New Year's make-up, the Goats fashion trends

 Christmas Makeover

On the street in December, which means that the New Year is about to knock at our door. For us women, this festival brings new hopes and dreams, dreams and faith in a fairy tale, which will come true.

Who of us does not want this night to be a charming, bright and a little magic. New Year's Eve, do not leave us a choice, and we are pleased to give preference to the shimmering, shiny and bright accessories, shoes, clothes and of course makeup.

Magic Makeup

Remember that the right makeup, capable of miracles, namely enlarges eyes betray your lips breathtaking shine, highlights your brows and so on. Our way of style and create small parts make up - one of them, he emphasizes traits and dignity.

Of course, New Year's make-up should match the coming year, namely, the Blue Goat. It is about fashion trends in New Year's make-up, and we will try to understand.

Let's start with the simplest and win-win, it's natural style. A big plus is that it is suitable to all without exception, and require little time.

For him, you will need a minimum of makeup, namely tonal foundation or powder to hide the irregularities of the skin, ink, for a small accent eye pencil to highlight the eyebrows and lip gloss ... voila, your makeup done.

We encourage you to see photo Christmas Makeover

The main credo of every make-up - a focus on the eyes or lips. Never make a vivid and even more - it will look vulgar and tasteless.

To begin with you need to make any application tonal framework. Ideal would be if you select a tool in the color tone of the face, it will maintain leather.

So, focus on the eye make-up in the New Year

We will prefer the classics, the so-called smoky makeup. It runs under any and all colors: gray, blue, black, green, emerald, purple and so on.

But as we all Goat - still blue, and therefore better to choose the shade closest to the range of colors. Of course, you can use the element of the coming year - a tree, then your makeup will prevail brown and beige shades.

Smoky makeup

The secret smoky makeup lies in the fact that the color is more intense near the lash line and closer to the pale eyebrows.

To give the look of sensuality, and to emphasize the depth of the eyes, you can use the contour pencil.

However, if you have fair skin and light eyes, do not take the coal - black pencil, since you will have shading weary look. It is best to choose shades of brown pencils, it will give your natural way of the New Year.

Eyelashes - your expressive eyes

Do not forget about the lashes, they make your eyes look more expressive and crisp. Here you will be the carcass of modern manufacturers that lengthen lashes at times.

By the way, if before using mascara cilia handle powder, then they will be more fluffy. You can also use false cilia, they are perfectly adjusted shape of the eye and facial expression.

Properly chosen blusher

Do not forget about such detail as the cheekbones, the correct application selected and blush, make your face more crisp.

It is also necessary to emphasize the eyebrows, the shape of them must be accurate and clearly marked, color should not be much darker than your hair color, if your New Year will be the most natural way.

Lipstick makeup

And finally, let's talk about lipstick. Since we chose smoky eye makeup, our lipstick should be transparent or pastel tones.

And remember that you will feel like a queen, if you will be irresistible and desirable in the eyes of his beloved.

So let's make a stunning gift, his soul mate, to our beauty from their breath away. And the fashion trends of the year to help you make a bright and magical Christmas makeover.

The original table on New Year of the Goat, decoration and serving

 Christmas table

New Year - a holiday on which expect magic and wish fulfillment. Create a story for yourself and your guests, you can yourself. It's no secret that New Year's taken to meet at a table full of delicious and varied dishes. But do not dwell only on the decoration of meals, start to make the winter holiday spirit into your home an original serving of the table.

How to make an original table on New Year's goats

The table in this New Year should be large, because the horse prefers freedom, and any constraint it does not have to taste. The coming year - the year of the blue goat, so when you make a festive table, use the following colors: purple, dark blue, light blue and dark blue.

Spread a few tablecloths of different shapes and sizes. As a basis, take the dark cloth, and on top of the cloth with gold or silver design that will add festivity and solemnity.

Goat enjoy the elegance and smooth transitions, so the chair covers, napkins and utensils should be designed in one style, and match the color. Furthermore paper napkins, place on the table beautiful decorative napkins.

If paper towels are used for their intended purpose, it will add a decorative atmosphere. It would be better if the napkins will be the symbol of the New Year. Cloth can be rolled up straw, wrap in gold or blue ribbon and put on a plate snack.

