make original costume Snake for children with their own hands New Year.

I do not doubt that at a children's party, he is the best.

Ornaments for the New Year 2015 with their hands, how to decorate the house beautifully

 Ornaments with their own hands New Year

There was a New Year's time. Now home evenings became warmer and more comfortable, because it's snowing outside, and the house smells like tangerines and spruce branches. You, of course, have already decided what will present gifts to their loved ones during the holidays and how to decorate your house - bought garlands, colorful crackers, Christmas decorations.

Ornaments for the New Year 2015 with his own hands

Now you can go and work to make Christmas decorations for the house or apartment with his hands, and what could be nicer family time?

This is a great opportunity to socialize, laugh, remember the old days when the whole family as a child were making crafts and decorate the house for the new year. There is no limit to your imagination, you can make jewelry out of anything - paper, yarn, patches, spruce cones.

How to make a garland

Paper making a garland in the form of little people holding hands. Take a long strip of colored paper, folding in an accordion, and scissors cut half of the figure. Accordion expand and get original garland. It can be hung on the Christmas tree, under the ceiling or curtains.

Another version of the paper garlands can be made from rings. For this we take colored paper packaging, color is better to choose bright, and it will cut into strips 1 cm wide. Then lubricate one end of the adhesive strip is pressed against one end to the other and we get the first ring. All other ring are made according to the same principle, only the paper strip is now inserted into the previous ring and is also attached with glue.

Beautiful snowflakes on New Year 2015

From plain white paper, you can make beautiful snowflakes and decorate their window. Take a sheet of paper, we bend it diagonally and get a triangle, the debris cut off with scissors.

The resulting triangle to bend double, and too small triangle next bend in half, cut the excess paper and cut a variety of patterns. This can be triangles, circles, squares and strips. Expand. Snowflake ready.

How nice to decorate the house of fir cones

For decorations from fir cones we need: bright acrylic paints, brush and a small bow. Take the cone and draw on it the snow, you can also decorate it entirely.

When the paint is dry, stick the bow on top. Toy New Year 2015 ready. Toys can decorate the Christmas tree or put in a basket on the spruce branches, and put under the Christmas tree.

How to make a beautiful Christmas trees

Certainly in your home there are patches of cloth of different size (need about 20 units) of them received a beautiful Christmas trees. For this we take a wooden or metal spokes and secure it in the stand.

On the needle in turn will wear rags. To begin with the largest and the smallest finish. At the upper end of the spokes put a nice big beads, put it on the glue. Herringbone decorate with beads, ribbons and sequins.

Unusual candlestick own hands

Unusual candlestick can be made of an orange. To do this, cut the orange in half, peel and cut out windows (in the form of stars, month, moon). In the lower part of the small orange put a candle, and the candle on top of the cut out another circle to the heat output. Close orange, turning off the lights and enjoy the show.

Such original decoration for the New Year 2015 will help to create a home atmosphere of celebration and warmth. Family memories about these pre-holiday evenings will be enough for a whole year. And, you see, a very nice house to have things made by hand.

New Year 2015 greeting card with your own hands Christmas Wreath

 Making Christmas Cards

Despite the huge variety of ready implementation of the greeting card with the wishes for all occasions, made with his own card, much warmer and hope. And when they do not at the moment holiday season to try your hand and make a postcard with your own hands.

We offer you a master class on making a detailed description of Christmas cards Christmas wreath.

New Year 2015 greeting card with your own hands

For this to work you will need:

- White cardboard for the base card;

- Red paper;

- Ribbon;

- Beads;

- Scissors;

- Two-way surround a conventional adhesive tape;

- Glue "Moment"

Christmas handmade greeting master class

Christmas Wreath

For the basics of white cardboard card is needed, from which we cut out a rectangle 21h17, 5cm. Get the card folded 10, 5h17, 5.

From red paper cut a rectangle of 10h17 cm. Glue it to the base, using the double sided tape.

Of white cardboard cut out two pieces the size of 10h9 cm 2, 5x9 cm.

From red paper 9h8 cm and 2x8 cm.

Glue them together. Big - red box stuck on the white, small to do the same. Glue on the double sided tape.

Using a pattern of stars, print them on white paper and cut out.

Spread stars in a circle it will be Christmas wreath. Glue them on the double sided tape.

Several stars sticking adhesive tape on the volume to make wreaths surround view.

Tags on the item with wreath on the base card.

"Hung" wreath, this glue ribbon.

Tags on the bottom of the card - the basis for congratulation.

Print out greetings and sticking to the double sided tape.

Decorate it with asterisks.

Decorate wreath with red beads.

Glue it on the glue "Moment".

For this to be done easily, use the needle, put the beads on it, dipped in glue and wreath.

That's all, greetings for the New Year 2015 with their hands ready!
