Cool scenario a Christmas party for adults Desire

 Corporate New Year

Cool scenario celebration of Christmas party for adults, poetry, fun intellectual game, congratulations, Christmas gadalochka, humorous games and competitions with humor "Christmas Bazaar", "Battle of the Choirs"

Let your wishes come true!

Lead scenarios:

New Year - a holiday when everyone wants fun, joy, happiness and fulfillment of desires. And you know, if you desire a good, sincere, and not designed to help newcomers or Spiderman, it is actually feasible.

For the moment we are all united by one desire: to see this evening was truly festive and kind. And we can do it. Feel like a magician! Let's take a hands filled glasses, we say together: "Happy New Year! "- And here it is, miracle: a good mood now do not leave you until at least tomorrow morning!


On the eve of New Year made a good word to remember the outgoing year. There is a wish to say thank you to the old year? (makes it possible to express wish)

Seeing the old year,

Everyone let him pour

As a reward, as he wants,

However, please note that we

Ahead magic hour

Dreams, among other things.


Make a wish can be different. Many believe that the desire to reinforce the need of money. Let's see to what extent your desires will be feasible in the next year. In our Christmas gadalochke, as in life, it all depends on you. All wishing to make the airplane of any denomination. With the starting line start the airplanes. Whose will fly farther from the more chances next year.

(prizes will be awarded a loser).

Senior New Year's party:

And I propose to play the winner of the New Year's intellectual game "Who wants to be the best friend of Santa Claus."

Attention: 1. The question of the Russian homeland of Santa Claus is a city?

A) Great Luke.

B) The great flour.

C) The Great Iron.

D) Beliky Ustyug.

(Choose the correct answer)

Question 2: Who normally Father Christmas comes to the feast?

A) With the guards.

B) With friends.

C) with a lawyer.

D) with her granddaughter.

Question 3: How does Russia cause Santa Claus?

A) at telephone number 01.

B) 02.

C) 03.

D) Santa Claus, come to us!

I recommend to use a hint - helping spectators. Just suggest they have a chorus.

Consider that it was a rehearsal. Now we are ready to meet Santa Claus. Especially with us his best friend. (awards the prize)


Whatever we adults does not seem, in every living belief in Santa Claus. And, surprisingly, the older and more important we get, the easier it is to him dokrichatsya. That is, if a kid we called three times, now it is sufficient to ring, to prepay, to whisper: "Santa Claus! "- And he's already here. Hear, trampled under the door? Well, that whisper?

The script output a Christmas party Santa Claus.

Santa Claus:

Hey gay, honest people,

At the threshold of the New Year!

Let him come to you with the good

And with a smile in every home!

Let the health and success

The new year brings for everyone!


And that dream come true in the New Year,

We need to make a big dance!

(All the guests are in the dance around the Christmas tree)


Our Christmas trees, of course, magic. And if you touch its thorns and make a wish, it will certainly be fulfilled.


But my desire - to see you all in a good mood. Therefore I propose to arrange for our Christmas party for adults Competition "Christmas Bazaar". We all love to decorate the Christmas tree, and now I suggest sitting at the tables for a short time to become a team of designers who will decorate the Christmas tree using what is at hand. On the role of Christmas trees, select the most beautiful man at your table.

(Results of the contest brings Maiden).

Next dance unit with the award nominations: best dancer, best couple, friendly company, etc.). To prepare awarding prizes, souvenirs, medals or diplomas.


You dance - be healthy!

And who is willing to fight choirs?

Let's check out what table is the singing. I offer to hold a contest "Battle of the choirs." Topics - "Winter", "New Year." Companies in turn, perform one verse and chorus of winter songs. (awarded to the best teams and all.)

Santa Claus:

In the New Year we decided to make gifts. I have a present here in this box. And it will get someone who will guess what it is.

(The audience asked questions to be answered "yes" or "no." For example: "This is round?", "Is this edible?", Etc. Guess receives a gift.)

Santa Claus:

Not all have received gifts today

But it's still ahead.

And each gift your Christmas

Under elkoyu can find!


Treasured your desires

Let them be fulfilled in the New Year.

And certainly your happiness

Each of you will find.

Let the difficult tasks

You solved soon,

Suppose you get lucky,

And everything in life is going to be about Kay!


Before the New Year did not have much time. Let's take it so that it is remembered for a long time!

The scenario a Christmas party for adults dance unit and festive meal.

Written by Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya

New Year how to lose weight without dieting to 7 kg, a plan of action

 Lose weight without dieting for the New Year

Before New 2015 only a few months, you want to show off in front of all slender figure in her favorite or a new dress? Our tips and a plan of action just in handy for women who want to lose weight properly to the new year and to lose 7 kg.

Tested on personal experience! So we break it down.

New Year to lose weight without dieting

• To start, you need to figure out what is best for you - a special diet, or simply restrictions on food. This factor depends on the level of employment rights. For example, very difficult to have a straight from the tin while the steam burgers or salad in complete tranquility.

But small food restrictions here are just out of place. A person with normal weight need to eat a day 2000-2500 kcal. But during a slimming figure is limited to 1500-1800 kcal.

If you are fully prepared to devote time to his beloved, it's best to visit a nutritionist for the selection of the special menu. The main rule - do not try to imagine everything. After the end of the test weight can not only leave, but add at the same time greatly damaging the body.

• How do without sports! Eating a meal, and it is necessary to consolidate the results. The system of exercises should be selected on the basis of their own forces, or take advice of coach in the gym. The second variant is naturally more secure. But stalking holidays, comes the total savings of time and money. So, long live sport home!

Start with a minimum in the morning and evening for 15-20 minutes. The exercises are done slowly, exerting maximum effort.

Action plan

Approximate program of "approach" looks like this:

- 10 sit-ups (hands behind his head)

- 15 tilts to the left and right sides (one hand on the belt, the second - is directed towards the slope, feet shoulder width apart) - 10 sit-ups (hands in front of him)

- 15 liftings of socks (hands up the whole body as it stretches towards the sun)

- 15 tilts forward and back (hold out your hands to the floor without bending the knees)

- 10 times the rock press - lifting dumbbells (15 times with each hand).

Exercises can vary depending on personal physical parameters, for example, if the main problem - the waist, and the emphasis is more on the press and the slopes.

How to lose weight for the new year is 7 kg

• Start a diary of beauty. Burn it all, what you have done today for myself, and then in the evening, analyze. For example, 30 minutes in the pool or sauna with friends - that's a plus, but the second cake in the cafe for the company - a big minus.

Thus, you will be able to find those gaps that are preventing you obtain the desired shape for the holidays, and completely remove them from your life.

• Laugh. During laughter you will not only prolong their lives, but also train the respiratory system, which contributes to weight loss.

• Love yourself! This is the last but most important rule. Imagine how you will look in that little blue dress that had seen in the store with a huge discount. And how will you admire the man!

Personal experience

If every morning starts with myself, "what I am ugly, scary face, a terrible figure, the character is even worse," you can not expect results. You just drop your self-esteem, and they lose the necessary grain of confidence on the path to perfection.

But if getting out of bed, you enjoy the sun, you say, what you are beautiful, that you all love, but you need to reset the whole couple of kilos to become even more beautiful, you just can not get enough of success: the extra weight will melt right before our eyes!

And remember: no pills, no witches, and in this case the operation will not help. Detox, compliance with diet, sports and full life - this is the secret of perfection.

P.S. All tips are checked on his beloved. Result: 2, 5 months - minus 7 kg.

And then the New Year 2015 will bring joy and confidence, with the coming!
