How to make an angel costume for the new year 2015 with his own hands for girl

 angel costume for the new year

Do you want your child to look for the new year and his original costume was different from the others? Make him a suit with his hands. Angel costume is not too difficult to manufacture, does not require large material costs, but it can look really impressive and perfect for girls.

Consider two versions of children's New Year's suit.

In the first case, assume that you do not want to spend a dime on the suit and would like to do with improvised means. Angel costume even in this case, you can make a beautiful and memorable.

First, get the right color clothing: the best fit white dress or a blouse with a skirt. Surely your daughter in the wardrobe there is also white stockings and shoes. Half the battle is done, there was one small thing: make wings and a halo.

How to make angel wings for children's costume?

Wings cut from cardboard, feathers as they just draw (or you can gut the pillow), a halo - made of wire. Also, it does not interfere with the small rod which can be made of the same wire by wrapping it with foil.

To complete the image of an angel was, do not forget about the hair, curl your hair girl, because the delicate angels often depicted with curls. That's how you can make a cute angel costume with no cash outlay.

The second option - if you're willing to invest some money to make up the suit.

You can buy them in the store, in order to make the house suit with his hands. In this case, of course, the suit will look the most advantageous.

Selected fabric and sewing together his own costume, you will not only exercise in needlework, but also be sure that the suit will look exactly as you imagine.

Let's start with the dress for an angel

Go to any fabric store, please read the white fabric and choose the one that looks the most festive. Of course, this should not be a simple or knitted wool. Much more impressive look satin, silk, chiffon.

You can take two kinds of fabrics to create interesting combinations, such as organza or chiffon. You can also buy a few meters of white ribbons and lace, all this is quite expensive, but looks impressive and complements any suit.

Many patterns for the dresses you can find in the network, using them is not difficult, even if you've never encountered before sewing business. Most smart looks not normal straight dress and a dress with a skirt, a bundle, like a ballerina. You will spend the manufacture of such pay no more than one night, and your girl will be very grateful and proud that her mother is capable of much.

To create the wings, the most important accessory angel costume, use the wire frame. Pull him some white cloth, sew or glue to the base. How to make sure that the seams are not visible? To hide the seams decorate these places feathers or white fur. For those with fur or feathers decorate halo and wire rod.

See also Different costumes for the New Year for kids photo   and original dresses 2015

That's our costume angel ready for the new year 2015! Your girl can dress up an angel not only on New Year's carnival, but on a thematic photo session so your work with their hands will not go in vain. Costume angel always looks very touching, magical, good-naturedly.

Costume snowflakes New Year 2015 with his own hands for girl

 Costume snowflakes New Year 2014 with his own hands for girl

Meet the new 2014. How can you make a beautiful snowflake costume for a little girl with my own hands for a holiday at school or in kindergarten. Helpful tips and advice to help mothers and grandmothers.

Approaching the most well-liked holiday - New Year 2015 celebrations in the school and a matinee in kindergarten need to prepare in advance. For young fashionistas for decades it remained the most popular dress suit snowflakes. Grandma or Mom hardly deny yourself the pleasure to make suit for the girls with their hands. But how?

The costume is going to available household materials and does not require special skills of a tailor. A little patience and imagination, festive mood - and snowflake ready!

This costume - one of the most simple, basic requirements - elegance, splendor and beauty, the predominance of white and blue colored robes.

The upper part of the suit, bra

Instead, the cut bodice and cross-linked, you can use a white T-shirt, blouse, or a swimsuit. As it will be open only part of the T-shirts to the waist, and it is necessary to decorate their own hands. The breast is placed the picture of snowflakes.

Ways - great variety! From the applications for collar or starched cloth - to lurex embroidery and sequins "on the silver." You can paint with acrylic paints. If you are caught in the store for needlework small plastic snowflakes - buy and sew.

And you can just take a nice New Year's tinsel and sew in the form of one large snowflake on the upper part of the suit. Or alternatively, snowflakes decorate the entire suit different sizes, using tinsel, rain or ready applique.


You can tailor the skirt in two ways: Tatyanka (based on a cut - a rectangle) or Sun (based on a cut - circle). Ideally you should do three increases proportionately skirt, reinforced on one belt or elastic band at the waist.

Fabrics for the new year 2015 is used - different! Satin, lace, organgza. Each tissue has its own festive qualities: delicate, gloss, transparency, lightness.

Edge skirts can process piping, "zig-zag" with the line, just a "zig-zag", a strip of faux fur.

The main thing is that there is no congestion decor. The material used in the suit, should be as easy to use: no splits, the child does not scratch, does not restrict his movements.

The problem can be simplified by taking pieces of tulle and to impose a pre-crosslinked rubber band on the waistline. We obtain a simplified version of a ballerina tutu. It looks very nice, but is rarely used.

The decoration of the skirt using the same decor as the bodice. It is important to keep the harmony. It is not just a festive costume for the new year 2015 - is the formation of flavor girl.