Fairy tableware

Plates should be placed at an equal distance. Fast dish set in the dining room. It is better to be looked plain plates. Cutlery may be slightly gilded or silvered, the goat will have to taste it.

Perfectly complement the table decoration candles. The main thing to remember when choosing a candle - lack of odor. The rest of you can act freely. You can select the white candles and entwine their serpentine color, and you can give your preference for colored candles and gold ribbon to tie them on the bow.

Table decoration for the New Year of the Goat

Perfect as a decoration small wax candles, which can be positioned near the plates of each guest. Since the goat we still blue or purple, so will look good blue or purple candle holders or stands.

Well, how in the new year to do without the beautiful Christmas tree. The board can also be put spruce bouquets. In order to leave this festive bunch, take a few fir twigs and tie them with silk ribbon. Place the line between the plates of guests. For a bright accent can be sprinkled with sequins or twigs to throw them a few bright round berries.

And you can make a whole song that you put in the center of the table. To start pick up ground. They can serve as a wooden cross or a sponge. Insert it harvested twigs and connect them by a thin wire. Next put cones or Christmas balls. With such an unusual decoration in your home smell will penetrate the New Year.

Rejoice yourself and your family a cozy and festive atmosphere. Give all extraordinary and unforgettable experience. Such a fabulous New Year's table like the original and visitors, and a goat.

Happy New Year!

Signs of the New Year horse for good luck and happiness

 Signs of the New Year

Do you want to be the next new year for you was successful, and successful money? This is only possible under certain signs. The coming year will be a blue horse, which means it will be difficult and unstable. Change the situation can be if you know how to "appease" the symbol of the New Year - the horse.

Signs and traditions originate from ancient times. They were venerated for centuries, respected and preserved until today without losing its value. Since the New Year is considered the calendar year of the blue horse. This year will require wise and informed decisions, and will not tolerate aggression. Compliance with certain will will make the upcoming year a successful and plentiful.

Signs of the new year of success and good fortune

Keep in mind that blue horse prefers abundance and generosity. Accordingly, the festive table must literally "fall" in the abundance of food and snacks. It is not necessary to save the day in this, then the whole year will be money.

If you for whatever reason, is a debtor, in any case not in a hurry to return the money on a holiday. Otherwise the whole year may be penniless. For this reason, it should not be in this day and borrow from anyone money.

If you want to get to the New Year it was successful for you in all the years that you need to meet the new clothes. It can be any never Wearing thing: a dress, shirt, socks or underwear. The main thing that was new clothes, then good luck to you will not be hidden!

On the eve of the New Year is to think about their actions committed. If you are someone offended by their actions or words, then it is time to ask for forgiveness for all. Then you enter the New Year with a "pure" soul, and the whole year will be lucky.

Do not forget about the festive atmosphere in the house. The house must be decorated. Since the sign of the New Year is the horse, the decoration of the house must be present different "horse" motives to "appease" the horse. It may be statues, paintings, figurines of horses, and of course, horseshoe.

Signs of the New Year horse for good luck and happiness

New Year's Eve to give gifts. It is better if they would take the form of a blue horse. The gift does not have to be the purchased. You can make your own hands a souvenir of plastic, paper or other materials available. Make a figure of the horse is not difficult. The main thing - "invest" in the present his soul.

Of great importance for the New Year has a range of colors. Blue wooden horse loves blue, blue, green, and of course, black and brown. Do not forget about this when choosing clothes for the festive table decorations, gifts.

Since blue horse is characterized by volatility, instability and unexpected changes, it is necessary to be careful, cautious and circumspect. Better to think things through and plan. Excellent assistant in is patience, endurance, and wisdom.

To The coming year has been successful and enjoyable holiday is to spend the eve of spring cleaning. It is not necessary to store unneeded items: old clothes, battered dishes, etc. In the New Year is to enter new hopes for change for the better. However, January 1 should refrain from cleaning the house. Otherwise the whole year will result in various difficulties.

If you want to have turned the New Year to you luck and happiness, then it must meet, respectively: joy, with abundance, with a small change in their pockets.
