Cheerful scenario for the New Year 2015 for high school students at school

 Script New Year

An interesting scenario is unique in the New Year's holiday, contests, poetry, greetings, games, songs for the students of the middle and upper classes.

New Veselukha


Hi guys!!! All people like to celebrate the New Year, and seniors in particular. Here we have gathered on this subject in the school. After all, on the threshold of a long-awaited New Year 2015. This is the period when the air magic reigns, all my dreams fulfilled.

We are waiting for the best new gifts and happy life. Soon to us on holiday must come from Santa Claus. And here they are. Let them meet with applause!

Santa Claus.

Santa Claus in a hurry for the kids,

To a sleepy little kid,

He presents them bears

In this bright new year!

I'm probably too late?


No, my grandfather, was not late. Our holiday at the school had just begun. And where's your Maiden?

Santa Claus.

Yes, always. While the make up, pricheshet and time to melt the snow.

Snow Maiden.

Yes, I am here, my grandfather. What are you grumbling again not the case. Am I too late?


You're on time! Well, once everything is in place, we will begin Veselukha?

Santa Claus.

I'm all for it!!! Just a tree? Why so dull? Maiden, help light the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden.

That is no problem, Grandpa! Although I think that the guys with it themselves able to cope. And children? Light the tree normal rhyme. Thus, not only tree on fire, but also the grandfather was glad.

(Children tell poem about Christmas tree. Christmas tree lights up. It sounds cheerful music)


Well done, guys high school students! Well the first contest in the school "New Year's suit." Please guys be around the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus.

I see you very well tried. Suits just shine. But most of all he worked, maybe ...

(Santa Claus chooses the best costume). Get your reward!

Contest for high school students

Snow Maiden.

Well, now dancing to warm up. But not just dance, and dancing back to back. Kindly choose 5 pairs for the competition. Become necks to each other and dance.

(Waltz, rock and roll, square dance, Sambo. Santa Claus selects the best pair)

Leading the script.

Well done boys! And now the next contest New year 2015 and the name of his "freeze breath".

Please come out a few people. On the other hand on your desk is a big snowflake. It needs to blow away in the opposite direction. Ready! Start!

Santa Claus.

And the winner is not the one who blew the 1st snowflake, and the one who did it last. After all, his freezing breath.

Snow Maiden.

Here Veselukha! The next competition in the school "New Year a happy song." I ask members to leave me. (For the need to put bottles and distributed to participants on a spoon. In turn children perform invented tune into bottles. The winner chooses the Santa Claus).


Good! Still not tired?

The next competition "Find Me."

For the competition caused by the girls. Listen to the task: we will be tying up your eyes. On the other hand you will be a boy, his clothes hidden toy for Christmas trees. It is necessary to find. Get started!

Santa Claus.

And now I want to hear you sing. Each of you knows the song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree." It must be executed in different styles.

(Rap, marching songs, performed by a foreigner).

Well done guys, high school students! However, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden.

True, Grandpa! But do not relax, and let us continue our games. Next Game "Tomato."

2 to conduct the necessary rights. You get to face each other on opposite sides of your stools. I lay on a stool banknotes and to tie your eyes. You must who had put his hand on the bill. New Year 2015 Award - won bill.

(Once bandaged eyes will need to replace the notes on the tomatoes).

Leading the script.

Do you like our contests? Then let's continue.

The next competition, "crumpled paper".

Before you lies the newspaper. On my command, you take it and try to fully assemble it into a fist. The winner of the one who first cope with the task.

Santa Claus.

The final date contest called "Gifts". I know that you have prepared me gifts the New Year 2014. Looking want to see.

(Some of the participants or group of participants should prepare in advance a dance, a song, a poem, and so on. N.)

Santa Claus.

Well done boys! Leading.


Happy New Year! With new hopes!

With new happiness! With the new magic!

Will let boundless love always!

Be you ever now as a deity!

Snow sweeps let adversity!

On a white sheet, start the new year ...

Let the dance of whirling snowflakes

Protecting you from adversity!

Let there be a lot of happy dating!

Let it be better than in the bygone year!

Let there be less frustrating

Let the cold will take away from you trouble !!!


And now, we bid you farewell until next year.

Thank you for such a celebration in the school!

Happy New Year!

And may you never let good fortune and luck!

The menu for New Year's table that is in the New Year 2015

 The menu for New Year's table

Manageress 2015 - Goat, is waiting for us to enlightenment in deciding the menu for New Year's table. What can we offer to meet all of your favorite holiday? Herbivores good, but the one on her New Year is not enough. After all, why would you all New Year's Eve there are spinach and lettuce. Therefore, let all your dishes on the menu will be considered. And whether they will include meat and milk - you decide for yourself.

You can be prepared, for example, rabbit.

To do this, it must be cut into small pieces, spassiruyte fresh tomatoes in a pan, before it cut them into pieces. Following this ship into a mixture of orange, cut into 4 pieces, sprinkle everything with pepper and spices, flavored with oil and garlic and simmer all for 10 minutes, after which the mixture was poured vinegar, add the rabbit put on a slow fire, and tormented about an hour. Before you as a result there is very fashionable dish. We hope it will assess the Goat.

Suitable as an alternative, for example, lasagne.

To prepare the lasagna advise fry in a pan minced meat, salt the it and throw a little spice to it. Then chopped bell pepper strips, tomatoes and onions, and garlic. The mixture is lightly fried, then add 100 grams of wine and simmer for 3 minutes.

Further, preparing béchamel sauce, the recipe can be found on any cooking site.

Classic white bechamel sauce ready to forgive: in a small saucepan melt the needed 30 grams of fresh butter, add just two tablespoons of flour and fry, stirring occasionally, for about two or three minutes. Add 600 ml of milk, mixing thoroughly that the sauce did not appear lumps little salt the, reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, about 40 minutes followed by strain the sauce into a clean skillet, add pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.

Then takes the shape of the baking pan and cook your own lasagna, first put a thin layer of pita bread, then fried minced meat sauce, then again a layer of pita, and so on. On top of the dish filled with the prepared sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake lasagna need 40-60 minutes at a temperature of about 180 ° C, until golden brown beautiful.

The horse likes to eat hay and grass, cabbage, apples, and sometimes carrots. So you can, for example, to the table to cook baked apples or a salad with carrots Christmas. He is beautiful and useful. It includes garlic, processed cheese, lemon juice, carrots, mayonnaise.

We will offer you another meal New Year's menu - a duck with apples.

The most famous dish in certain circles. There are many recipes for its preparation. Its baked with apples, oranges, plums, cabbage (ah, the cabbage!). You can put out the weft and not bake it in the oven.

For the filling of duck for the new year 2015, you can choose what you like. Any filling suit you most like to eat. But remember, before you cook a duck, it must be a good pickle.

For the marinade is suitable pepper and salt, soy sauce, tasty wine vinegar, etc.

You can prepare for the New Year's table and something spicy. For example, with the inclusion of the dishes dry sausage, fresh cucumbers, ham.

Though Green Horse and wood, not water, after all fish dishes are appropriate to your holiday table. Seafood salads, sandwiches salted caviar, red fish, other snacks are not canceled.

Do not forget that in the New Year's menu to include and snacks, and hot, the second dish. Drinks can be very diverse, as long as they were tasty and elegant. And then do not forget that friends come to visit, not only to eat hearty, and they are just interested in your business is important.

Successful New Year 2015!