See also Different costumes for the New Year for kids photo   and Beautiful dresses


"Flashlight" - a sleeve made from the remnants of fabric for the skirt. Cut out two rectangles of 15 x 50 cm wide edge podgibayutsya on both sides, they weed out two rubber bands, and fastened on his hands before a matinee.

As a headdress for girls crown made of cardboard, decorated rim or cap, tied a beautiful bow.

The bright tights and slippers is best to decorate.

That suit snowflakes with their hands and ready! Happy New 2015!

The scenario of the New Year in 2015 for the celebration

 The scenario of the New Year

Fun script for parties, fun holiday for the New Year 2015 is perfect for us adults, or for students and youth. Funny contests, cool horoscope by zodiac, interesting quizzes, puzzles, poems and greetings, The Wizard of the predictions for the New Year offers a new scenario.

And once again away from us the old year. No matter where and with whom you will meet New Year everyone wants some special joy and fun. And no wonder - after all we are still waiting for a child a fairy tale on the eve of the holiday favorite.

What would a holiday leave an unforgettable impression, should be prepared in advance. Be sure to complete your room - this will give the appropriate mood.

Purchase gifts and prizes for contests, Christmas cards, as well as to all present women Snow Maidens caps or crowns and caps for men or Santa Claus red noses, or any other attributes of the New Year 2015, which will be handed out to visitors at the entrance. So, the guests gathered for the celebration, dressed up and sitting at the banquet table.

Lead scenarios:

I want to remember the good word

Already last year now

And though he was not so sensible -

Let the new better luck.

Let us remember all the good that has brought us to the outgoing 2014 and drink to him.

Guests drink, snack.



Let Santa Claus on New Year

You all bring gifts!

Let there will be more congratulations

And a lot of bright impressions!

Let year brings new hope!

Let all be better than it was before!

Let there be a lot of happiness

Love will let more in overnight!

Good, warm and positive sea!

Let life be beautiful and playful!

Let it be a place of magic and miracle!

And let sorrow will never be !!!

Puzzles for the New Year

While the guests were eating and drinking, the leader asks questions and suggests - with the number of letters is the answer. The winner of the - who gave the most correct answers first.

- Tree without leaves, which has a special purpose. 4 letters. (Christmas tree).

- What is the name the elderly man, dressed in the fashion of winter 2015? He is beloved grandfather of all children. 5 letters. (Frost).

- The name of the young photo models appearing on the winter holidays in the company of the young is not the sponsor. 10 letters. (Snow Maiden).

- Liquid that is taken orally in a state of great joy. Word iz10 letters. (Champagne).

- Food, having a temperature of winter, but are eaten in summer. 9 letters. (Ice cream).

Then the script everyone guests say a few toasts.

For example, here you can take funny toast the new year 2015.

Next leading invites all guests to dance.

All are in a big circle, and under the energetic music is passed around an object, such as a balloon.

The music stopped suddenly - who remains in the hands of the ball gets to the center of the circle. So we collect a certain number of people, depending on the size of the company. They take out a hat with a pre-written on the paper type desires: to portray the Christmas tree and sing some Christmas songs in a horse. After the fulfillment of desires, all participants will receive prizes.

After a break dance competition offers a leading scenario "cold breath."

Each player is given on the snowflake, cut out of construction paper. Snowflakes laid out on the table and everyone should blow off a snowflake on the floor on the opposite side of the table. The winner - whose last snowflake falls from the table, t. To. It is the cold breath and he was able to freeze the snowflake.

The contest "The most resourceful."

Take part in the competition the girls. Blindfolded participants need to find clothing standing in front of men Christmas toy. Who is the first to deal with the most resourceful job is announced and receives a prize.

Leading invites guests to drink to the New Year 2015 and says toast

New 2015 congratulations!

Happiness let enough at all!

To all of you I wish happiness,

Let around you will succeed!

After the feast offers the leading dance competition.

Select several couples. Provided each of the balloons that partners keep their heads while dancing. Dancing best some kids dance that everyone knows, like "Dancing ducklings." The winning couple to keep the ball longer than any hands-free while actively dancing.

The next competition in the script, "Bridge of Friendship".

We form two teams of all those present at the festival of the New Year 2015. Under the cheerful music players turns spread on the floor of the bridge of personal belongings: watches, belts, laces, etc. The winner is the team - the bridge, which is longer.

Wizard predictions

At some point, the magician appears at the festival - forewarned guest respectively dresses and goes out to all in a new guise. Well, if a suit laid out so that guests are not so easy to find a suit who is a magician. From the wizard each bag gets a note with the prediction (necessarily good) that is waiting for him in the new year. And receiving a Christmas gift.

Next, the script reads the lead for each of the guests cool horoscope for the zodiac signs for 2014. Pre can write all the horoscopes in the festive Christmas card and give them to after reading each of the guests.

Cool horoscope for the zodiac signs 2015

Important during the holiday time to announce a break in the dance marathon and promptly invite guests for New Year's table.

Happy holidays and a happy new year!
