New Year - the most favorite winter holiday for all adults and children. In anticipation of this happy event people take stock of the past year, plans for the future in 2015, and think how to make happy your loved ones. An excellent idea to congratulate the original native people and colleagues is the wall newspaper, made their own hands.
The main advantage of the wall newspaper for the New Year is that it can make details and interesting greetings to specific people. This unique creation is bright and beautiful and sure to please long be remembered for those who did.
For simple wall newspapers need:
Whatman size A3 or A2;
Pencils, paint or markers;
Scissors and glue to create applications;
bright pictures on the new year;
How to make a wall newspaper for couples
Wall newspaper called "Thank the outgoing and welcome the New Year!" Can be divided into two sections.
In the first of them to make a collage of photos of pleasant events of the past year (travel, holidays, dating, new acquisitions, and others), and the second stick or draw symbols of what is dreamed in the future (child, car, house, new countries and the like).
You can also do the empty frames, in which each of the spouses to write gratitude and congratulations.
Such a creature with his own hands will be a nice gift for couples, it can hang the entire year and inspire to achieve their goals.
How to make a wall newspaper for families with young children from 3 to 10 years
For children can come up with many ideas, including puzzles, crosswords, puzzles, razukrashki and more on the new year.
For example, in the wall newspaper in 2015 can be placed on the mysteries of the New Year's symbol, winter, tree and others to draw the outlines of the New Year of the beast, snowmen and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, and specially glued pockets to insert markers. The interactive wall newspaper is very like a small family and they will be happy to perform the task.
More best solution would be the joint work of parents and children. In the children's imagination, a lot of creative ideas that are so nice to embody. Creating a common wall newspaper and still delight the whole family to get closer.
How to make a wall newspaper for a family with older children
New Year - a family holiday, but when children grow up, they often begin to move away from this tradition, it is clear - in the near future they themselves will acquire their own family, but while they celebrate this New Year 2015 with my parents let Christmas wall newspaper will be another symbol dear why at home.
You can make a beautiful and colorful wall newspaper with Christmas pictures, write a general greeting, as well as come up with the individual wishes of each and put into special envelopes that will "hold" painted snowmen.
This cute gift made by your own hands, will forever be remembered as an expression of family love.
How to make a wall newspaper for corporate colleagues
The wall newspaper for a small team, you can write a headline with the name of the company ("Happy New Year" ... "), to make a general greeting, to portray the Christmas tree in Christmas balls with photos of employees and individuals with a face Santa Claus director. The main thing to choose a great photo and correct their location.
This laid-back please greeting colleagues and rally the team.
Create a wall newspaper combines pleasure with even more pleasant - a manifestation of his imagination and gives joy for the new year 2015 to those for whom it's all done by hand.