New Year is a holiday, takes us back to childhood. Psychologists advise though occasionally forget about work worries, that we - the adults prudish bosses and subordinates workload, and a dip in childhood. A childhood - a fairy tale and play.
Here are the fun, fun contests, fun games for adults, or for the New Year corporate parties, descriptions of games that will help make the holiday fun and joyful. Do not forget to prepare the prizes to the winners of games and competitions.
Contests games for the new year
"I - Snake"
The participants stand in a circle. Someone chosen leader. He - the "head" of the snake. Pronouncing
"I - a snake. the snake, the snake ...
I crawl, crawl, crawl! "
it bypasses the circle on the inner side, stops at one player, and asks:
"Will you be my tail? "
Selected the "head" the player has to answer: "I want to! "Then the player creeps between the legs of the lead, takes him by the hand, goes beyond the circle of the" head "as a" snake ", pronouncing with the leading word. Thus, the "snake" crawls around, until everything will be "snake."
It also happens that a player says: "I do not want! ". Then "Snake" chorus (preferably very convincing tone) says: "And have! "- And" catches "the player against his will. If the parties are many, and the room is spacious enough, at the same time can create multiple "serpent", which is certainly not only save situation, but also add flavor.
Christmas games and contests for corporate parties
Racing on swabs
Races are held on the basis of the relay. Participants come together in two or three teams and are built into the columns of the line. At the end of the hall is held the second - "finish" line. Captain (preferably male) should be "saddled" mop smuggle her one remaining members of his team for the "finish" line. The winner is the team whose captain first of all perevёz.
As an option: one of the non-playing public can take on the role of the bookmaker. Spectators do on some command rates in the form of notes about the following lines: "Get up on a stool and read the verse from the school curriculum." Those whose bets lose, carry out tasks of the notes.
Funny game "Goats" for adults
In the center of the hall draw chalk two parallel strips, the distance between them is just over a meter. This so-called "wolf ambush." It will be "wolf" (it is desirable for this role to appoint a man). Wolf blindfolded.
Several participants - "goats" are placed at the end of the hall on the same side of the "moat" around each of them on a stool empty dish. At the opposite end of the room - a table that hosts the dish with fresh herbs (parsley, dill, basil, - anything).
At the command of "goats" have to run from his stool to the table, take a bunch of greens and mouth, moving it back across the ditch, put on a dish. And so long as the players do not outsource all the greens. At this time, "wolf" must touch catch "goats." That one he caught, remains with him "in the ditch." The winner is the "goat", which brought the most greenery in your dish.
"I walk on Africa"
Participants are standing in a circle, it is proposed to pull the note with the character, they should portray. One player (usually the culprit or celebration, or lead, or the most senior member of the party) goes on the inside, reciting lyrics:
"I walk on Africa.
What a beast, let me guess! "
At the word "guess" The leader points to the player next to which stood. Setting the player: pet show, using only plastic and facial expressions. To complete the created image can emit the characteristic sounds, but in any case not to utter a word. Setting Steering - guess who shows the player. If you guessed - the penalty a player - if not driving. The penalty can be anything from money to clothing items.
Competition for the best performance of Christmas songs
Such competition could pass as a traditional (each participant takes the microphone and sings), and not so ... there are several options. The most popular are:
- Perepevka between the two teams (to continue this team - a rival song, sing on stage, to sing in a certain letter, etc.);
- "Transparency" when the teams or participants perform Christmas songs, saying the only vowel sounds (for example, the song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" will be: [e-y-o-and-a-oh-oh-a-e y-a-a-a-a ...]);
- It is possible to perform the song "like a cat", "in-pig", ie promyaukat or grunted.
- Another version of the contest - in advance to prepare exciting and hilarious parodies of popular songs, songs of the so-called rework godu.Esli the new company has a creative, we can offer Choir Competition (ensembles, rock bands, etc.).
Participants join a team, come up with the name, image, pick a song and performance style, in short, using all available means, beat track.